Jack in the Box/FP-PN000711H (;;&IAN'I'II'Y' ~ GAI. L.OI~ COt,4HON ~ .~..,IENTIf:IC, ~ ~IZE I GOf,~ITIOH Q ~" ~.allp~, IO'-I~' I.IfJ 2 L. IVE~ OAK l. Jve Oak 6Urn'cee ~ 4'~' ~ BaB eb'akjh~ b.mk II ~ OAK Bm Oak 6a~er.~ ma~eor.4a"pa 4~5' eloree~ Ba~ ~ trunk I~'1 (~) Fm~r"~LIE I~INT Needle PoW Hoikj Ilex ~ '/cjallon, ~::)" ~./20' ~ead, t'uil, Nan~a c~xneet. Sr, a S 9a~, 34" ~:Z"-~." el~ ~ D.C. HOLLY Dvea~ 'r'aupo~ Holkj ll~x vomltoela 9~a' I~I~ to ~ ROUND OVEf / ¥1NE ~oloeal~ue' o~ ae (~'), I~II ~ I .~t. Vlk ~egcj ~Ivla .~alvla ~'~II I ~allon, I~' o.~., full MI ;,GELLANE¢,) 0 o 5'r'E~ ,~,TONE ~' x I;2' ~ N~r=~A11~ 5~1~ I_A~AF~ TABULATION~ ~T · 21.2 LJ=, E.a~T · ~ LP, .GCC'TH · 151 LIs C431v~,INED BUFFEI~ LE'N~TI't FOR, I,~IF~T, EAST, I.~,'~ IDUPPE~ I~F..G~I~, IO' IP A~,J. P.L.. ~ ~VIDED I~ ~ ~T ~ I~. ~., ~ ~ ~AT IN ~ ~. IO' IO' IDUFFEI~ ~O" HI'. I-~ Al' PL.T~,. 1:2 ~ ~ ,Gl· ~ II~. C~ .GPAGE IF" !~ Ch'= ..GITE IN ~ ~C~ E~ OF t~. OPEN .GPA,GE IF ~-4~!~ OF .Gl'rE IN 2E~ ~ OF= llgJE.~. ~ .GI°~--,,E IF ~ TH~i. ~ ~ 511"E IN 51TE AREA, - ~. AREA. (4.4.,q2~ .Gl:: - 2,9'42 ~ I.~AI~ ~ .G~AC, E R. EGIUIR. EID C~ .GPA~__~E TI~ TOTAL ~APE ON ~,ITE F'E~I~ VEMIC4JLAR. ~ .SPAC, E ~ 15', 5,E,lnl IO') IN~I~ T~ ~~ ~1~ ON ~1~ T~ ~~ ~VI~ ON ~1~ ~1~ C~ .GPAC, E I'~VIIDI~ TOTAL C:~ .GPAC, E I~;;tUIRED IN F~ONT ~1 E~= e~,2e 51= 2.5 ~ MAINTE~ 1"HE OinlNEf~ TENANT AJ~ 1"HEII'~. A~,ENT, IF ,~ E, HALL IDE ,..~INTL'Y' AN~D .GEV~Y' I~ONS, II~i..E FC~& T'HE NIAIN'I'~NC.E CN= ~ I.AN~APII~. ALL l~EGtt.Jl~ ~:,HALL EN~ MAINTAINI~IP IN A Nr~T ~ O~;I;~=I~L.Y M~I.~I~ AT AL.L. 1"llvr/=~. ~_.,TIVI1"IE:~ C,O~ 1"O THE MAi~I= ~ LANI=~--~,~I~. I.~q~II~A~EI~ I~1" A PAJ~,T Of= ~ I.AHI~-oGAJ~II~. ~ ~ HAI"b=I~IAI_~ 5~tALJ. Hr=AL~ ~ ~=~)l~ll~ ~NI~ITION ~ 15 AF~::'F~4~IA~ ~ ~ ~..~k..~ON t':~_AN1" MATEI~I~N.~ I~II-tlGH I~ll= ~SHAJJ. ~ I'~=PI.~.,I~I~ I~ilTI-I PLANT MAI"L.=t~,IAL ~ ~IMILAI~ A[.L LAI~APE ~ E:~HAL.L. R, EC, EI~ AUTOMATIG I,l~L:ie,~.~.,~ III~J~I~ATION ~2-1..J=. 5TONE 10' LANDSCAPE SETBACK VICINITY MAP N.T.S. 0 Z I-. Z LU S 89' CROSS ACCESS 18'12" E 7>.73' CROSS ACCE PB 198' PB 3  ED/MAINTAINED TAP BUILT BY JACK IN SITE PLANTING PLAN BY DENTON THE BOX DEVELOPMENT LLC SCALE: 1"= 20' III Z 8' BRICK PAVER BAND 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK PB 14' PB 22' /21 8' BRICK PAVER BAND 1.20-L.F...GTONE -- E?rlD~ POINT PB 70' A = 2'53'59" R -- 2879 79' L = 145.75' CHD = S 75°00'21"E II I ,.5.73' I · ~O<:)-~,~. ~ / 5TONE MK 8A-F68 (68 SEATS) 2742 SQ FT 1 115-LJ~. ~TONE -- II~-L~..GTONE IO-~a~L.VIA DRIVE-THRU SIGNAGE -- PB 38' D.¥. HOLLY PB 185' -- 1 O' LANDSCAPE SETBACK le~.L.J'. ~TONI~ LIV~ OAK 'RASH ENCLOSURE BRICK TO MATCH BLDG. ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER PAD. 8' X 7'-2" N 78'46'39', W PB 75' EXIST. BRICK AND IRON FENCE. __IRON-BARS--~0~ I:~.P_L~CED WITH 6' H BRICK INFILL TO MATCH LANDSCAPE SETBACK PB 50' .Gl'ONE 19511 ~ALL~ PAR, KJnIA¥, 5TE 220 DAJ_L.