Lake Park/Re-CS 940111AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY ail ~i~tlm!i[llkllilNln~(,,li Company Sanuary 11, 1994 Mr. Gary L. Sieb, A.I.C.P. Director of Planning & Community Services City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Replat of Lake Park Addition, Block E, Lots 10-14,17,19-22,24-25 Dear Mr. Sieb: This letter will certify that I am holding in escrow executed originals of the following: 1) The Maintenance and Access Agreement to maintain certain adjacent property granting a five (5) foot easement. 2) Executed copies of the replat documents. Upon your instruction, we will either forward to you the executed copies submitted above for filing or we will arrange for their filing directly, which ever you prefer. Escrow Officer 13021 Colt Road Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75240 (214) 233-7711 Fax (214) 233-7798 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § ~l certify the above to 'be a tnie and correct copy of the original instrument. ....... , AMERIC~COMPANY lP/:' , V T ,'-' , This Maintenance and Access Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into by and between Robert Dennis Young ("Homeowner~) and Univest Properties, Inc. CUnivest"). WHEREAS, Homeowner is the owner of Lot lt~ , 583 Lak~ Park Brffvo Street in Lake Park Addition, Block E, as more particularly described in Exhibit "Ar attached hereto ("Homeowner Loft); and WHEREAS, Homeowner desires to purchase property adjacent to Denton Creek currently owned by Univest CUnivest Property") as more particularly described in Exhibit "Bm attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the purchase of the Univest Property may require the approval by the City of Coppell ("City") of a replat of Lake Park Addition, Block E ("Replat"); and 15 , 579 Lake Park Dr~tve WHEREAS, the owner of LOt 16 , 600 Deforest Road Street, adjacent to the Homeowner LOt, has elected not to participate in the Replat, and Homeowner and Univest desire to enter into this Agreement to ensure that the adjacent property owned by Univest is maintained according to City standards. NOW, THEREFORE, Homeowner and Univest, for good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, which consideration includes the approval of the Replat by the City, do hereby cOntract, covenant and agree as follows: 1. Homeowner covenants and agrees to maintain that portion of the Univest Property as shown in Exhibit "C" attached hereto CMaintenance Tract") to the standards set forth in the ordinances of the City. 2. Homeowner hereby agrees to grant to Univest a five foot access easement at the location shown in Exhibit "C" upon and through the Homeowner Lot in order to access the Maintenance Lot for maintenance purposes. 3. Univest, as owner of the Maintenance Tract, agrees for purposes of enforcement of the ordinances of the City, to accept service of citation by the City resulting from failure, if any, to maintain the Maintenance Tract. 4. This Agreement is assignable by the parties and constitutes a covenant running with the land. 5. This Agreement shall automatically terminate with no further action of the parties required at such time as all of the Maintenance Tract is replatted byl~he City or is conveyed to the owner of either the Homeowner Lot or Lot 16 · EXECUTED this l/ EXECUTED this I1 · day of January,, 1994 by the Homeowner. . day of January, !994 by/~st. 7 UNIVEST PROPERTIES, INC. Glen K."Hinckley, Presideht STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, t.he undersigne~ notary public, on this day personally appeared f[o~c~- {},,~;~ ~o..~, d~.~l,_ ~,,~:-~e, ~v°lf6~'being by me duly sworn, upon his oath deposed and said that he has rdad thg above and foregoing document and that every statement contained therein is within his personal knowledge and is true and correct. .. Notary Public, State of ~exas STATE OF TEXAS -2- x '00' 00" 00' 00' · 8 J' ESM'T. ?10 II 9 12 20 19 A-- 24' 01' R-' 525.00' T= II1.?0' L= Z20.13'~ 2 18 17 4 16 5 VICINITY MAP ~ 2 SCAL E: I'= 2000' 15 S. 6 I'* 58' ZI "E. 100.00' 14 )' 0 5O SCALI MAINTAIN SWALE 8, AREA OF SURFACE OBSTRUCTION. PROVIDE POSITIVE OVERF FOR STORM SEWER SY', ?'le ~l, 61.31,3 MIN. J ; 9 ~ ,~ I0 12 II EXHIBIT "B" BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION