Longbranch/PP-CS 911211-- JHN--1/--'~I ~L~:,~F I--II-MIl-L_ I~HI~IINI-IX:~ SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA COMSULTINC; ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75225 [ZI4) 361-7900 k~'T ARk6TRONG. JO( I~. CARTE~, ~. C, ARY C. HENDIt.~KS, C. L. SHIMEI~ P.E. Re; Thompson East A~dition Traffic Analysis December 11, 1991 Dear Me. Daneshmand: We ~ave reviewed the memorandum prepares by ~BM Consulting Engineers OUtlining the results of their Traffic Impact Analysis of the Thompson East ~ltion on Bolt Li0e Roa~, La,better DriVe intersection- We offer no objections to the conclusions and recon~en~tions presented. ~owever, the t~o vehicle q~eue sst/mated in the ~e~tbound right lane of Belt Li~e ~oa~ ~urinG a disruption in the right turn movement caused by a ~rain crossing, could quickly turn into a much lo~ger queue ~£th a~proximately 1,1~3 vehicles per hour traveling ~estbouna in all three lanes. A free righ~ turn lane with appropriate storage would help eliminate this p~oblem. We are available ~o ~isCuss this addition further ~t ~our cc= l~s. Tayron Bowman, P & Z co~Teniance ./ Sinc~~ ./