~, ~ 9524~ DEPARTMENT~ 9330 BAIROA AVENUE SAN BEC. Z), CA 92123 © 1999 Jock in the Box Inc. These drowlngs ond speclflcot,ons are the property of J~ck m the Box Inc (md shall not be coped o~ reproduced w~thout ~ts prewous ~ntten con~ent RELEASE: PERMIT: BID: CONSTRUCTION: dates DEC. 1, 1999 ~, 3-1-00 3-6-00 PROP. UNE 4-4-00 DECEL LANE 4-10-00 MOVE BLDG. 4-27-00 MOVE ENTRY 5-31-00 WALK, CURBS site information MK TYPE: 8AF68 JIB ~: PROTO'I~E ADDRESS: I I DRAWN BY: (;RI SCALE: AS NOTED SITE P- ING L1.0 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE BASIS OF BEARING: COPPELL MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH ADDITION VOLUME 98219, PAGE 0056 FI.P. = FOUND IRON PIPE FI.R. 1/2": FOUND 1/2" IRON ROD F I.R.5/8"= FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD WITH ORANGE PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "CARTER & BURGESS" FND "X" : FOUND SCRIBED X S.I R = SET IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "C & P ENGINEERING" The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the preliminary plot of the "Jack ~n the Box Addition, Lot 1 Block 1" on oddlbon to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the day of , 2000, and that the Council, by formal action, then and there approved the preliminary plat and by separate motion designated the Planning and Zomng Commission to be the Mumcipol Authority responsible for the approval of the Final Subdivision Plot of such land and the Final Subdivision Plot of such land need not be brought bock for final approval of the City Council unless, through inaction on the port of the Planning and Zomng Commission, such Final Subdivision Plat is deemed approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission for failure to oct within the 30 day period required by Iow. Witness my hand th~s day of . 2000. City Secretory City Secretary Final Subdivision Plot approved by formal ocbon of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the day of , 2000, thereby accepting the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, os shown and set forth in and upon said plot and authorizing its Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by s~gning his nome os herembelow subscribed. Chairman, Plonn,ng and Zon,ng Commission dote City of Coppell, Texas ATTEST, Secretory, Plonmng and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas dote va, taet A = 2~3'59'"' mO.~. N 84:L~'~;_~0~02~ R = 2879.79' (DOC Mu. = A = 3'38'26" /---- 145.75' . . .... . = i~ ~ L = ~8298' ---- = S 75~0'21'E _0~0 , ~ '='~Y/~" ~ CED = S 71'44'09"E 145.75' ~ .~/FJ R ~ ........ ' ~ 182 95' .~/~ .............. - ~ F.I.R. R 0 W DEDICA'TI~ POINT OF ~1~/~' ~_ ~ /2" ~.027e~ P~q' ~ ___RF~INNING.. ~ ~ ~ AC~ ,5 S.I R. 1/2  EA~MENT ~ ~~71, PA~ 2413 CROSS R = 2879.79' COMMENCING R=28~ ~: L = 264.98' POINT N 1814'12" L=14632 CHD = N 79'05'30"W CONTROLLING 63 04' c12 264.89' M~UMENT c"osL~ccEss ~ ~ ZONED: LI L=15 ~ C5 C27 ~ 5/8" R=2942 79'1 ~21 ~ C26 GO~? ~~ [ ~ ~ ~~ L ~ LOT 1 ~ ~ ~&, 60' BUILDING ~* ~3~~ ~ BLOCK 1 ~ AREA: ~ ~>~' ~ 925 sq. ft. ' ~ ~:~ I ,0. /~ 1.0313 acres II-B - EA~MEN~ ~ CENTEX ~DE~LOPMENT COMPANY : ~ 215.46' x S 78'4T19"E N , E RRE ~E EASEMENT xx ~C1~ ' ~ BY ~A~ ~MENT s 8~'~" ~ I s.~ .. ~/2" 4 77 1 ~ ~~ . ~2'~2'28" 105.92' S.I.R. 1/2" 8918'12" W ,o ~/ 20' S~IT~Y ~R aY ~A~ ~NT 1/2" I ZONED: SF 7 ZONED: LI I I ~..