WEST OF LOT 14, BLOCK BEING a tract of land situated in the William A. Trtmble Survey, Abstract No. 1791 in the City of Coppe11, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point that is the most northerly northwest corner of Lot 14 in Block "E" of Lake Park AdditiOn, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91170, Page 2650 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE S. 29"26'39" W., 67.00 feet along the said northwesterly line of Lot 14 to a point for corner; THENCE N. 60"33'21" W., 67.38 feet leaving the said northwesterly line of'Lot 14 to a point for corner; THENCE N. 28"01'39" E., 26.19 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N. 37"51'39" E., 41.26 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 60"33'21" E., 61.99 feet to the Point of Beginning an4 containing 4,426 square feet of land. /I 8 o uIvoW DAN M. DOWDEY & ASSOCIATES , INC. 162.50 OALLAS PARKWAY SUITE I00 JobNo. ~-/~'"~ (214} 931-0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 75248 .F / / P / / / / 9 ~5 A.= 51~44'22" R=50. O0' 24. 25' 20 L=45. 15° 16 EXHIBIT "C" FLOODPLAIN; LIMIT LINE PE.R CITY OF COPPELL ,FILOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, MUNIT. Y PANEL NO. 480170 0010 D, DATEDh~'OCTOBE~ 16, 199'1 . 61"' 'A= 26e :59' :58 R= 50.00' T-' I I. 85' L=23.2 18 :52.62 ' 58°2~ ' :57" E. S. 65° ~5'24"E. 19R' 4 19 18 LAKE VOL. 91170 , ZONED STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § I certify this to be a true and correct ~py ~ the original inst~ume~ .Q ~ ~ This Maintenance and Access Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into by and between Mr. & Mrs. K~lancth L. Mart:indal ~ ("Homeowner") and Univest Properties, Inc. CUnivest"). WHEREAS, Homeowner is the owner of Lot 17 , 604 Deforest Road Street in Lake Park Addition, Block E, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto ("Homeowner Lot"); and WHEREAS, Homeowner desires to purchase property adjacent to Denton Creek currently owned by Univest CUnivest Property") as more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the purchase of the Univest Property may require the approval by the City of Coppell ("City") of a replat of Lake Park Addition, Block E ("Replat"); and WHEREAS, the owner of Lot 18 , 608 Deforest Road Street, adjacent to the Homeowner LOt, has elected not to participate in the Replat, and Homeowner and Univest desire to enter into this Agreement to ensure that the adjacent property owned by Univest is maintained according to City standards. NOW, THEREFORE, Homeowner and Univest, for good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, which consideration includes the approval of the Replat by the City, do hereby contract, covenant and agree as follows: 1. Homeowner covenants and agrees to maintain that portion of the Univest Property as shown in Exhibit "C" attached hereto ("Maintenance Tract") to the standards set forth in the ordinances of the City. 2. Homeowner hereby agrees to grant to Univest a five foot access easement at the location shown in Exhibit "C" upon and through the Homeowner LOt in order to access the Maintenance Lot for maintenance purposes. 3. Univest, as owner of the Maintenance Tract, agrees for purposes of enforcement of the ordinances of the City, to accept service of citation by the City resulting from failure, if any, to maintain the Maintenance Tract. 4. This Agreement is assignable by the parties and constitutes a covenant running with the land. 5. This Agreement shall automatically terminate with no further action of the parties required at such time as all of the Maintenance Tract is replatted by the City or is conveyed to the owner of either the Homeowner Lot or Lot 18 EXECUTED this t~ ~-~ay of January,.. 1994 by the Homeowner. EXECUTED this//~2~' day of January, 1994 by Univest. HOMEOWNER UNIVE~T PROPERTIES, INC. Glen ~. Hi~kley, Presidet{t STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared [~e~O4x ~-. rq._~-u~JAe. ,~-,J ~,b~;e_, who, being by me duly sworn, upon his oath deposed and said that he has read the above and foregoing document and that every statement contained therein is within his personal knowledge and is true and onect. ~ /.~?x~,~.~{otary Public ~ ~.'