Lakewood Est/Re-CS 940211FIRST 'SO~T PROP~RTIF_,S, INC, surri~ ~o DALLAS, ~ FACSIMILE MEMO ATTN: PAGB #: DATE: FAX #:. (214) 980-84:88 PHONE: 788-4835' First Southwest Properties, Inc. Via Courier Febru.~'y 2, 1994 Ms. Tm'yon Bowman City of Coppell Planning Department 255 Park'waY Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Replat of Lakewood Estates Lots 1-15, Block D Dear Taryon: Please find eaclosexi the following items relating to 'the above-referenced project: Copy of signed letter from the President and the Board of Directors of the Lakes .of CoppeI1 Owners' Association stating that I.akewood Estates. has complied with all of the requirements of the Owners' Association as regards to the Lakewoofl Estates plat. Copy of the entire corrected minutes of the Board of Directors me. ting of Septeml:~r 21, 1993 regarding the approval of tho Lake~ood Plat. ~Copy of the signed agreement of L.C. Estates, Ltd, (owner of Lot I~R, Block D) agreeing to landscal~ maintenance on Lot I4R Block D. I trust the above documents complete your files, If you have .any questions, please feel Yours truly, /) Bnclosures 4835 LBJ Freeway · Suite 850, LB 1.00 · Dallas, Texas 75244, Phone: (214)7884835 - Fax: (214)980-8488 TO ~lanunry 27, 1994 Mr, Wayrnon Level! Pkst Southwest P~opertics ~ LB~ Freeway Sait~ 850, LB 1'00 Dallas,. T~xss 75244 Lakewood l~t~s Il)eat Mt. l~wth The put .p. ose of ~is ~t~r is ~ clari~ ~e Minu~s ~ the Board ~ Dir~o~ mee~ of ~p~r 21, 1~, ~olud~ ate th~ ~-~ minut~ ~ ~e m~ti~ ~at ~ ~a~ appmv~ e~li~' .thi~ w~ ~'~ minut~ zefle~ thc ~k~ of ~p~ll O~e~' ~iafion ~ll prov~ e~ re~k ~t lhe ~nionof ~t'l4 of ~J~ D ~a is now de~a~ a~ ~ I ~ H, ~, this let~r ~nfirms t~t you have ~mplicd with the ~quiremen~ of our a~eemenL Lakes of Coppell Owners' Association, I~ic. Clerk Will: Pr~iden~ i-ietit~se .~quare. l · 41~5 LBS, ,%,re 600, Li~ .~0, l'hlla, ?oils 75244 ° (214) 9.t4.0~00 09:49 FROM S930948 P. 04 )F Cc)PPELL MINUTES LAKES OF COPPELL OWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DII'~ECTORS MEETING September 21, 1993 A'I'TENDEES: Clark Will, Board President Craig Knight, Board Member Bill Anderson, Board Member Waymon Leveil, Board Member Ray Hildebrand, Board Member Steve Brooks, Builder John Lively,. Builder Judi Phares, Management Cary Fitzgerald, Management Wally Anderson, Management Anne Cunningham, Re¢ordi. ng Secretary The meeting was called to order at 8:55 a.m. by President Will. There was a motion by Ir, night to approve thc minutes of the July 20, 1993, Board Meeting with a .possible .addition. The motion was seconded b.y Anderson, the motion passed. M,ANAGEMENT REPORTS ~ - Fitzgerald said two more consent forms are. needed to pass the a~essment methodology amendment. The J[992 audit is inclu'r, led i.n t.h¢ agenda packet, as well as the reserve study recently completed. 820 Woodlake has been given sixty days to'complete repairs. Landscape maintenance has been co.mpleted twice for the violation, at 576 Raintree Circle. Management has not been able to track down the owner. Fitzgerald will try the utility companies; we may have to do a title search. The city has adopted an odd/even watering schedule; Fitzgerald is sending.them a letter asking for a variance to let the Association water every other day, since controllers would have to be changed manually to' meet the odd/even schedule. It would cost approximately $100 each time an irrigator had to be sent out to ehang~ the controllers. If necessary, the ]Board. wilI go to the City