Lake Park/Re-AG000711F C-OPPEI. TE AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: July 11, 2000 ITEM # ~ ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Lake Park Addition, Replat of Lot 15, Block E, to allow for the incorporation of approximately 0.5 of an acre of property into Lot 15R located at 579 Lake Park Drive. SUBMITTED B~ TITLE: g and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL DATE ~," -t-//-o~ ,,. . Date of P&Z Meeting: June 15, 2000 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with McCaffrey, Clark and Halsey voting in favor. None opposed. Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, There are no conditions. Staff recommends approval. DIR. INITIALS: Agenda Request Form - CITY MANAGER REVIEW:~ Document Name: ~LP15Erp CASE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT LAKE pARK ADDITION. LOT 15, BLOCK E. P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: June 15, 2000 July 11, 2000 LOCATION: 579 Lake Park Drive. SIT~ OF AREA: Approximately 0.485 acres of land CURRENT ZONING: PD-SF-7 (Planned Development, Single Family-7) Replat Lot 15 Block "E" to incorporate 0.212 acres of land. APPLICANT: Owner: Stephea R. and Mary Ann Conner 579 ! ~l~e Park Drive Coppell, Texas75019 972-462-9582 Engineer: Dowdy, Anderson & Associates 5225 Village Creek Drive Piano, Texas 75093 972- 931-0964 FAX: 972-931-9538 HISTORY: TRANSPORTATION: PD 103 was established in 1987 for single family homes. The Final Plat for Lake Park Addition was originally approved in 1991. In 1994, City Council approved a replat of Lots 10-14, 17, 19-22 and 24-25 to incorporate additional land adjacent to the flood plain. The subject property was not included in the re-platting activities. MacArthur Blvd. is a property. I alre Park Drive is a of right-of-way. Item # 10 six ~-~ mv~d mo~o~hf~ s~ring t~ SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- flood plain; C - Commemial South - single family; PD-SF-7 l~a~ - single family; PD-SF-7 West - single family; PD-SF-7 COMPI~.~F. NSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property for single family uses. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this replat is to incorporate an additional 9,223 square feet of land into the existing northern portion of the lot. The lot size will be increased to approximately 0.5 acres, thus allowing the construction of a swimming pool. This land is adjacent to the flood plain. When this property was initially platted, the developer retained this strip of land. A similar re-platting activity was approved in 1994 on 12 lots, where the homeowners acquired additional land and incorporated the land into their lots. There was a parkland/lake, hike and bike trail dedication provided adjacent to the western most lots of this subdivision, which does not abut these lots. If this requested re-platting is approved then there will be only four (4) lots which are yet to replat this additional land into their existing lots. RF~OMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff reconuuer~ approval of the REPLAT as submitted ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat Document Item # 10 < · m ~ ~OODMO0~ ~ ~mDRIV~ SANDY LAKE ROAD ~ VICINITY MAp · SCALE: I" = 2000' 0 I0 20 5O 4O SCALE I"= 30' 6O OWNERS CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § WHEREAS, STEPHEN R. CONNOR AND WIFE, MARY ANN CONNOR, are the owners of a tract of land situated in the William A. Trlmble Survey, Abstract No. 1791 in Dallas County, Texas and also being all of Lot 15 in Block "E" of Lake Park Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 91170, Page 2650 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a ½" iron rod found for comer on the westerly line of Lake Park Drive (a 50 foot right- of-way), said point also being the most southerly southwest comer of the above said Lot 15 and the most northerly northeast comer of Lot 14R in Block "E" of the Replat of Lake Park Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 94049, Page 0014 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; THENCE N. 60°33'21'' W., 184 69 feet leaving the said westerly line of Lake Park Drive, and inning along the common property line between said Lots 14R and 15, to a ½" iron rod set for comer being on the top of bank of Denton Creek; THENCE along the meanders of the said top of bank of Denton Creek the following courses and distances. N. 37033'35TM E, 107.62 feet to a ½" ~ron rod set for comer; N 45°01 '54" E., 41.70 feet to a ½" iron rod set for comer, N 73°18'31'' E., 27 06 feet to a ½" iron rod set for comer; N 79050'38" E., 9.29 feet to a ½" iron rod set for comer; THENCE S. 17°12'40'' E., 200 79 feet leaving the smd top of bank of Denton Creek to a ½" iron rod found for comer being on the said westerly line of Lake Park Drive, said point also being in a non-tangent curve to the left inning in a southerly direction and having a central angle of 43°20'41'' a radius of 50 00 feet and a chord bearing of S. 51°06'59TM W.; THENCE along said curve, and along the said westerly line of Lake Park Addition, 37.83 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.485 acres (21,124 square feet) of land. