Lam Lee/Re,SPRv-DR 981029 (4)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Lam Lee Addition, Replat and Site Plan Review, to allow the creation of a new lot and the development of a 208,800 square foot office/showroom/warehouse/fabrication center on approximately 13.1 acres of property, located along the east side of Royal Lane, approximately 600' north of Creekview Drive in the Freeport North Industrial Park, at the request of Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers. DRC DA TE: October 29, 1998 and November 5, 1998 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ,/ PRELIM1NAR Y 1) Remove the contour lines from the preliminary plat sheet. Also this sheet should be labeled replat. 2) A modified left turn only median opening will only be allowed at the southwest corner of the development. 3) The proposed driveway at the northwest corner of the development must be a minimum of 120' south of the existing driveway. 4) The architect site plan needs to show the existing median on Royal Lane. 5) Show the width of the proposed driveways. 6) No fill will be allowed in the floodplain. 7) Landscaping should be located so it does no fall into the sight visibility triangles as listed in the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 8) If a sidewalk is not being constructed with this development at this time, then a note on the replat must be provided stating "Sidewalks adjacent to Royal Lane to be constructed by the property owner when deemed necessary by the City Engineer." 9) What happens to the wye inlet on the east side of the development if the proposed berming is installed. 10) All proposed paving must meet the City's minimum requirements.