CC letter of approval-12/10/91December 11, 1991
Mr. Frank BamburG
743 Kings Lane
De Soto, Texas 75115
RE: CASE #ZC-533:
Dear Mr. BamburG:
This letter is to inform you that your request for application of a zoninG
change, Case #ZC-533, was approved unanimously by the Coppell City Council
on December 10, 1991, for a 27 lot single family subdivision subject to
the followinG conditions:
1) cul-de-sac length of approximately 800'
2) a 50 or 60 foot cul-de-sac turn around to be determined by the
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at
(214) 462-0639.
of Planning & Community Services
Gl /lsg
xc: Taryon Bowman, P&Z Coordinator