Lam Lee/Re,SPRv-CS000728July 28, 2000
PK No.: 1958-98.258
Mr. Gary Sieb
Planning and Zoning Department
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas 75019
Coppell, Texas
Dear Mr. Sieb:
JUL 3i
On behalf of Lam Lee Oriental Lacquer Furniture, Inc., we request that the City of
Coppell grant a revision to the current landscape plan. Due to the existing conditions
along the northern most property line, a 3:1 slope from the new back of curb of the
firelane to the north property line cannot be obtained. We request that the proposed turf
in this area be replaced with stapled erosion control mattin~l with purple winter creepers
placed at 18-inches'~,,,.?n(er. The revised landscape plan would al'low a 2':'1 stabiliZed
slope with Iow maintbnance plant cover. Included for your review and approval is a
copy of the revised landscape plan.
Thank you, for your consideration on this matter. If you have any questions or need any
additional information, please contact me at your convenience.
cc: Tom woUter~- Realty Capital Corp. (2 copies)