Lake Park/FP-DR 900329 (2)DRC DATE: REVIEW OF~ CITY OF COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION BY: Shore Daneshma_Dd, Phone .~ 462-8495 FINAL PLAT AND PLANS: i) 2) 3) 5) 6) 7) Please make the following additions and/or corrections on final plat as marked: - Name of the p~oposed subdivision must be consistent On the plat and all pages of the construction plans, etc. - Location . . . Width . . . and the name of all eXisting .or recorded streets intersecting the boundarY of the '/ tract. . - Delineate the existing and proposed zoning of the site .--'"and the surrounding properties. The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use with the purpose indicated ....there on. Fire lanes must be shown on final plats. ~ Certification by a registered Public Surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him. Delineate utility signature block on the final plat. Per FlOodPlain Management'Ordinance #87390 (Art. 5, Sec. C, Item 4, Page 34), all subdivision proposals must have the following note placed on the preliminary and final plats~ "Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with 'the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator, on ., 19 ." (Floodplain Administrator) No Comment. Page 1/3 (Date) 1) 2) 3') 4) 6) 7) The following information, as marked, is required to be contained in the final construction plans of 'the above pro~.ect z ~ Provide final construction plans, simultaneously 'with final plat submittal. Fi2al ~plans--must__.haVe_.a__.eeve~ sheet, detailed design plano f~'hd standard detail~hee~s.-.. - A cover sheet, for final construc{~--~-I~-fi's-"S~'ll include the following ~ * Name of the project * Owner's name and address * Engineer,s name and address *.-~ Architect's name and address *i. %Vicinity map //~Index last, covering all pages included in the set ~/e~ta~22n ~iPnPar~ v aclo i~rr.~,gc' ~.aiPohn" ' p ~ ~ ~ s a tsthaaclh~ ~ - contain the following z * All requiredl street paving plans and profile sheets. * .Ail required storm drainage plans and profile sheets. * Ali. required alley paving plans and profile sheets. * A complete and accurate drai. nage area map and detail grading plan. * All required letters of permision from adjacent property owners. * All requ'[.red water and sewer engineering plans. - /Provide barricading plans. ~/ Provide trench safety, sealed by a registered engineer in the .State of Texas. Delineate proposed and existing water distribution system and pipe sizes. De].ineate proposed and existing sewage collection system and pipe sizes ' Provide a Drainage Area Map covering two parts: a) show On-si. re Drainage Map, on a scale of 1" = 20', 40'. 50' etc. . . ' with ali. details as required in the Subdivision Ordinance; b) show 'the Off-site Drainage Map, on a scale 1" = 100'. 200 ' , etc , ~ · ' ' · · · Del:,.neate the project's boundary on it,:~plus the less de ' · raj.].ed drainage sys'te,l!, to (:].early demonstrate the affect of such activitJ, es, drainage outfal].s, on the adjacent properties and the Drainage Master Plan. ' 9) ~/ all storm sewer systems must be designed for 100-year design frequency. Technical Paper 40 should be used to compute rainfall intensities, as per the Subdivision Ordinance, (Appendix "A", Page 30). 10) - Show the hydraulic calculations for each portion of the ............... /storm system ~n the Profile, such as pipe size, Q100 ---~.