MacPlaza1 City/FP-CS 96071107/12/96 FRI 17:13 FAX 214 965 1363 HCB CONTRACTORS [~] 002 RIVBRCH ASE OWNERS ASSOCIATION 8440 Walnut Hill Lane Suite 800, LB 3 Dallas, Texas 75231 luly 11, 1996 Mr, Robert Hod$¢s HCR Peoje~t Manager ~as, Texas 7520~ City OaraBe Rivercha~e Architectural Review Committee Submittal Dear Mr, Hod~es: The Architectural Ra:vi~w CoZTunittee (ARC) has received your submittal for the captioned project.. The ARC has reviewed and approved the following mbmittals; (1) site pimp, dated i~rch 20. 1996, (ii) land~ape plan, datg~l March 8, 1996, (iii) the architectural plans, dated M~y 9, 19~6, and (iv) thc additional information provided in your tax, copy attached, The ARC approval does not supersede -,my approval required by the City of CoppoII. JWRljlb Attachments Very ~ruly yours, 07/11/gfl TIIU 17:39 [TX/RX NO 8a011 07/12/96 FRI 17:14 FAX 214 965 I563 HCB CONTRACTORS PRGE 3 ~eo:l 003 lAX ~,a/. ~ TO; ~_ [ JEIliltY RA~ Grrv' tjddlA(~ - GOPPELL '~¥ OF aa, ~,oFf OF UIHT FikTui~. TOTJL N ,U~a~ ~ p, mm: ~~ 3 11M~: 8:11 07/11/96 ~ 17:39 ['l~/l~[ NO 8301]