Longbranch/PP-CS 911203SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 ROSS L. JACOBS, RE. I. C. FINKLEA, RE. lAMES E. LAUGHLIN, P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, RE. IOHN W. BIRKHOFF, RE. MATT ARMSTRONG, RE. JOE R. CARTER, RE. GARY C. HENDRICKS0 RE. C. L. SHIMEK, P.E. Ms. M. Sho~re'Daneshmand, P.E. Enginee_ r/hg Department City of/Coppell Post O~fice Box 478 Coppet[1, Texas 75019-0478 Dallas, Texas 75225 December 3, 1991 (214) 361-7900 Re: Johnny J. E. Thompson Tract Preliminary Plat Dear Ms. Daneshmand: We have reviewed the preliminary plat for the Johnny J.E. Thompson Tract prepared by R. J. Daum for Johnny Thompson. We are enclosing a copy of our Preliminary Plat Checklist along with marked up prints for your review. It is our understanding that all structures are existing and that no additional buildings are planned at this time. We have explained the require- ment that all parking and fire lanes are to be constructed of reinforced concrete in conformance with Coppell's Subdivision Ordinance. This submittal did not include preliminary plans for water and sewer. However, there appears to be an existing sanitary sewer on-site and the off-site water line plans have been completed but not yet submitted. In addition, it appears that a floodplain development permit is required. We recommend this preliminary plat not be accepted until the necessary information is included on the plat and the preliminary construction plans have been submitted and reviewed. We are available to discuss this review at your convenie~. Sin~f~y, / ~aryv C. Hendricks, P.E. Enclosure cc: ~tblic Works, DRC Members G/'raryon~ Bowman, P&Z Coordinator R. J. Daum, R.P.L.S. Review of the Johnny Thompson Tract (No Name Provided) with the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas. PRELIMINARY PLAT Subdivision for conformance Item Section of: Item I Ordinance ~ Shown Comments ! ! Title of Plat ~VIII B Scale Developer Name & Address IEn~ineer Name & Address Tract Designation North Point, Scale & Date Boundary Lines of Tract Adjacent Property Owners or Additions ! ! !,VIII C.1. Existing Streets & Alleys Existing Easements Misc. Boundaries VIII C.2. VIII C.2. VIII C.2. VIII C.3. VIII C.4. VIII C. 5. VIII C.5. ~VIII C.5. I ! IVIII C.5. Dedications: ' I I I l>u~lic Use/Parks IVIII C.6. ! I Homeowners Association'~VIII C. 6. Subdivision Layout: ', I I Street Names IVIII C.7. ! I Street Widths IVlII C.7. I ! VIII C.7. Alleys Easements Lot Layout: Numbers Dimensions I VIII C. 7. VIII C.8. iVIII C.8. I I I Building Lines IVIII C.8. ', No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No I No ! I Yes ' Yes ! ! I Yes ! Yes I ! I ! ! No ' No I I ! Yes ' Yes I I I No ! No ! I Yes ' Yes ! ! ! I ! N/A I N/A ! ! ! I ! I u/a I i Yes Yes ! ! ! ! No ' No I The plat requires a name Include "For Review Only" Address Not Shown Survey Abstracts not shown in Title Block Show Point of Beqinnin~ Not shown on Preliminary Plat. Shown on Zoning Exhibit Only None Shown on Preliminary Plat None Shown PRELIMINARY PLAT (Page 1 of 2) ~ In ~ ~ Section of ~ Item ~ ~ Item ~Ordinance ~ Sho~n ~Confo~uce~ Comilents Screening Walls Existing Topo: Structures Utilities , Contours (5' Int.) Existing Utilities: Sanitary Sewer Water Lines & Fire Hydrants Storm Drainage Proposed Water System: I ! I I I I I I ',vIIIC.9 I N/a ' N/A ' · ! ~ Fire Hydrants Fittings Proposed Sanitary Sewer: ! I I I 'VIII C.10. VIII C.10. VIII C.10. VIII C.11. VIII C.11. VIII C.11. Yes Yes Yes Yes I I I I I I I I I I ,,. ! [ 1 I I ! I I Yes Yes Yes Yes Plan and Sizes VIII C.12. Yes No See Note 1 Valves VIII C.12 Yes ' No See Note 1 · ! 'VIII C.12. No See Note 1 IVIII C.12. Drainage Areas , (On-Site & Off-Site) ll00-Year Flood Plain ! Yes Yes I I '!VIII C. 12.!! No See Note 1 I I I I Plan and Sizes :VIII C.12. N/A [ N/A See Note 2 Manholes [VIII C.12.[ N/A Clean-Outs [VIII C.12.~ Fa-ropose~ Storm Sewer: ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I ' N/A ' See Note 3 Plan & Sizes [VIII C.12.I N/A ! I No No Not Shown IVlII C.12.1 Yes No I See Note 4 I Notes: This developer proposed to utilize construction plans for an 8-inch off-site water line prepared by Others. We have not been provided with a complete set of plans for review. In addition, off-site utility easements will be required for the water line. The developer believes there is an existing 6-inch sanitary sewer on his property which connects into the T.R.A. 33" Sanitary Sewer. Confirmation of type, size and grade of existing sewer should be provided. 3. No storm sewer system is planned for this addition. Storm drainage shall be confirmed utilizing a Drainage Area Map for both off-site and on-site flows. A Floodplain Development Permit is required for this addition. Refer to City of Coppell's Floodplain Management Ordinance No. 87390. The floodplain development permit application signature block should be shown on both the Preliminary and Final Plats. Final plat requires a permanent benchmark tied to a designated National Geodetic Vertical Datum marker. PRELIMINARY PLAT (Page 2 of 2)