Kiddin Aroun/SPRv-AG 990914AGENDA REQUEST FORM September 14, 1999 ITEM # __~__ ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Kiddin' Around, Site Plan, to allow the development of a 2,950 square foot day care facility on 1.12 acres of property located approximately 312' west of Denton Tap Road; along the north side of Parkway Boulevard. TITLe.' Dkector of P_l~d Community Services STAFF COM~IENTS:-----~ ~- APPROVED ctr¥ COUNCIL DATE Date of P&Z Meeting: August 19, 1999 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, Lowry, McCaffrey, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: T,--*,- 1 1; .... (CONDiTiON MET) (CONDrnON tV~T) Stuff reco~en~ denial of ~is request. Agenda Request Fo~ - Revised 2/99 Document Name: ~J~d~n CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Kiddin' Around Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: August 19, 1999 September 14, 1999 Approximately 312' west of Denton Tap Road; along the north side of Parkway Boulevard. 1.12 acres of property; 2,950 sf day care facility to accommodate a maximum of 71 children CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: TC (Town Center). Site Plan approval. APPLICANT: Architect: AWA Architects, Inc. 17300 N. Dallas Parkway, #3090 Dallas, TX 75248 (972) 732-1033 FAX: (972) 732-1038 Engineer: Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc. 5225 Village Creek Drive, #200 Plano, TX 7093 (972) 931-0694 FAX: (972) 931-9538 HISTORY: There is no previous platting history on this property. TRANSPORTATION: Parkway Boulevard is a developed C4D, 4-lane divided collector in a 105'-wide right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- South - West - Andy Brown West Park; "TC" Town Center Huntington Ridge residential subdivision; "PD-129R, SF-9" Planned Development, Single Family-9 Retail; "TC" Town Center Glynn Solomon Professional Office building; "TC" Town Center Item # 16 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for park, open space and neighborhood retail uses with some areas shown in the floodplain. DISCUSSION: The proposed 2,950 sf hourly childcare center would be the first in Coppell. This facility is designed to accommodate families in need of childcare on a short time basis. It differs from the standard day care centers, in that there is no curriculum taught, the hours of operation are extended, as well as the State regulations governing hourly childcare centers vary from those of a traditional day care. The State requires that children dropped off between the hours of 6:00 am and 6:00 pm can stay a maximum of four and a half hours. While children that are dropped off between the hours of 6:00 pm and 6:00 am can stay a maximum of six hours. No child can stay more than 7 hours in a day. Additionally, a child can only be kept. a maximum of 15 days in a month at this type of facility. /[ ~0j~t~ ~,. :wed the Site Plan, one of our concerns was that this commercial establishment would coincide ,eak morning traffic causing an access problem at ~t submittal the applicant has indicated that the tion for this facility would be Monday - Thursday Saturday 8:30 am to 12:00 am (midnight); and Sunday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. If this case were to be approved, staff would prefer the doors open at 9:00 am while CISD schools are in session, to ensure there is no traffic overlap between the high school and daycare. If the applicant is willing to commit to these hours of operation and is willing to place a notation on the face of the Site Plan and the furore Plat staff would have less concern with this congestion issue. Initially, when staff rev/ the traffic generated b with the High School's this site. With this la proposed hours of open 8:30 am to 10:00 pm; According to the literature submitted by the applicant, the building has been designed with a covered drive for convenience to the parents. The estimated time for a child to be checked in or out of this facility is a couple of minutes. Staff is skeptical of such a statement. Parents will come in to the reception area, check the child in or out and then depart. A bar code system is being considered to aid in expediting the check-in/out procedure. Parking is available in front of the building. The maximum number of children allowed at this facility is 71. The daycare is intended to be a source of reliable childcare that provides constructive entertainment for the children who visit. It also assists parents in need of a babysitter on short notice. The submitted landscape plan will have to be modified to reflect correct landscape tabulations and tree ratios. According to staff calculations the applicant exceeds the minimum required landscaping, however, the information is incorrectly presented. Item# 16 The dumpster location as shown on the Landscape Plan may not be easily accessible by a truck, especially if the staff parking spaces along the eastern side of the building are full. The applicant may want to consider redesigning the landscape buffer along the eastern property line to better accommodate the on-site track circulation. Note that the width of the landscape buffer along the western property can not be less than 10'. The building elevations indicate a commercial facility with a residential style of architecture. The exterior building materials show a masonry fagade, accented with timber columns and shutters. The submitted brick sample is a Misty Bay red brick, the timber sample is a natural wood, the trims will be painted in light gray and the roof is a weathered wood heavy weight asphal sss~gle.