Kiddin Aroun/MP-CS 99091709/17/99 FRI 11:03 FAX 972 991 5004 WMF HUNTOON ASSOC ~002
Kiddin' Around, L.L.C.
125 Tanbark Circle
Coppell, Texas 75019
(972) 393-5259 * (214) 695-7010
8EP 1 7 Iggg
September 17, 1999
Mr. Gary Sieb
Planning Director
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, TX. 75019 Delivered via facsimile
(972) 304-7092
, ',
Re: Kiddin Around Project located at Parkway Bivd.& Denton Tap Rd. i~'~ ~, ~I~
Dear Mr. ~ieD, (~ Il'"'" .~,...,.
Per our ~nvemation I am w~fing to you in o~er to cla~ ~e operation hours and m~imum capad~ issues
~at am ~ill in question by ~e Staff. The pu~ of ~ leEer is al~ ~ request your ufi~za~on of ~e
a~o~ b~owed u~n you to sign off on ~ Mi~r Plat in oMer to remove the ~d to go ~m ~e City
~uncil on ~to~r 12m and enable us to pmce~ ~ ~e pe~iffing p~ss for the s~ of conamcfion on
· is pmj~t. Since we have been inform~ ~at only a Ui~r Plat is n~ssa~, we would like to
you and your staff in ctariyng any outs~nding quest~ns as ~ not take up ~e valuable ti~ of the C~
~uncil, unless it is absolutely n~essa~.
In reference to the hours of operation, the following is anticipated:
Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 10:00pm
Friday & Saturday 8:30am- 12:00am
Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm
In reference to the maximum capacity, State requirements are as follows:
1 child per 30 square feet of 'non-single use" space.
Non.single use space (paint to paint) for this facility = 2522 sf.
2522 sf divided by 30 = 84 children.
As per our discussion, it is not anticipated to have 84 children at one time. However, this facility, unlike a
residence of the same square footage, has been designed to accommodate a large number of children. We
will conform and abide by the restrictions established by the State, as well as the City of Coppetrs tire code
We appre~ate your consideration of our request and look fonvard to your response. If you or your staff
have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call rne at (2'14) 695-7010.
Vice President