MacPlaza1 City/FP-CS 960418CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE NO: S-1105, CITY GARAGE ADDITION P & Z HEARING DATE: April 18, 1996 C.C. HEARING DATE: May 14, 1996 LOCATION: West side of MacArthur Boulevard; approximately 1,140' north of Belt Line Road SIZE OF AREA: .68 acres CURRENT ZONING: C (Commercial) REQUEST: C-S.U.P. (Commercial, Special Use Permit) APPLICANT: Owner: Zell Three Inc. 1190 Explorer Street Duncanville, TX 75137 (214) 572-2897 Engineer: Spiars & DeOtte, Inc. 4230 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 215 Dallas, TX 75244 (214) 699-7477 HISTORY: In 1994 the City reclassified the zoning of this property from MF-2, Multi-Family Residential to O, Office. A laWsuit resulted. In connection with a settlement agreement not yet approved by the court, the City changed the zoning to C, Commercial in late 1995. Agents for the owner are in the process of preparing a preliminary plat of the property between MacArthur Boulevard and the electric transmission line, north of Riverchase Drive. On February 15, 1996, at the request of the applicant, the Planning and Zoning Commission postponed the public hearing of this case for the purpose of receiving coordinated submissions on all four sites within the proposed MacArthur Plaza subdivision. On March 21,1996 the Commission recommended that the public hearing be held open for another month so that this request could be processed as a planned development. Item # 6 TRANSPORTATION: MacArthur Boulevard is a 4 lane divided thoroughfare built in a 110'-wide right-of-way shown on the thoroughfare plan as a P6D, 6-lane divided thoroughfare. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - South - East West vacant; "C" Commercial vacant; "C" Commercial Jefferson at Riverchase Apartments; "MF-2" Multi-Family vacant; "C" Commercial TP&L transmission line r.o.w.; "A" Agriculture COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The 1987 Comprehensive Plan shows Office. The proposed 1996 Comprehensive Plan shows the area as suitable for regional retail use. DISCUSSION: As noted in the comments regarding the SpeeDee Oil Change case (and for the benefit of this applicant, who will not receive those comments), many communities are very reluctant to permit automobile service facilities within high-profile areas because of a history of unsightliness which hurts surrounding property values. For example, within an unincorporated community in Fairfax County, Virginia, with a population twice that of Coppell, automobile service for the past 30 years has been effectively limited to a handful of service station facilities affiliated with major oil companies. The Coppell Zoning Ordinance does not go that far, but recognizes the potential for adverse impacts by requiring a special use permit for most auto related uses. As early as November of 1995, staff met with the real estate broker and the various prospective purchasers of sites within MacArthur Plaza. Staff stressed repeatedly its opinion that, while not easily accomplished, it would be possible to establish auto related uses on MacArthur Boulevard without damage to the surroundings. The key elements would be unified building materials, coordination and restraint on signage, and extensive landscaping so that the result would be similar in appearance to neighboring commercial projects. The site plan submitted, however, does not comply with an important provision of the zoning ordinance. It does not provide 15% of the site (less building) with non-vehicular landscaping. To compensate for the shortfall, the developer of MacArthur Plaza is providing Lot 2 as a common landscape area. Staff is agreeable to the concept, but would prefer dealing with the departure from requirements through use of a planned development district in place of special use permits. Also, due Item # 6 to the lack of property depth, the landscape plan shows no plantings at the base of the building. While staff understands the site's limitations, we believe it is possible to provide relief to the amount of pavement against the building through minor relocation of a proposed grease trap, making the eastside driveway run parallel to MacArthur Boulevard southward from the midpoint of the property's frontage, and installing foundation plantings from the air conditioner's screen wall around the southeast comer of the building to the midpoint of its east face. This would leave pavement adjoining the remainder of the building front to provide the access needed for the service window at that location. Furthermore, the landscape plan fails to note the type of tree shown just south of the proposed monument sign, or to account for it in the plant list quantities. The symbol used to illustrate the tree on the landscape plan is the same symbol used to illustrate the 3 live oak trees shown along the rear property line and listed in the table. Finally, the 5'-wide monument sign shown on the site plan is inconsistent with the Chandler Sign Company drawings submitted for DRC review. We have reproduced these drawings for distribution, because they show the building elevations. The applicant is likely to bring revised monument sign drawings to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends approval of the property as a "PD-C" Planned Development District, permitting this use and ail uses allowed in the "C" Commercial District, and subject to construction and operation in accordance with engineering comments, with the irrigation plans and building elevations submitted, with an amended site plan and landscape plan, and with the following conditions: Plans shall be approved by the Riverchase Architectural Review Committee. All automobile service shall take place inside the building. All roof-top mechanical equipment and antennae shall be screened. Signs inside the building shall be no larger than 3 square feet in area, and none shall face an open bay doorway or bay door glass. Exterior signs shall be limited to those as shown on the site plan and elevation drawings. Sign colors shall be limited to Plexiglas 2050 Blue, Gemini 7138 Item # 6 White, 3M 7725-31 Grey (or a color to match Historic Tan paint color), 3M 830-43 Red, and Black. Monument sign shall include the designation "at Riverchase" to denote that the development is part of the overall Riverchase Planned Community's architectural concept. Building materials shall be limited to: Predominant brick - U.S. Brick Patriot Executive (Mineral Wells Piano Accent brick - U.S. Brick Hillstone (Ogden Plan0 Bay door, facia and trim paint - Glidden Master Palette Historic Tan 30YY 50/176 Awning - Color to match Historic Tan paint color. Staff further recommends that the site plan and landscape plan be amended to show a minor relocation of the grease trap, to show relocation of the eastside driveway making it parallel to MacArthur Boulevard from the midpoint of the property frontage southward, to show the driveway as a two-way drive on both plans, and to provide a plant bed with foundation plantings at least 30" high from the air conditioner screen wall around the southeast comer of the building to the midpoint of its east face. Also, we recommend that the large tree shown just south of the proposed monument sign be labeled to indicate that it will be a live oak tree and that 4 live oak trees be shown in the plant list. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of a planned development 2) Recommend disapproval of a planned development 3) Recommend modification of a planned development 4) Recommend reclassification to a more appropriate zoning district ATI~ACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Landscape Plan 3) Irrigation Plan 4) Elevations and Sign Drawings Item # 6