MacPlaza1 City/FP-CS 960522City of Coppdl planning Depzflm~nt ~ppell. TX 75019 Phoue: (214) 3~-367S ~: {214) 3~-3570 Pr¢l[mintry Plat Pin~ Plat ~ Minor Pltt (4 lot~ or less on existing street) I~,eplat ~d~g Plat _ M/nor Plat ~eud~ ~lat (4 lots or lc~} Note: ~plic~o~ are accepted for sub~p~o, to the ~ing ~e. ~, ~ing ~t s~'~::~'-7:-~ .... exa~ly 29 ~ys p~or to the ~t of th~ P~nnmg a~ Zoning Come,on meeang at which I&e ~plic~ion wdl be co,Meted. F~in Date: : ~-.a ,_ ;, Name of Applicant: ZELL THREE. INC. Address: 1190 EXPLORER DRIVE~ ,__ DUNCANVILLE/ TEXAS ,75137 Telephone Number: . (2.14) 572-2489 Fax Number: Firm Preparing Plat: VILBIG & AssocI_ATES,.' INC. Address'. ,, 1_0132 ,MO~IROiB DRIVE. ? DA_L.L.A$! TEXAS Telephone Number: (214) 352-7333 {214) 572~2493! 75229 FaxNumber: (214) 352-0999: All Correspondence relative to this application should bt directed w: Nm-ne: J. Ofl.N PIERCE c/o VIL.B][g & ASSOCIATES, INC. Address: 10112 MONI~OF. DRTVE - DAli,LAS.- TF.×AS 75229 Telephone Number: .--.{ 21 4 ) _352-7333 Fax NumBer: [214) 352-0999 Name of Subdivision: LOT 3, BLOCK 1 MadARTHUR PLAZA Genera] Location of Property: West side of MacArthur B!vd,. North. o.fi - Belt Line Road .._ Projected Employment (Non-residential uses only) 6 - 8 j _ Proposed Subdivision Contains: Mobile Home H~ ~dustial Pl&~ed ~ercia{ 1 0.718 FI~ PI~in Ovmer's Signature: Received From A~ress :.,'. ~mm~mm ACCOUNT