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That, STEPHEN R. CONNOR AND WIFE, MARY ANN CONNOR, do hereby adopt this plat designating the herelnabove described property as a REPLAT OF LOT 15, BLOCK "E" OF LAKE PARK ADDITION, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets, alleys and easements shown thereon The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purpose as indicated. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the "Utility Easements" as shown. Said "Utility Easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desinng to use or using same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction maintenance or efficiency of its respective system on the "Utility Easements" and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said "Utility Easements" for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing from all or part of its respective system without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone Witness our hand, this the __ day of , A D. 2000 Stephen R. Connor Mary Ann Connor STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Stephen R Connor and Mary Ann Connor, known to me to be the persons whose name are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein express, and in the capacity therein stated· REPLAT OF VOL N 79°50' 38"E 9.29' N.7$°IB'$1"E 27.06' N. 45°01 ' 54"E. 4 I .70' -~(.. //15 R mw F. F 456.2 // / / / / / 14R / / / / / / / / / / / 13R LAKE 94049 PARK , PG 0014 ADDITION / / 3o' B._~L / / / 17R A= 43° 20'4 I" R= 50.00' T= 19.87 ' L=3Z83' CB=S 51°06' 59"W. LAKE PARK ADDITION VOL. 91170 , PG 2650 The developer, builder, seller, or agent shall inform in writing, each prospective buyer of subdivision lots or property located within special flood hazard areas of this site that such property is in an identified flood hazard area and that aL1 development must conform to the provisions of the City of Coppell Floodplain Management Ordinance. The written notice shall be filed for record in the county Deed of Records and a copy of the notice must accompany t. he application for development permit. "Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on ,2000. , Floodplain Administrator, · Date." RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT General Telephone TXU Electric & Gas Paragon Cable NOT E: INDIVIDUAL LOT OWNERS TO MAINTAIN SWALE AND AREA FREE OF SURFACE OBSTRUCTIONS TO PROVIDE POSITIVE OVERFLOW FOR STORM SEWER SYSTEM. OWNERS STEPHEN R. ond MARY ANN 579 LAKE PARK DRIVE (972) 462-9582 COPPELL CONNOR 75019 , TEXAS Notary Public in and for the State of Texas SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That I, V L. MATOCHA, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual on the ground survey of the land and the monuments shown hereon were found and/or placed under my personal supervision in accordance wath the platting roles and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. V.L. Matocha Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor No 1816 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for the said Dallas County, Texas on this day personally appeared V L. Matocha, personally known to me to be the person whose name IS subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this I day of ,2000 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Recommended for Approval Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas Approved and Accepted Date Mayor Candy Sheehan City of Coppell, Texas Date The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final plat of the Subdivision or Addition to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the day of ,2000, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereInabove subscribed. Witness my hand this day of ., A.D 2000 City Secretary WM. REPLAT LAKE OF PARK LOT 15 , BLOCK "E" OF ADDITION AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL A TRIMBLE SURVEY , ABSTRACT NO 1791 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS MAY , 2000 SCALE _1"= 30' ENGINEER DOWDEY, ANDERSON 8, ASSOCIATE 5225 VILLAGE CREEK DRIVE SUI' (972) 931-0694 PLANO , TEXAS ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET . ,, 52,03 75093