Council, __ARC - No submittals have been received from Country Glen builders; they will be sent a,notice of non-compliance. _ _ ['l~ri~:Z¢. Square I * 4835 LIS.I, Suite 600.. l.B 5t'~' Dallas, Texas 75244 · (214) 934.0400 Page 2 Steve Brooks appeal - At this time Steve Brooks and John Lively joined the meeting id appeal an ARC 'decision. Wally Anderson said the ARC denied the .architectural plan in February, in' August and agair~ last week. It is not considered a zero tot house as there are windows all along the zero side. Also, the house is set 2'~-" off of the easement line and there is no document showing that this use area Will go to the next door neighbor, Brooks said that the plan had been revised to take off the windows and that the owner has signed a document saying he knows he is losing 2'4." from his lot. 'Knight suggested getting an agreement in writing from 'both owners saying they accept the situation. There was a motion by Knight to accept the plan as r. evised with the stipulation as to where the fence will be and a letter from both 'homeowners accepting the situation and the promise that this plan'wili 'nOt be presented again. The motion was seconded by Anderson and the motion Passed. Bridi~e.__extensio..n. - Brooks also asked the Board's approval to extend the edge of the bridge at MacAnhur and Allen Road and put landscaping and a stone monument sign to aid in his marketing. He will also have to have the city's approval. This would be in the right-of-way and would have to be maintained by the Association. Will asked about Brooks' intent to activate the Villages of Coppell III Association to maintain the gabian ,,vall; Brooks said the Association will be activated eventually, Brooks will submit plans of the proposed monument and landscaping for the ARC's consideration. _Comm.unications - Most of the calls this period were. concerning the. problems with the irrigation system. Fin, a..nciai - Fitzgerald said homeowner assessments are over budge.t by $3,30.0 and ARC income is over by $1,600. We are $I2,832 under budget .for the year on expenses; however, the $20,000 originally allowed ~or lake wall repairs has not been spent. Fitzgerald clarified that site related. 'staff is over due to the way costs are allocated - Management fees are under budget and site related staff is over bu'.dget. The Board asked that it be noted on the delinquency report for the next meeting which owners are on payment plans. O~LD. B,U ,S, INF~S Arq,hitectural Revi,ew.,Committ.ee App°!nt.ment.5 - There was a motion by Levell that Ray Hildebrand, Stephanie Moon and L~onard Volk be appointed to the ArehiIectural Review Committee, with Oreg Franz starting as an alternate who .will .assume Volk's position .after ninety days and Alberta Rogers appointed as alternate. Alternates will be required to attend the meetings. The motion was seconded by Knight, and the motion passed. Basket.ball hoops. - to be discussed in Executive Session. ,.Boar docks and pien;.. - to be discussed in Executive Session. ~..Lakc wall repairs and, vegetation removal - Fitzgerald has received a bid from Las Colinas to' treat the vegetation in the lake war! wit.h Round-up at a cost of $I,751,97. He .also has two bids for lake wall repairs; one from Brick Doctor and one from Rebcon. Fitzgerald will also try to find a Coppcll contractor to bid. There wasa motion by Knight to u.~ Reborn after allowing ~0 w~ time t0 t~ to find a l.~al bidder, The ~o~on wa~ s~nd,ed by .