Lake Park/Re-DR000601Lake Park Addition. Replat of Lot 15 579 Lake park Drive DRC Date: June 1, 2000 Planning & Zonin~ Commi~iion ~[eeling: City Council Meeting: July 11, 2000 June 15, 2000 ~/Need to indicate widths of adjoining existing streets. 2. Provide the existing square footage of the lot and area to be incorporated. does not need to be on the face of the plat. It is for the Staff report. 3. Add the following note to the plat: Note: A. This .//"Individual lot owners to maintain swale and area free of surface obstructions to V ~provide positive overflow for storm sewer system" landscape plans, and building elevations Please revise plats, site plans, ror~mme~.datioBs. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff fec. ommel~[~ion~ should not be followed when you attend the June Lst Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring one new set of revised plats and plans to tho June 1" DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defemi any t~viaion. An Engineer for the project or other repre~mtative is urged to attend tim me~ing. Applicant will lmvo till noon Tlieadiy, June f~h to re~mbmit ~ightom (18) folded copies of rovised plans and threo (3) reduced papor oopie~ (8 1/2 X 11) of each exhibit to tho Planning Page I of I INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS TO MAINTAI" SWALE ~' AREA FREE OF SUeFACE OBSTEUCTle~ TO pROVIOE POSITIVE OVE~t~OW FOR STORM SEWER SYSTEM N.IS* 42' I T" E. N. 49' 49' 5 I" E. 25.87 ' 25.04' N. 25* $1'47'E. N. 2&e07' 17'" E. 21.65' 18.4'i'' N. OSe 05.45..E. :~:. 12' N. ~9'59' 5:~' E- ~6. OS' / IR