~/~ (cfs), Qc (cfs), S, v (FPS) etc. . . ~"~) ~ / All lots within or adjacent to / / .... · 3 -ne 100-year Floodplain [ // sna±l nave the lowest floor elevation for each building ~ ~ site shown on the site grading plans. ~_ ~2') A permanent bench mark must'be ~' - ~ established with in a subdivision development, see attached Floodplain Development checklist. 1.3 ) l?) - ~Each sheet of 'the plans shall contain a title block and /~ consistent page numbers. Ail appropriat!e fees as per'subdivision ordinance must ~'paid. ~// Delineate a Revision block on each sheet. Revision dates must be shown on each sheet with Engineer's initials next to them. Ail above comments must be addressed, prior to Staff's recommendation for approval of the final plat and plans. Provide a written response on all comments with explanations provided on items not addressed as requested above. DRC/COMMENTS/ENG/FINAL SD/bb Page 3/3 PLAbi APPg, OVAL 'PAI~AGg, APII For C,b't'~ I'M.qirtee,r RE: Plan~ P~tepc~ted by RI".: Speod. fi.i. cct.ti, or~z P~te. pctited by P. ons.'L,,.w,t.i, on Plans and Spe. e.i.[~.i, en.td, ons t-:[~ {~ ~.~5't;i. ve. &'ute F. s p.iytct,Li, o r~ d ct;~.e. ~ The. above ,&ien:t:.i.~ied plan,.~ and spc;ed.(~icxt.'t;i, on~., have b~:ert /t.e. viewe, d ctnd eor~;ttted. ~ ctpp/tov&L o~ ;the eoncep:C ~o/t ~l't2 cor~s.'~at.,~Laon dt~l:c~Lt'~, off .the. p/topos~d Y~ifln Enflintt~t ~/tom L~ab. LLG'Q/ got ,'(:he ctd~quaey og ,Cite. d~iort noir ~/tom .8,Lab.LLCtq ca, ecL bu oa. a~i. ng ~;tom :rite cor~.'(~tucs'~ort o~ .i. mprovemen:~ c~ provided in ,the above spe~fiied doeume~'~, The. ,i. ssuctno..e, o{~ ;t:h.iA appa.ova.8o c.[o¢!¢., no2: atvthottd, ze. con,~,.'tytuc.'LLon, wh.i.c:h c. onA.'tytue:Li, on. sha. LP_ no;t: p~toceed un;LUL .'die. (~unl:Jt. hms e~{~ee, l:ecl, eomp. Li. ctnce, w.L'l:l't ct. El'. ottteyt app. Li. cablt: p/tovia.i, ons o~, .the MumLe, i. pc~. Code off d:he C.Lty o~ CoppeL('., 'Fc,..~cts arid o. omp. Liance 0{~ ~l~fl~ O.'(~lt(gt S.tCbt~~. S.'Ca:~t:u.teS, and /ttgulcuto~ty /t.e. qtu&tgme, r~'t'A ctpp. LLeab. L'.c,. ;Co ,the dmp~touemen;t.'z, /~pee. i[~ied irt ;Ct're. id.c,..n.'t~L{~ie.d doo_ume, n.'~, ine. r. udir~g eompl~'C.Lort o(~ ct~l.y crud. &L~. /ce. ct~.Ottmeru'L4 o~ ;t:he Ci.'Qt o{~ Copp,cLf., 'l'e.~c~ /~gqu.i~.Ln.g arty ctp/gAovad: off 2:he. P.t. armd. ng anti. '/.ord. ng Comm.&,siort and C.i, ty Cottnc.(~f. }'ga!/me. rl.'C 0[~ c;l'..f. {~e¢,./,, po,.~;t;i, nfl o{~ a.f.g bonds ctrtc( ,(:l'te. rt ,.~e. cu/~,i, nfl an "App/e. ova.l'..(:o I.'/e. ot:~:e.d" [~/~.om .'l:ht'. C.Lty Any ehanfle.6 mt~.t be applt.ovecL by .the app/t, op~t,i, cv't.e. ~te. gudSc~ory agent, i.e,4 c~ we,L['. c~ ,the. ~,L'Qt Enfline~t. A~.tcq~..tim Pevc~Lop~t'~ 'Dc~,.i. gn Enfjine.(,~ app/tove~ ,'t:he. change, ;dr2 C.&~q's c~signed Engin. e~Lrtg ]nspeo~to/t sh.c~f.6 be conz.ttff,'t:ed who w.~ ~Lth~t app/tovc and/o~c seewte 'appytouccg ~.om 2:h2 C.L't:y /Ensine~t, &t which · ~e ct ~upp. geme. n.~&~ plcm ctpp/toue, cL wiLL be ccfi~i~ecL .~c, :dm cqgpaou2d, plar~5, and ;~e~e;~e. aeed ,~n ct supp.~.eme, n,tc~t, ctpprovcut..~.e,'t, tc,~. by :the O.L't:(i Erqj.i. ne.e;c, A.L~ ;cc~v.i~iom~ ~gLLf. b~ irt6~.ttdc~.d in ,'OtL "As-Bt~LtSU~ plan~, .to b~ su.bm.L'G'f:~d 30 days a~.'(:~, subs.t:an. Li.a.f. eompl~b~on o~ cell. pub.bLe .(.mproveme. g'~. C'ITV ENG'INEER DA*FF. FLCOODI~I.,AIN 1.31~,VEI.OI~M l'{b/T CHECKI,IST The following Items represen[ a brief outline of items required by the City of COl)pail In order to develop in n floodplnin. References are tnken from Ordinance B7390. Reference Item Art. 4C-2 All mo(leis must refer to tl'~e 2 yr, 100 yr existin?, 1.00 yr ultimate, anti low flow. Art, 4 C- 7.