~dcrson and ~ motion p~. ~e Board ~1~o decided B~I W trot ~c v~g~tatlon in th~ wall with Round-UP at ~his time. ~ - A lrtt~r was received ~rom Standard Padre a~ that bandit signs be prohibi~d ~~ el aesthetics. ~e ~nrd.' feels that banning the sig~ would requir~ too much time ~oing ~o issue. ~gemcnt will scud a lcttOr to eaoh builder' asking them to r~u~ n~ o~ ~i~s they put out, ~kewoOd ~tates - ~m~on ~ ' Wally Antenna sai~ that ~hv ARC is oon~rncd nbou~ the ~mo~-'a~ t~'~e m~in~lnM by the ~socia~n whore the tmprowm~lt~ in ,~o outfall ~ann~t s~p in both Oibbs Stagion and ~k~wood ~.t~.. ~e City is r~qulri:ng that those areas be maintained by ~ ~cistion. ~ ~O ~ ~i~ ~e plat bgause of this, Th~ ~s~iioo is ~ngW~ about thr po~iblv exPensg, ii there i~ er~ion m ~e io~s along the ~v~l['Said ho an~ ~i~t would gummit $5,~, to be ~undod in ~i~y days, ~ b~ d~p0sited a s~inl fund w b~ ~d only for ~ m~intcnano6 o~at ago in ~e ~tur~ a~d he will also get a lel~ ~m the h0meown~r saying that thc Associatlo~ wouI~ nol be r~ponsibtc for maint~ance of that area. 'On ~e ~o lots. in question in the Gib~ Station area, Knight said ~hat tb~ p~n .to i~all a ~bian Wall. or something similar to ~event ~ion. ~ was · motion by ~d~on to approve ~e ~k~wo~ ~ta~s plat subjec~ to the ~o]lowlng: tha.t $5~ be dep0sitM wi~in thirty ~ays to be ~ for fut~ maintenan~ of ~t 14, Blo~k D, and that a letter he obtain~. ~Om th~ own~ in a' re~abte ~, ~ying lha[ th.e ~oaation will not be' providing lanfl~ap~ ~inten'~n~ in ~.e outfall ~a~vl arc~. 'T~e motion w~ seconded by Hildeband sad thg motion passed, ~el[ abs~n~d, ~er~ was a motion by Hild~zand to approve fl~g ~1 plat of Gibbt 5~ E wit~ the variable fl~plaiu ¢as~cnt ata~mant ~ying ~at maint~an~ ~d orosion within tl~ cavemen; which m~t endanger the struetu~ sM[l he the r~ponsibility of th~ ~$o~iation, Normal maintonanve ~ ~is area will be ~v ~esp0n~bility of the ~n~t wi~ the. ptovtsl0n that ae developer wilt provide a gabian wall or sui~bl~ alternate for 'eroaoa prot~ton on ~ ~ and 29, ~look ~ motion was s~nd~ by ~v~ll an8 the motion pa~ ~i$ht abstained, ~ i~ al~o c. on~m abo~l ~ h~dw~l and drained~ m b~ las~lled below the water lin~ ~dar~n said be h~ b~n in discussion wi~ both the ARC ~d ili~ City and th~ pipes will bgow the water lint w~en they ar~ __~!E..W...BUSINESS 199~ Audit re. suits ~. There was a motion by Ix;veil to accept the 199Z audit. Th~ mo~ion was ~%Onded by Anderso~x'and th~ motion passed. ' ' ' ' - I) to allow tile $75,000 . Fitzgerald said the r~tve study gives four options, ~elt Federal Savings to b~ ~arrnark~ for r~s~rv~4 2) and 3) both cantain arbiira~ amounts a~d 4) shOWs a cunem r~vc Iunding of -0- and Ihs amounts needed to get the ~0iation to where it ahoul~ Dc, Fi~g~ald recommend~ ~i~g option 1 to do ~he budget and d~.~g mC 8i~sio~ until ~. Page 4 L.~ndscape Maintenance Contract - Fitzgerald said thc contract ts due .to bc renewed soon and he recommends that the current contractor not be asked to bid, as there have been constarlt problems with their service. Copies of the bid Specifications will be provided to all Board members for their review and comment, The Board also discussed the letter from Roy Goodloe offering--an alternate' solution to landscape contractors who do not have workers compensation, The Board fl~it waiving the workers compensation requirement would place the A~sociation at a greater liability risk than cost savings would justify. Well. el,e..etrical sery. ice- south.. I, ake - The Association installed electrical