~. ~/~1 STATE OF TEXAS Notary Public, State of T~xas -2- STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared Glen A. Hinckley, who, being by me duly sworn, upon his oath deposed and said that he is the President of UNIVEST PROPERTIES, INC.; that he is duly authorized and qualified in all respects to make this affidavit; that he has read the above and foregoing document and that every statement contained therein is within his personal knowledge and is true and correct. Notary Pubhc, State of Texas AJA~I 1626~0000DOCS~vlAINTENA-AGT December 17, 1993 l:08pm -3- ~: 90*00' 00" R~ 75.00' T: 1'5.00' ~.= I I ?.81' ELEC. ESM'T. II 9 15 14 I 2 20 19 18 8 5 A= 24' 01' 25' R-' 525.00' T= 111.70' L-- 220.1 ~' A--5' IZ' $1" R ' ~ 7 5.00' 17 I1 4 16 2 _VICINITY MAP sc,,. E: ,-, .zooO. S. 6 I* 58' 21"E. 100.00' 5 8 15 14 MAINTAIN SWALE OF SURFACE OBST PROVIDE POSITIVI FOR STORM SEWE · 9 I0 12 II 5 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "B" ' BEING a tract of land'situated in the William A. Trimble Survey, Abstract No. 1791 in the City of Coppell, Dallas Countyt Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot 17 in Block "Z" of Lake Park Addition, an addition to the City of coppell as recorded in Volume 91170, Page 2650 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE N. 29'26'39" E., 20.{5 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 61'28'41" E., 32.62 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 58'28'37" E.; 33.23 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 65'05'24" E., 1.18 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 29'26'39" W., 19.56 feet to a point that is the northeast corner of the above said Lot 17; THENCE N. 60'33'21" W., 67.00 feet to the Point Of Beginning and containing 1,355 square feet of land. Lot 17, Block "E" Lake Park Addition City of Copps11, Texas .( DAN M. DOWDEY & ASSOCIATES , IN.C. 16250 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE: I00 I ,., ., J t~at Q~l.n~4 DAtLAS . TEXAS 7~248 O / 9 114 R / / / / / / / 16 15 / A'= 51e44°22'' R= 50.00' =24. 25', 20 L=45. 15° ' FLOODPLAIN~ LIMIT LINE PER CITY OF EXHIBIT "C" COPPELL .F, LOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, ,INITY PANEL .NO. 480170 0010 D, DATED TOBER 16 1991 61' 28'41 32.62' S. 58'2~ '37".E~ S. 65' '5' 24 . 26' 39' :38" R= 50.00' T= I I. 85' L=25.2 18 4 oe .° · 4 18 LAKE K VOL. 911TO ."'"',,PG. ZONED STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § This Maintenance and Access Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into by and between Wiseco Land Development, Inc. (" ~"Wiseco" ) and Univest Properties, Inc. CUnivest"). '~S, l~iseco is the owner of Lot 2z+ , 632 Deforest Road Street in Lake Park Addition, Block E, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto ("Homeowner Lot"); and WHEREAS,. W±seco desires to purchase property adjacent to Denton Creek currently owned by Univest ("Univest Property') as mOre particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the purchase of the Univest Property may require the approval by the City of Copper ("City") of a replat of Lake Park Addition, Block E ("Replat*); and WHEREAS, the owner of Lot 23, 628 Deforest Road Street, adjacent to the Homeowner Lot, has elected not to participate in the Replat, and Homeowner and Univest "desire to enter into this Agreement to ensure that the adjacent property owned by Univest is maintained according to City standards. NOW, THEREFORE, Wise¢o and Univest, for good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, which consideration includes the approval of the Replat by the City, do hereby contract, covenant and agree as follows: 1. Wise¢o covenants and agrees to maintain that portion of the Univest Property as shown in Exhibit "C" attached hereto ("Maintenance Tract") to the standards set forth in the ordinances of the City. 2. W±seco hereby agrees to grant to Univest a five foot access easement at the location shown in Exhibit "C" upon and through the Homeowner Lot in order to access the Maintenance LOt for maintenance purposes. 3. Univest, as owner of the Maintenance Tract, agrees for purposes of enforcement of the ordinances of the City, to accept service of citation by the City resulting from failure, if any, to maintain the Maintenance Tract. 