Longbranch/PP-CS 911205MEMORANDUM jbm ENGINEERS Johnson, BriCkell, Mulcahy & Associates, Inc. 17440 Dallas Pkwy. Suite 242 Dallas, TX 75287 (214) 380-1453 FROM: DATE: RE: Ms. Shohre Daneshmand, P.E. Dannie R. Cummings, P.E. December 5, 1991 Thompson Tract, Belt Line Road and Ledbetter Drive This memorandum is in response to Mr. Gary Hendricks' traffic concerns regarding the proposed Thompson Tract development. His first concern was the impact of this site on traffic operations at Belt Line and MacArthur. During the 5-6 PM Peak hour, approximately 60~vehicles will enter the intersection as a result of traffic generated by the site. 24 will be westbound Vehicles an~36 will be eastbound. These volumes are minor and will have a negligible effect on. the traffic operations at Belt Line and MacArthur. The second concern was the impact on traffic movements.on Belt 'Line .when train activity disrupts traffic into the site, A train of apprOximately two minutes in duration will create a two~ vehicle queue~ in the eastbound left turning traffic and a'four vehicle queue' ~in the westbound right turning ~traffiC. 'Since aPproximately two vehicles will be able to store in the driVeway' between the railrOad and Belt Line, such a queue on Belt Line will be two vehicles in length. ~Mr. 'Hendricks' final concern was in reference to the railrOad's right of way and how this affected the construction of improvements on the Belt Line frontage. This is still questionable and uncertain area because DART is the current owner of the trackage and because of the probable difficulty'in obtaining right of way. Attached to this memorandum are six pieces for your use: 1. 24-hour machine counts on Belt Line 2,~Existing PM peak hour counts at Belt Line and Ledbetter 3. Existing PM peak hour counts at Belt Line and MaCArthur 4. Proposed PM peak hour volumes at Belt Line and Ledbetter 5. Proposed PM peak hour volumes at Belt Line and MacArthur 6. Table of traffic generation characteriStics at the proPosed site of information Gerald L, Brickell, P.E. · Edward J. Mulcahy, P.E. · Brian G. Larson, RE. · Dannie R. Cummings, RE. · James V. Dickinson, P.E. Frederick D. Schmidt,' RE. · Thomas G. Swenson, RE. · Timothy A. Chalupnik, RE. · Charles C. Rowlett, RE. · Ronald D. Seaman, P.E. Herbert J. Johnson, RE. (Retired) Kansas City, Missouri · Des Moines, Iowa · Dallas, Texas · Olathe, Kansas · Minneapolis, Minnesota Dodge City, Kansas · Liberal, Kansas III I I'1 METROCOUNT 24-HOUR MACHINE COUNTS DATE: LOCATION: I~l~ L.t'n~ ~ /..~-~r 24-HOUR VOLUME ~, TIME ENDING TIME ENDING 12:15 AM 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 C, .~ 10:45 ~/ ,~.~ 6:45 3:00 3:15 0 ~ 11:15 G~ ~ 7:15 3:30 ~ ~ 11:30 ~-~ ~ 7:30 3:45 ~ ~ 11:45 ~ ~ ~ 7:45 4:00 4:15 0 4:30 4:45 ~ ~ 12:45 7~, ~ f~ 8:45 5~0 5:15 5:30 ~ ~ 1:30 c~ ~ 7;~ 9:30 5:45 6:00 6:15 3 ~ / ~ 2:15 7~ ~* / 10:15 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 ~ I ~ 4:00 g,~ /D ~ Midnight From ~;00 (p.¥,] To ~ ;~ (P.M.) Day of Week Date INDICATE NORTH STREET JOI4~$ON, ~ICKELL. MULCAHY m,d As~e*clmtee, Ire. From 5*:0(3 ,.(P.M.) To~,~oo .(p.M.) ! ~l '~'~ ~-,, - I ~ Do, of w,.I '~1 ~z/$/c~L . I / INDICATE NORTH STREET 41 JBM JOHIqSON, BRICKELL, MU~CAHY ~d Asoeclatee, I~c. From 5:0o .(P.¥.) To 6:0c~ , (P.M.) Day of W.~k Date INDICATE NORTH 1o5o 1133 _ STREET 370 C JBM JOHNSON, I~ICKELI., MU(.CANY From To (A.M.) ,(P.M.) Day of Week Date INDICATE NORTH '74 STREET JBM JOHIIION, ~I~ICKELL, MUI. CAHY a~d Ase~clatee, I~g. TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY THOMPSON TRACT COPPEI I, TEXAS I I AM Peak t PM Peak i Land Use ADT In Out Total In Out Total Athletic Field/Park 91 - - - 13 9 22 Office ....... Restaurant 1500 - - - 128 22 150 Storage 26 1 1 2 2 1 3 Total 1617 I 1 2 143 32 175 Athletic Field/Park 91 - - - 13 9 22 Office 225 22 3 25 4 23 27 Restaurant 1500 - - - 128 22 150 Storage 3 - - - I - 1 'Total 181 g 22 3 25 146 54 200 Athletic Field/Park 262 - - - 38 25 63 Office 225 22 3 25 4 23 27 Restaurant 1500 - - - 128 22 150 Storage 3 - - - 1 - 1 Total 1990 22 3 25 L._ 171 70 241 Phase I - current proposed land utilization Phase II - future land utilization scenario Phase III - future land utilization scenario