~.G- G.C WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1402 LINE CH~T ~ L2 N 57~4'22"E 10 84' I ~ L3 N 1214'22'E 15 85' . _ ~ ~ ~G~ L4 S 77'45'~'E 15 ~' ~ II0 q0~0¢~ - L6 S 5714'22"W 26.19' z iz 9~~ MU~ ACCESS & FIRE LANE EASEMENT ~ CUR~ CHART RADIUS LENGTH DELTA BEARING DIS~CE C1 2886 82' 2061' ~'24'33' S 73'45'22"E 2061' ~ C2 2~6 82' 44 30' ~2'46' S 74~4'01'E 44 30' C3 2~6.82' 81.41' 01~6'57' S 75'~'52'E 81 41' ~ ~ C4 2913 58' 79.43' 01'53'44" N 75'~'47'W 79 43' C5 2937 ~' 69.45' 01~1'16' N 75'47'00'W 69.43' I C6 2879 79' 93.54' 01~1'~' S 77~3'11"E 93 54' C7 10 ~' 17 14' 9811'35" S 25'48'~'E 15.12' C8 30~' 16 72' 31~5'24' S 40'47'27"W 16 ~' ~ 30~' 16 72' 31~6'16" N 09'~'15'W 16 51' C10 1000' 19 18' 99'41'25' N ~4'35"E 15 29' Cll 30 00' 40 08 76'33'16" N 51'43'22'E 37 1T C12 2913 38' 18.90' ~2'18" S 73'43'34'E 1890' C13 ~ ~' 49 23' 94'01 '21" N 4~42'29"E 4389' C14 30,~' 17,71' 33'49'~' S 68~2'02"E 42,1T C15 30 ~' 47 70" 91~5'57' S 4617'~'W 42 83' F.I,R I C17 ~ ~' 46.76' 8918'12' S 45~0'51"W 42 17'  C18 54 ~' 31 69' 33'37'13" S 7311'24"w 31.23' C19 ~.~' 23.4T 44'49'55" S 78'4T45"W 22 88' C20 30.~' 48 29' 9214'02" S 32'40'18"E 43 25' ~ C21 30 ~' 47.~' 91~6'54" S 5910'11"W 42 96' ~ C22 30,00' 48,31' 82'45'11' N 27'55'52'W 39,66'  C23 2879 79' ~.41' 01'~'11" S 78'49'~"E ~.41' I I :C24 30 ~' 28 42' ~17'02' S 25~1'23"E 27.3T I C25 30 ~' 15 72' 30~'58' S 26~3'43"W 15.54' C26 10 ~' 17 41' 99'45'42' S 51'39'59'W 15 29' C27 2913,4T 101 29' 01~9'32" N 77~7'24"W 101 29' C28 2937 47' 142 42' 02'46'41' N 77~0'59"W 142 41' UTILITY SIGNATURE BLOCK NAME DATE SIGNATURE TU GAS/ TU ELECTRIC GT.E. PARAGON CABLE COMPANY FI.R 1/2" WHEREAS DENTON TAP DEVELOPMENT. L.L.C.. is the owner of o tract or parcel of land situated ,n G C Woolsey Survey. Abstract No 1402 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and being part of the 7 223 acres tract described in the deed to Denton Top Development, LLC on Indiana hmlted hobdlty company, doted August 25, 1999 and recorded in Volume 99171 Page 2398 ,n the Dallas County Deed Records, and being more particularly described os follows COMMENCING at o found 5/8-,nch iron rod capped "Carter & Burgess" on the south right-of-way line of Vista Ridge Boulevard (variable width right-of-way) at the northwest corner of the 'Coppell Middle School North Addition". an addition to the City of Coppell recorded in Volume 98219 Page 0056 in the Dallas County Map Records, THENCE Northwesterly an arc distance of 264 98 feet alan§ o curve to the right and along the south line of Vista Ridge Boulevard to o set Y-inch iron rod with o yellow plastic cop stomped "C&P Engineering' for the POINT OF BEGINNING. sold curve ho~ng a radius of 2879 79 feet. o central angle of 05' 16' 19'. and the long cho~d bears North 79° 05' 30" West 264 89 feet. THENCE South 13' 32' 39" West 296 10 feet to o set ?-inch iron rod with o yellow plastic cop stomped "C&P Engineering" on the north side of smd 'Coppell Middle School North Addibon'; THENCE North 78' 46' 39" West 74 77 feet along the north side of sold 'Coppell Middle School North Addition' to o set '~-inch iron rod with o yellow plastic cop stomped "C~P Engineering' at the most westerly northwest corner of so~d 'Coppell Middle School North Addition'. THENCE North 46' 57' 37" West 105 22 feet to o set ?