(a) Art. 4C-2(b) Art. ,IC-2(c) Art. 4C-2(e) Lowe,';t floor mu:;t lm biff, her than BFE + 2' and tO0 yr (UI.T,) + 1'. Existing and fully developed 100-year floodplain must be delinented, Oetarmlne flood storage los:; data. Flood levels caused by the developrnenc plus any anticipated future developments must be less than the 100 yr (ULT) and the tOlJ0 PIS [~1:E -~- 1', Art. 4C-2(f) Art. ,IC-2(g) Art. 5B-I,2 Art. Art. Art. 5C-5 Art. 5C-6 Any changes in the floodplain must be submitted to FEMA according to their p,'ocedures. Must show evidence of all nc:ccssary permits; Local, State and Fcdernl. I'".levntion of lowest floor of :;hnllnw floodinL, area:; taunt Im greater than hlllhe:;t ndjnccnt grade .i- 2' or tit(; ntruc'.t'urc mu~t be flood pre, teated. All work must be certified by a P.E. or R.P.8. The followlnl.,, :H)eclal nail: must be inch, led on the pla~ "Floodplain Development Permit Application Nn..~ hn:; bet:il ftlr:d with tile ~Clty of Col)pall [:toodplaln Administrator on , 19 , FloOdl)lain Administrator Daft:. - Boundry's of Floodplain ;ll~{.I floodway mu~ be shown on pl;~<~;. Lowe-,:t floor .elevation:; for e. ach. lot rnu:;t bcs, hown on si~e f.,,radiil[~ plan. Art. 5C-7 A pt:rfni:n(:tlt bench m;trk must bt: c:;c::bllsh(:d within ;t ':ul)dlyi.,;ion development, Art. 5C-8 · 'A followlnl| special note must I)e included on the plat, ."'?he deveio, per,. builder, seller or agent shall inform in sVrltlng, each ~'prospective buye'r of.subdiv.isl66 lots'or property Iocff~'effhvlthi~ specinl flood haznrd area. s of this sl~e that such property is Id an identified flood hjlzard area and thiil' ;ill dcw~:lopment lnust conform to the provisions of "the 'City of Coppell l;IoodplaHi Mallagelnellt' Ordill;lllcu. '..The written notice shall I)e filed For record in the County deed record~ and a copy of the notice mu~c' accompany 'the application for development i)e rmic." 'The above item~; are only a brief checklist or item,,; need to comply with Ordinance No. 137390, ,'t detailed review of this Or(ilnnnce Js nece~;sary in order [o fully underst,;tnd Irs COnl~ell ti2, Any submittal in connection with ~ floodplain development must Include the above items. This submittal must ns a minimum also £nclude the following: Text describing where the basic alt'ira ',vas obtained, what is intended, nnd the results, all tn suflqclent det~tll so ~hn~ It Is fully undersrnndnble and supportable. ~ Exhibits must l)e presented that clarify tiara. Thege taunt Include: Water surface' profiles, crogs sections, work maps, floodplain and floodway. delineations for both existing nnd Improved conditions. Compnrlnons must bt: shown between exl:~tlng and proposed conditions for velocities, water surface elevations, stornge, nnd itny other Impacts. Computer models must be presentecl In detail, Not Just Input and/or summary printouts. July 27, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: Russell ]1. Doyle, P.E., City Engineer Larry Davis, Construction Inspector , PERMITTING PROCESS CITY OF COPPELL'- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1) Approved Engineer 2) Approved Site Plan for Excavation 3) Pre-Construction Conference With The Engineering Inspector Requi'red Pr[or to Start of Construction 4) Excavation Permit Require. d 5) Utility Construction Permit Required 6) Paving Construction Permit Required 7 ) Additional Permitting May Be Required - Other State, County and Federal 8) Early Rough Grading Must De Approved S%I~arately Engineering Plans Required - Stamped & Signed by the City Construction City Departments, LD/lsg PERMTNG