~ ~ [{q/~L~ Lastly, signage consists of an attached cast stone sign with an embossed type face with black lettering and a monument sign with a cast stone sign face to match the attached sign. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is uncomfortable with this use at this location, even though the Town Center zoning permits this use by right. The Comprehensive Master plan does indicate this site is suitable for neighborhood retail uses, as well as for park/open space with some areas shown to be in the floodplain. It is doubtful that our Master Plan consultant envisioned a day care center as a neighborhood retail use. The traffic, the late hours of operation, and the 71 children cared for at this site are all substantive issues that have not been addressed to staffs satisfaction. However, should the Planning and Zoning Commission be inclined to approve this site plan, staff recommends the following conditions being met: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Limit hours of operation during months CISD schools are in session to: Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 10:00 pm; Saturday 8:30 am to 12:00 am (midnight); and Sunday 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Modify the landscape tabulations on the Landscape Plan to reflect the following information: Total linear feet of both required and provided perimeter landscaping. · Correct the required interior landscaping square footage from 4,025 sfto 1,108 sr. · Correct the required non-vehicular open space requirement to 6,875 sr. Utility meters shall not be visible except fi.om areas clearly intended as service areas where the public is generally excluded. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened. Parking lot lights can not exceed 30' in height. Furnish a floor plan. Item# 16 7) 8) Compliance to Engineering Departments comments. (see attachment) Obtain approval from the Town Center Architectural Review Board. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 2) 3) 4) 5) Site Plan Business Profile Landscape Plan Irrigation Plan Building Elevations (A-200, A-201 & A-300) . Departmental Comments Item# 16 DE vEL OPMEN T RE VIE W .COM~~EE -~ ENGINEERING COMMENTS '--~'~ ITEM: Kiddin' Around, Site Plan Review, to allow the development of a 2,950 square foot day care facility on 1.12 acres of property located approximately 312' west of Denton Tap Road, and along the north side of Parlovay Boulevard, at the request of A WA Architects, Ina DRC DATE: July 29, 1999 and August 5, 1999 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679) COMMENTSTATUS: r~r,~r ra/rrr, ra ~,v ,/FINAL r, rarrc~ Traffic circulation and access will be a problem if the facility opens before 8:30 a.m. clue to traffic around the high school. 08/10/99 TUE 10:02 FAX 972 991 5004 WMF HUNTOON ASSOC ~oo2 Kiddi n' Around an Hourly Drop-In Childcare Center Parkway Boulevard and Denton Tap Kiddin' Around has been designed to acconlnodate those families in need of hourly childcare. It differs from standard day care centers, in that, there is no curriculum taught, the hours of operation are different, and State Regulations vary from those of a 'day care center'. The intended hours of operation for this facility are: Monday - Thursday 8:30am (possibly 9:OOam) - l~'OOpm. Friday and Saturday 8:30am - 12:00am. Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm. The State requirements are that children dropped off between 6:00am and 6:00pm can only stay a maximum of four and a half hours; children dropped off between 6:00pm and 6:00am can only stay a maximum of six hours; no child can stay more than seven hours in a day. Additionally, a child can only be kept a maximum of 15 days in a month at this type of facility. The building has been designed with a covered drive through for convenience to the parents. The estimated timeframe for the child to be checked in or out is one to three minutes. Parents are not allowed access to the main area for security reasons (except on the initial visit guided tour in which it is assumed they will utilize the parking spaces provided, if not, they will be asked to). They will come in to the reception area, check in the child, and depart. On pick-up, they come in, check the child out and depart. A bar code system is planned to be utilized to help in expediting the check-in/out procedure. Parking is available on the side and in front of the building for easy access to the front door. The facility is intended to be a source of reliable childcare that provides constructive entertainment for the children who visit. By making their stays fun. the children will want to come back. which eases the parents guilt about leaving their child(ten) with a sitter. The surrounding business community benefits by the parents having the freedom to shop. go to dinner, see a movie, etc_ The parents benefit knowing their child(ten) are well cared for and are having lots of fun. It also assists them with unexpected circumstances in which a sitter is needed on quick notice or with making plans in advance.