-inch iron rod with o yellow plastic cap stomped "C&P Engineering". THENCE North 18' 14' 12" East 251.85 feet along the west side of said 7.223 acres tract to a set ?-inch iron rod with o yellow plastic cop stomped Engineering", THENCE Southeasterly on arc distance of 145 75 feet along the south line of Vista Ridge Boulevard and along o curve to the left having o radius of 2879 79 feet, o central angle of 02' 53' 59', and the long chord bears South 75' 00' 21' East 145 73 feet. to the Point of Beginning and Containing 44,925 square feet or 1 0313 acres of land more or less NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That DENTON TAP DEVELOPMENT. LI_.C. is the owner of the herein described property, does hereby adopt this plot designating the herein described property os Jack in the Box Addlti~n. Lot 1 Block 1, on adrift,on to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever the streets and alleys shown hereon. The easements shown hereon ore hereby reserved for public utilities, garbage and rubbish collection ogencms, and (311 public and private utdltms for each particular use. The maintenance of powng on the utility access and fire lane eosemonts is the respons~3ihty of the property owner No buddings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, ov~' or across the eessments os shown, smd easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of oll public utilities using or desiring to use the some All and any public utility shall hove the right to remove and keep removed oll or ports of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction. maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the easements and oll public utilities shall at oll times hove the right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, potrolhng, maintaining and adding to or remowng oll or ports of ds respective systems without the necessity at any time cf procuring the permission of anyone Any public utility shall hove the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance required or ordinarily performed by the utility This plot approved subject to oll plotting o~dmonces, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas EXECUTED this the day of , 2000 Owner Denton Top Development Dasd Bunnell STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the unders,gned author,ry, o Notary Public ,n and for the said County and State. on this date personally appeared ~ known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and consMeration there~n expressed and in the capacdy therein stated GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of 2000 Notary for the State of Texas My Commission Expires SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Thomas C Holland. do hereby certify that I have prepared this plot from on actual on the ground survey of the land. and that the corner monuments shown thereon were placed under my personal super~slon in accordance with the plotting rules and regulations of the City Plan Commission of the City of Coppell. Texas Thomas C Holland Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 2036 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME. the undersigned outho;,ty o Notary Publ,c ,,~ end for th,' so,d County and