MacPlaza1/PP-DR 960123FEB 2 919c COPPELL LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: RE: January 23, 1996 Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services Rick Wieland, Parks Development Coordinator '~ D.R.C. Review - Comments on MacArthur Plaza, Preliminary Plat The Leisure Services Department has reviewed the above referenced development, and would offer the following comments for the February 29, 1996 Development Review Committee meeting. o As indicated in previous DRC review, development of lots 1-5 will require a common landscape and irrigation plan in order to coordinate the total development. Any plan described in this preliminary plat needs to correspond with subsequent platting of the individual lots. These landscaping and irrigation plans, signed and sealed, will meet the requirements of the Streetscape Plan. This includes drive entries and landscaping along MacArthur Boulevard. Any construction activity planned which involves city maintained parkways, deceleration lanes, median cuts, left turn lanes or medians must be coordinated through the Leisure Services Superintendent, Dennis Slayton, at 304-3554. The contractor is responsible for any repair or replacement of landscaping, irrigation or utilities that are affected by construction of thi~ development. comment//3. This includes any required boring work associated with the median. See o A detailed irrigation plan, identifying line sizes, controller, etc. is needed. The irrigation controller is required to have a freeze protection device, surge protector, and rain sensor. 6. The contractor will be assessed for all irrigation meters located on the project. Will the applicant be replacing the sidewalk throughout the portion of MacArthur Boulevard ? Who are "others", and when is "future". Users of the properties along this area have indicated this. Should members of the committee or the applicant have any questions regarding these comments, please contact Gary Sims or Rick Wieland at 304-3541. GDS/rsw DRC229.96E