service to the pump several years ago, and during construction a line was cut. TUElectric has offered a proposal to provide service to the line, There was a motion by Knight to accept TUElectric's proposal. The motion was seconded by. Anderson and the motion passed. .N'pvembe. r Board Mee, tj..njz chan_~e_ - T.he November Board m~ting is changed to November 16, -[993 at 9:00 a.m. A budget workshop will also be held NOvember 4, 1993 from 9:00 to 11:00 GENE: .RAL, DiSCUSSIOn. Fountain - A letter was received from Roy Goodloe, a resident in Channel Pointe, complaining that spray from the fountain is blowing in his yard. Possible solutions would be tO move the fountain, pu: a wind guard on i.t or adjust the height. Fitzgerald wiI1 check on the price of a wind. gauge and will also talk to Tim House, who had the fountains installed. Ins. pection of records ~ As there have been requests lately to have minutes faxed to t~omeowners, ~r-the Board's information, according to ihe O:ocoments, Association records may be viewed in the offices of Management wi~ 48 hours' notice. ~ere being ~o further business, the meeting adjourned to Executive Semion at 12:00 p.m. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND. AGREEM?_ ~NT WHEREAS, L.C. Estates, Ltd., a .Texas limited partnership, is the owner of Lot 14 of' Block D of the plat of Lakewood Estates recorded in Volume 93014, Page 0670 of 'the deed records of Dallas County (the "Lot"); WHEREAS, it is currently contemplated such Lot will be replattext whereby approximately 35 i'eet will bo romovsd from th~ reit of the Lot an~ re~e..signat~ a8 a pail of Lo[ 1 of Block H of the replat; WHEREAS, upon such rcplatting the remaining portion of the Lot will be redesignated as Lot 14R of BIock D of the rep!at; WI, IEREA$, Lot 1 of Block H will be conveyed in fifll m the Lakg:i of {~9pp~l! Owner's Association; WHEREAS, there is a portion of Lot I of Block H which' was origi,aalty a part of the Lot prior to replatting, and which is east of the outfall channel that the Lakes 0f' CoppelI Owner's Association does not want to be responsible for .landscape maintenance; WHEREAS, prior to acceptance of Lot I of Block H, the Lakes of Coppell Owner's Association requires this Acknowledge and Agreement be executed by the owner of the Lot; NOW, THEREFOR.E, the owner of the .Lot acknowledges and agrees to the.following: The Lakes of Coppell Owner's Association shall notbe responsibl& for providing landscape maintexance for the portion of .Lot 1, Block H which was originally part of the LOt 14, Block D prior to replatting and which is in and around the outfalt channel. B:~JWi,,~ PE\ACKN OWL£D~EMENT. 141) This AcknowltXlgement and Agreement shall' be binding upon ail subsequent owners of the Lot I4R, Block D. L.C. ESTATES, LTD., . By: L.C. GENERAL PAR'rN'ER, LTD. By: LT REAL F_.STATE CORPORATION, 'a Texas co!Ix)ra/~, fi/~ STATI=. OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE lVl~, the undersigned authority and resident of the country where this. acknowledgment is taken, on this day personally appeared J. WAYMON LEVELL, known ~o me ~o be the Person whose name is .subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged ~ me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration expressed therein. UNDER MY HAND .... , 1993. AND SEAl., OF OFFICE, this [';)¢' day of 'V .. , .-../~.,..'d'~ . ___,a -~o~ p~bli¢~ S~ of Texa / Pfint~ or ~ Nme "' My Commission Expires: 2 B:,j WL~pE~CKNOWLE, DG ~vfh'NT. 14D TOTAL P.09