Lake Park/FP-DR 900329 (4)PLAT/PLAN REVIEH MEMORANDUM DRC DATE: 3/29/90 SUBDIVISION/PROJECT: LAKE PARK ADDITION - Final Plat and Plans BY: ENGINEERING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT & PARKS DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL REVIEW COMMENTS (Supplemental to pr'eprinted comments): FINAL PLAT: Circle Cove Dr. connection to MacArthur Blvd. is unacceptable. Minimum allowable radius of street centerline curves is 425 feet. Curves 1,2,3,4,5,?,12, 14, 15, and 19 are not in compliance with minimum radius requirement as shown on the marked up copy of the Final Plat transmitted herewith. Show adjacent Floodplains and indicate floodplain development information and indicate current status. Sanitary Sewer Easement required on lots ? & 8, 8loci< A. Show all street corner visibility easements to be dedicated. Show all drainage, floodplain/floodway, uti'lit¥, and access easements .which are: required to be dedicated by the Subdivision and Floodp,lain Management Ordinances. Indicate status of R.O.W. dedication for MacArthur 81vd. Identify the purposes of the small tracts abutting the M.U.D. Lift Station site. ENGINEERING PLANS: Paving Plans Engineer's seal on original plans shall be original with engineer's original signature and date in close proximity to seal as required by State Law. Blue line prints indicate non-compliance with State Law. Show Drainage direction arrows on plans. Minimum street centerline curve radius is 425 feet. Revise sheets 2, 3, 4, and 5 of ? accordingly. Minimum street grade is 0.50%. Revise sheets 2,3, and 5 accordingly. Coordinate median openings on MacArthur Blvd. with property owner on opposite side of MacArthur Blvd. Water and Sewer: No curves allowed in sanitary sewers. Provide written documentation substantiating owner's non- participation in the cost of the 12" water line to be constructed in MacArthur Blvd. Sanitary Sewer Easement required on lots 7 & 8, 8lock A. Show all required drainage, utility and access easements required. Drainage Plans: 1. ' Use TP-40 with a minimum Tc of 10 Minutes for cornputatlon of stormwater runoff as requfred by the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. Dedicate all easements shown on marked plans and otherwise required. 3. Indtcate flow directions to all inlets. 4. Establish, Indicate and maintatn minimum verttcal clearance of sanitary crossing on llne "C" 5. Furnish documentation indicating current status of Denton Creek floodplain on or adjacent to property. Comply with floodplain management ordinance. Lake: Furnish documentation indicating final agreement between City of Coppell and owner regarding lake and park dedication. Verify agreed size of lake and park. Furnish engineering data for lake including, but not limited to details and calculations of stormwater 'inflow, detention, storage, maximum water surface elevations and outflow to Denton Creek. Furnish documentation of permission granted for, the creation of this impoundment by the applicable federal, st:ate, and local authorities. Show the proximity o{ the lake and park to Denton Creek, MacArthur Blvd., and the proposed MaoArthur Blvd. bridge.