Jack in the Box/FP-PN000911DALLAS COUNTY. COUNTY CLERK ................. EARL BULLOCK ...................... ' ....... PLAT MAP RECORDING 'SHEET INSTRUMENT # FILE DATE In which insects the sale, m~al. or use ~ t~ ~ p~$10~ hlR ~- .. ~ enl~ ~ race is invalid and ~ATE 0F ~ C0U~ 0F DALES Ifl~ ~ filed on the date and time stained ~n ~ me a~ ~ n.,,~. ~un~ T~ is · ~COUNTY CLER~ Dallas County, Texas 1126974 $26.00 'VOLUME & PAGE OF RECORDED PLAT MAP .... '-'-:-----' :"2a]'i 76 _00703 n '%, Am ~" c.o- $ 75 2 'E 14~73' OINLrR's CLrRTIFIGA'I~ C(MI~'"NClNG at a fouml S/B-k~eh iren red ~ 'Carter & Buepoo" mt h oou~ rk~t-of-way fine of VIMo Ridge Boulevard (verkf~ wk~ rk~t-of-uoy) et the ruSt.et eemer of the 'Coplm. btdde Seho~ Nor~ Add~k~'. on odd~t~ to the Oty of recorded b~ Vdume ~81q9 Poge 00~6 b~ the 13~0o Cmmty MO Roeord~ ~ Northw~twly ,n ~rc 41,tm~ee of 264.98 f~t ~lm~ o curv~ to the rkJht ond olong the ,outh firm of Vista ~ Boul~mrd to o set m-inch iron rod with o yMIog ptogtlc ce~ gtompod "C&P EnglflowIng" for the POINT OF II[GINNING, gold curve hoviflg o radius of 2879.79 feet. o central ongle of 05' 16' 19'. ahcl the long chord booru North 79' 05' 30' Weot 264.89 foet; THENCE S~uth 1~' 32' 39' Weet ZI6.10 feet to o ~et ]~-inch iron rod ~ a ydlo~ ploetic cap stomped "C4d= Engine" on the north .He of ~ "Cel~ Mid4e Sehoel North Addltlen"; 1HE'NC[ Nort~ 78' 46' 31" IliIt 74.77 feet aton~ the north Ilde of i<lld "Col~ Middle ~ North Addition" to a m r~d ~ o y~lo~ I~lItlc ~ It~ "C4~ ~" ot the ~ wiltlrly north~lt corner of Ioid "Cop~ Middle School North Addttkm"; 114ENCE Nerth 46' 57' 37' Wamt 105.22 feet to e .Et l~-k~ch k'tm rod with a y~tlow ploMic cep etemped "C~P Engkmerk~g"; 114ENCE Nerth 18' 14' 12" Eeet 251.85 feet ~g the ~ Mde of tmid 7.223 oeree tract to o .et ]~-ineh iron rod ~ o yellow cop etom~od 'cap EngbM~ng"; THENCE Seut~m~e~y an ere dlMm~ce of 145.75 feet dong the ~uth line of Vl~ta ~ Be,leverd ond dong o curve to the left bering a redlu~ ef 2879.79 feet, o c~trd emile of 02' 53' 59', end the leng cherd bern1 Seuth 75' 00' 21" Eo~t 145.73 feet, to the Point of Beginning m~l Co~lnl~j 44.925 m~,re feet or 1.0313 oc~ of I~nd more or DI'NTON TAP DlYli~PMiHT, LLC. Carp IRGBIiIIIBIG, LTD. 1/2" Df]III, b ~ BI ~ 11t1, ~ ~ C~~ ~ ~eH C~ ~ ~ (~4) ~~ C~~ ~ C. ~ ~ (~) ~nll ~ (~) ~~1 F~LE0: ~U~E ~ PAGE ~~ D~ ~~ h~ ~/12/~ ~b ~/18/~ Job No. ~18 ~ele 1' ~ ~' ~ I ~ I ooo~ "~I~ 4~M~Nr. bull4~r. Imll~r. m' ~nt. ~ Inform In wrttln~ m,~h pre,p~lv~ buyw of ,ubdlvl~m tetg of prOlmwty Io..'~ted wtthin ~ ~ ~ m of th~ ~tte that roach pr~l~rty i. in on td~ntlfl~l flood hazard ~reo ond thet otl d~Mopm~t mum ~ to tim prm~k~ of the CRy of ~ Fle~lplo~n M~m~t Ordlrm~." · · Z~ 'X" (.~I~M~I). which I, 4M~e4 ~n the m~p., "m dstwmlrmd to be outMde 500-y~ flood plan"; _Aeoot,dl~ to the Federal Emffgency Ideflogement Age~cy'o Fleod kmurem~ Rate ldap tltlod "Clty of Coppdt, T~", Cemmm~y-I~Md Number 480170 0010 E. ~ Revtood Apdl 15, 1994. the land deocrbod in thio map of m~v~y io IoeotENd w~thin I Ir.I.R. I 1/2' Clty of C4pp~. Tex~ JACK THE BOX ADDmON, LOT I BLOCK I m~. ~eem -- ~ F.I.R NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY ~ PRESE~T~ · ZONED: LI - L-il ~ _ ~ S 11'Oa'47'W .5'~ Thet r~'NTON TAP DEW~ ~I~rNT. LLCL io the .em~?__of the herein described property, do~ hereby odopt thi~ plot de~kjneting the I