State. on this date personally appeared .'l]3omos C. Holland known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument end acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose end consideration thereto expressed and in the copaoty therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of 2000 Notary for the State of Texas My Commission Expires The undersigned, the City Sec~etary of the City of Coppell, Texas. hereby certifies that the i~elimmary plot of the "Jack in the Box Addition, Lot 1 Block 1" on addition to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Councg on the ~ day of , 2000, and that the Council, by formal acbon, then and there approved the prelimm(~'y plot and by separate motion designated the Planning and Zoning Commission to be the Muniopol Authority respons~)le for the approval of the Final Subdi~slon Plat of such land and the Final Subdivision Plat of such land need not be brought bock for final approval of the City Council unless, through inaction on the part of the Plonmng and Zoning Commission. such Final Subdlwslon Plat is deemed approved by the Plonmng and Zoning Commission for failure to oct within the ;50 day period required by law Witness my hand this City Secretory day of , 2000 City Secretory Final Subdlwslon Plat approved by formal action of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the ____ day of , 2000, thereby accepting the dedication of streets, alleys, porks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon sold plot and authorizing its Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name os herembelow subscribed. Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppetl. Texas AT'TEST date Revision Date: 07111100 Secretory, Plonmng and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas date FLOOD PLAIN NOTE According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rote Mop titled "City of Coppeil, Texas', Community--Panel Number 480170 0010 E. MOP Rewsed Aprd 15, 1994, the land described in this mop of survey is located within o Zone 'X' (unshaded). which is defined on the mop os 'Areas determined to be outside 500-year flood "Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Adm,nistrator on Floodplo.n Administrator date "The developer, builder, seller, or agent, shall inform ~n writing, each prospective buyer of subdivision lots of property located within special flood hazard areas of this site that such property is in on identified flood hazard oreo and that oll development must conform to the pro~s~3ns of the City of Coppell Floodplain Management Ordinance" FINAL PLAT JACK IN THE BOX ADDITION, LOT 1 BLOCK 1 DENTON AN ADDITION TO THE CIT~ OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS SITUATED IN THE G.C. WOOLSEY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1402 OWNER TAP DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. 3721 Shenandoah Dallas, Texas 75205 Contact: David Bunnell (214) 520-3611 C&P ENGINEERING, LTD. ENGINEERING - SURYE~ING 3501 FM 2181, SUITE 230 Corinth, Texas 76205 Contact: Thomas C. Holland Phone: (I)40) 270-8211 Fax: (1)40) 270-8201 FILED: VOLUME PAGE DCMR Date 02/16/00 Job No. 00013 Scale 1" = 60' Sheet I of I O0015fp