MacPlaza1 City/FP-DR 960605 DRC FIRE PREVENTION COMMENTS M~Arlkur Plaza Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Final Plat All fire lanes to be marked per Section 901.4,2 of Ordinance 95712 (Coppell Fire Code). Access Gate to have Optioom System and means of mechanical override, Keys to be secured m an al~roved Knox Box. Marakrlknr Plaza Addition, Lot 3, Block 1, Final Plat Fis~l Plm to show fire lane easement. ' ' All portions of the ~ to be within 150 feet of a waler supply. Knox Box with keys required adjacent to main entrance of building. Firs Lm~ to be marked pet Section 901.4.2 of Ordinance 95712. MseArtbur Plaza Addition, Lot 4, Block 1, Final Plat l~ow Ioe~tion of n~rest fu~ hydrant, Fire Lm~s to bo m~ p~ S~on 901.4,2 of O~in~ce 95712. ~x Box wi~ k~s ~qui~ ~j~t ~ m~ ~u~ of bu~g, N~ si~ of s~otu~ ~ ord~ ~ properly ~d~ss ~y Fke D~~t ~nccms, MaeArtbur Plaza Addition, Lot S, Block 1, Final Plat Show location of nearest fire hydrant, Fi~ lanm to be marked p~r Section 901.4,2 of Ordinanc~ 95712. K,~x ~ex with keys rexluired adjacant to main entrance of building, S~mus~ nt the Springs, Final Plat No comment. Will address location and spacmg of fu-~ hydrants at a tater date. Pd-14S (CH)R, Woodridge Addition, Site Plan Amendment No c~mme~tt. Sandy Lake Addition, Lot 2, Block A, Preliminary Plat Show £u'c lane easement on plat and site plan, Imsige turning radius for fir~ lane to be a minimum of 30 feet. Outside turning radius to be a mimimum of 50 feet. (Section 902,2.2.3, Ordinance 95712) Show loc~tion of fi~ hydrants. Fir~ sprinklor system and alarm system roquircd. Knox box with keys to be located adjacent to main entrance, An uaobstmotmd vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet is requlrcd at all fire lanes, (Section 902.2.2.1, Cknlimmc~ 95712) All plwtions of the structure to be within 150 re~t of a fire lane. Fire Stain, No. 2, Lot 1, Block A, Preliminary Plat Show location of nearest rue hydrant. ~ to have fire sprinkler system. ~ imicle turning radius for fire lanes is 30 feet. ~ outside ~ radius for fire lan~ is 50 feet. Cqidl Town Cenmr Addition, Preliminary Plat and l~plat Show fi~ lam ~ on plat. Town ~ Addition, Lot 1 Block 2 imicl~ radius on fire lanes is 30 feet. outside radius on fire lanes is 50 feet. TOTAL P.03