Jack in the Box/PP-CS000216 (2)02/16/00 08:24 FAX 9402708201 C P ENGINEERING Subdivision Application City of Copp~n Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75219 Phone: (972) 304-3678 Fax: (972) 304-3570 i Pr¢l'mninary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat (4 lots or leas on existing stree0 R~lat Minor Amending Plat (4 lots or less) Note: Applications are aeeeptod for submittal prior to the fding ~date. The fling date dual be wmctly 29 days prior to the date of the Planning and Zotdttg Comml$~n me~ing at wldeh the applieations will !~ Filing Date: ~,~'/,~./'~, Address: 3 7.e / .5'~G,.~- n ,,.e'o~. ,( Telephone Nnmber: z./~.--_¢'2~-_~,,'/ Fax Number: Address: , , :I' C'~ / .,tr.,,Z/ .z/ 8 /': 5".. 70,~ Telephone Number: ~o-.x~r~ --az.// Fax Number: 9':~'~-~7~-~'z~'~' All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Name: .~a,~e,e~ ~ Address: .~.f-Of .~./e~ .2.-/~/_....c~,-',,4, 7-.r' Fax Number: Telephone Nnmher: :~:r~-egT~-~'~-,'( General Location of Property: Present Zoning: ~-,~'" Proposed Subdivision Contains: Single Faun, Tovmhouae Rgtail E)uplex Light Indus~ Mulfi-F~y Mobile Ho~ "' ~pl~ Owner's Signature: