Magnolia Fish/MP,SP-DR010125(4),Jan-16-01 12:55P City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.01 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE BUILDING INSPECTION COMMENTS Magnolia Fis&edes DRC DATE; January 25, 2001 ~ ~reg Jones, c~ief~Udlng COMMENT STATU$: - --------~ ....... 1. It is sta~s understanding that development codes allow that an ~xisting septic tank system may be used if, in the opinion of the Cltief Plumbing Official, the system can reasonably be tv~ected to function in a sanitary manner for the proposed us& Z Because of the increased amounts of materials that will be produced by this commercial use, on-site soils testing will need to be accompllshett The results of these tests shall be Included in a report of suitabilily, furnished by a state-licensed professional, trained In septic system desigt~ This report shall be submitted for review to the Administrative ~4uthorit~ for approval prior to the submission of any design documents and shall tape into consideration all site and proposed usage conditions in determining the capability of the system to perform in a sanitary manner. tltc,12M$