MacPlaza1/PP-DR 960229 (3)ill1
ITEM: MacArthur Plaza, Pre'hminary~ Plat, to allow the development of
commercial pad sites, located on the west side of MacArthur Blvd.,
adjacent to the TP&L transmission line, at the request of Nathan D.
Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc.
DRC DATE: February 29, 1996 and March 7, 1996
CONTACT: Ken Griffin, P.E., Assistant City Manager/City Engineer
Preliminary Plat
1. Dimension the sidewalk and street easement adjacent to MacArthur Blvd. on the final
2. Water, sewer & roadway impact fees will be required.
3. Show water and sanitary sewer utilities.
4. Show deceleration lane to serve the fire lane on the north side of Lot 3.
5. The deceleration lane that serves abandoned Riverchase Dr. should have 100' storage
and 100' transition.
6. The fire lane on the west side of Lots 3, 4 & 5 must be built with the first user.
7. Drainage plans should be provided.
Landscape & Irrigation Master Plan
1. Preliminary plat shows deceleration lane for lot 1. All plans should be consistent.
2. The traffic pattern should be consistent with the preliminary plat, ie., no access on the
east side between lots 4 & 5 and two way traffic on the east side of lot 3.
3. The water tap locations are inconsistent with the individual site plans.
4. The monument sign for lot 5(Sonic) cannot encroach into the utility easement.