4. This Agreement is assignable by the parties and constitutes a covenant running with the land. 5. This Agreement shall automatically terminate with no further action of the parties required at such time as all of the Maintenance Tract is replatted by the City or is conveyed to the owner of either the Homeowner Lot or Lot 23 EXECUTED this EXECUTED this O~ day of January,. ~4'L~ day of January, 1996 by 'Wiseco. 1994 by Univest. WiS'EEO' ,LAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. UNIVEST PROPERTIES, INC. Glen A. Hincldey, President STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § ~ BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared /tg~l~',[ ~ {,c//S~. , who, being by me duly sworn, upon his oath deposed and said tltat he has read the above and foregoing document and that every statement contained therein is within his personal knowledge ~and is true and correct. Notary Public; State of Texas -2- STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared Glen A. Hinckley, who, being by me duly sworn, upon his oath deposed and said that he is the President of UNIVEST PROPERTIES, INC.; that he is duly authorized and qualified in all respects to make this. affidavit; that he has read the above and foregoing document and that every statement contained therein is within his personal knowledge and is true and correct. No~~Pub c, State of Texas AJA~I I e 26~0000DO CSUdAINTEN A.AGT December 17, 1993 1.'O8 pm ~ = 90°00, 00" R= 75.00' T= 75.00' _= I 1'/'.81' ELEC. ESM'T. .~10 L' II 9 2 14 20 19 8 5 A= 24' 01' 25" R= 525.00' T=III. 70' L-- 220.1:5'~ /~=5" 12' $1" R= $75.00' T, 17.06' -- 2 II 4 18 17 16 2 VICINITY MAP SCAL E: I'= ZOO0' S. 6 I® 58' 21"E. 100.00' ;' 7 8 15 14 MAINTAIN SWALE OF SURFACE OBSTRt PROVIDE POSITIVE FOR STORM SEWER 9 I0 II 5 14 EXHIBIT "B" BO~JNDARY DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land situated in the William A. Trimble Survey, Abstract No. 1791 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot 24 in Block "E' of Lake Park Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91170, Page 2650 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE N. 14'21'~9' E.~ 18.07 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 72'29'40" E.~ 1.47 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 82'44~15" E., 42.76 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 64'34~25' E., 23.54 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 14'21~39" W., 19.76 feet to a point that is the northeast corner of the above said Lot 24; THENCE N. 75'38'21# W., 67.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 1,387 square feet of land. lot 24~ Block #E# Lake Park Addition City of Coppellt Texas L DAN M. DOWDEY & ASSOCIATES , IN.C. 16250 OALLAS PARKWAY SUITE I00 [214! 931-0694 DALLAS, , TEXAS 7524~ EXHIBIT "C" 0 20 40 60 80 I00 SCALE IN FEET LOMAS 1~ NETTL ETON ZONED C 5'20'56"E. 12.68' , -- S. 58'07'36" E. 35.37' 20R S. 73e 36' 48" E. ;51. 26' S. 59'00'2§"E. 22.28"~'~' S.61' 11'09"E. 25.88' S. 68* 25'57" E. 33.03' S. 61'06'11" E. 26,10 S. 83'41 2,;3.6; $. 6 I 2IR o~ iR-' 654 ~0' T= 54. 'L.= 108.;~8' 22R ¢ , RoAD ~NOIVIDUAL LOT OWN TO FREE OF SURFACE OBSTRUt 'TO POSITIVE OVERF FOR STORM SEWER SYSTEM 6.51' 02" E. 32.93' i6' O0'I6"E. 22.78' S. 72' 29'4 O" E. 1.47' S. 82'44'15°'E. 42.76' $. 64'34'25"E. S. 74'1 24 R. 25R 26 6.23' 41 24'E. 44.7 27 STATE OF TF.,XAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § This Maintenance and Access Agreement (this 'Agreement') is ~ntered into by and between Wiseco Land Development, Inc. (" :"Wiseco" ) and Univest Properties, Inc. ('Univesff). ~Pd~,AS, Wiseco is the owner of Lot 25 , 636 Deforest Road Street in Lake Park Addition, Block E, as more particularly described in Exhibit 'A" attached hereto ("Homeowner Lot"); and WHEREAS,. WXseeo desires to purchase property adjacent to Denton Creek currently owned by Univest ('Univest Property") as more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the purchase of the Univest Property may require the approval by the City of Coppell ('City") of a replat of Lake Park Addition, Block E ("Replat"); and WHE~AS, the owner of Lot 26, 640 Deforest Road Street, adjacent to the Homeowner Lot, has elected not to participate in the Replat, and Homeowner and Univest "desire to enter into this Agreement to ensure that the adjacent property owned by Univest is maintained according to City standards. NOW, THEREFORE, Wise¢o and Univest, for good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, which consideration includes the approval of the Replat by the City, do hereby contract, covenant and agree as follows: 1. Wise¢o covenants and agrees to maintain that portion of the Univest Property as shown in Exhibit "C" attached hereto ('Maintenance Tract") to the standards set forth in the ordinances of the City. 2. Wiseco hereby agrees to grant to Univest a five foot access easement at the location shown in Exhibit "C" upon and through thc Homeowner Lot in order to access the Maintenance Lot for maintenance purposes. 3. Univest, as owner of the Maintenance Tract, agrees for purposes of enforcement of the ordinances of the City, to accept service of citation by the City resulting from failure, if any, to maintain the Maintenance Tract. 4. This Agreement is assignable by the parties and constitutes a covenant running with the land. 5. This Agreement shall automatically terminate with no further action of the parties required at such time as all of the Maintenance Tract is replatted by the City or is conveyed to the owner of either the Homeowner Lot or Lot 26 . EXECUTED this ~f'~ay of January, 1994 by wiSeeo. EXECUTED this '~'/~ day of January, 1994 by Univest. wiSE'CO' 'LAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. UNIX/EST PROPERTIES, INC. Glen ~. Hinckley, President STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared ["--~,q//~"/ C~ ./~/,~'/~ , who, being by me duly sworn, upon his oath deposed and said that he has read the above and foregoing document and that every statement contained therein is within his personal knowledge and is true and correct. l'~tary Publ{~, State of Texas -2- STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, on this day personally appeared Glen A. Hinekley, who, being by me duly sworn, upon his oath deposed and said that he is the President of UNIVEST PROPERTIES, INC.; that he is duly authorized and qualified in all respects to make this. affidavit; that he has read the above and foregoing document and that every statement contained therein is within his personal knowledge and is true and correct. ~[1 I*[ ~/*i Notary Public, StateofTexas I1 fl '~~! My Comm. Expires 3-18.95 ~ Notary Pul~lic, State of Texas AJAH 1 e 26~,0000DOCS'~M AINTEN A.AGT DecMnbM 17, 1983 1:08 pm -3- '00' 00" 00' 00' .81' F'SM'T II 9 2 15 14 20 8 ~= 24°01'25" R= 525.00' T-- II1.?0' L= :>20.1 19 5 2 18 17 4 3 16 2 15 VICINITY MAP SCAL E: I"= ZOO0' S. 61° 58' 21 "E. 100.00' 7 8 14 0 50 SCAL MAINTAIN SWALE ~ AREA OF SURFACE OBSTRUCTIONS PROVIDE POSITIVE OVERFt FOR STORM SEWER SYSTE · .?'i°el' 'r. 61'31'3~' 26 12 II EXHIBIT "B" BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land situated in the William A. Trimble Survey, Abstract No. 1791 in the City of Coppoll, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot 25 in Block "E" of Lake Park Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91170, Page 2650 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, TeXas; THENCE N. 14*21'39' E., 18.76 feet to a point for corner; THEHCE S. 64'34'25" E., 22.69 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 74'15~4' E., 44.74 feet to a point for cOrner; THENCE S. 14"21"39" W., 13.32 feet to a point that is the northeast corner of tho above said Lot 25; THENCE N. 75038"21" W.f 67.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 989 square feet of land; LOt 25, BlOCk "E# Lake Park Addition City of Coppell, Texas ~ ,~KE PARId AO~ITIOtV DAN M. DOWDEY & ASSOCIATES , INC. 16250 OALLA5 PARKWAY SUITE lO0 EXHIBIT "C" ! 0 20 40 60 80 I0~0 · ~__~ ~ , , SCALE IN FEET LOMAS 8~ NETTL ETON ZONED C i 'iS' 20' 56" E. 12.68' '- S. 58e07'$6'' E. 35.37' S. 73' 36' 48" E. 31. 26' :>OR iR= 6 5 4. 80' :T= 54.31 L= 108.:~8' / TION S. 59' 00' 25'° E. 22.28' ~. S.61' 11'09"E. 25.88' S. 68' 25'57" E. 33.03' S. 61'06'11" E. 26.10 S. 85'41' 59" E, S. 61 2IR ' 00" 22R iNDIVIDUAL LOT OWNEF TO FREE OF SURFACE OBSTRUt TO POSITIVE OVERFt FOR STORM SEWER SYSTEM 6.51' 02"E. ;6' 00' 16"E. 32.93' 22.78' S. 72'29'40" E. 1.47' S. 82'44'15"E. 42.76' S, 64'34' 25"E. ~ 74'1 24 R. 25R . · ,;~6:2 6 26 6.23' 41 24" E. 44.7 27