Lam Lee/Re-AG 991214AGENDA REQUEST FORM December 14, 1999 ITEM ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Lam Lee Addition No. 1, Replat, to allow the recordation of utility easements and correction of the radii and width of the fire lanes on approximately 13.1 acres of property located along the east side of Royal Lane, approximately 600' north of Creek View Drive· SUBMITTED BY: ~nnin TITLE: g and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: APPROVED 8Y CITY COUNCIL DATE J.z:-./4. Date of P&Z Meeting: November 18, 1999 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: Correct the width of the southern fire lane on the Site Plan to match the width of the fire lane on the Replat. 2) 3) ~) (CONDITION MET) Developer must notify the Parks Department prior to performing any excavation in the median or right-of-way.The developer must repair any disturbed utility to the satisfaction of the Parks Department. Staff recommends approval of this request. DIR INITIALS' Agen~aRequest Forn(~ed2/99 FIN. REVIEW:(~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: @LAMLEEr CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: LAM LEE ADDITION NO. REPLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: November 18, 1999 December 14, 1999 Along the east side of Royal Lane, approximately 600' north of Creekview Drive. Approximately 13.1 acres of property; 208,800 sf office/distribution facility CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Replat approval. APPLICANT: Owner: C.L. Lee & Partners Family Ltd. 168 Regal Row Dallas, TX 74247 (214) 631-6611 FAX: (214) 631-2863 Engineer: Paceheco Koch Consulting Engineers 9401 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 300 Dallas, TX 75243 (972) 235-3031 FAX: (972) 235-9544 HISTORY: The property has been zoned industrial for more than 25 years. The property was originally platted in 1984. More recently, the Coppell City Council approved a replat on this tract of land on December 8, 1998. A special exemption to allow a reduction in the number of parking spaces from 290 to 80 was granted by the Board of Adjustment on January 7, 1999. TRANSPORTATION: Royal Lane is a C4D/6 four-lane divided collector built to standard in a 10ft-wide right-of-way capable of accommodation a 6-lane divided thoroughfare. Item# 6 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- South - East - West - Office/warehouse facility; "LI" Light Industrial Office/showroom/warehouse facility; "LI" Light Industrial vacant; "LI" Light Industrial vacant; "LI" Light Industrial COMPREHENSWE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for light industrial and showroom uses. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this replat is to allow the recordation of additional utility easements, correction of the inside radii of a number of fire lanes shown on the plat from 20.50' to 30.50' and modification of the width of the southern fire lane from 30.25' to 24'. The original site plan had a number of planting islands encroaching on the fire lane, however by decreasing the width of the fire lane the easement is clear of any infringement. With this submittal, the applicant included a site plan reflecting the parking reduction granted by the Board of Adjustment last January. All parking and the track court is located along the southern side of the facility. The previously approved site plan showed 23 track parking spaces, while this plan shows 19. The elimination of 4 track stalls allows for the creation of a landscape area between the facility and the track court. Also, 8 additional parking spaces are being proposed east of the 4 handicap parking spaces. Another 5 parking spaces are being proposed at the southeast comer of the parking lot. One of staff concerns pertains to the 5 additional parking spaces and the western planting island. The island does not measure 150 square feet in area and is not 9' wide nor does it contain a tree. The other concern relates to the proposed 42,800 sf building expansion and future parking spaces shown on the landscape plan that are not reflected on the Site Plan. A clarification is requested with regards to any future on-site expansion. Item# 6 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends approval of the replat subject to the following conditions being met: 1) Correct the width of the southem fire lane on the Site Plan to match the width of the fire lane on the Replat. 2) Modify the planting island shown at the southeast comer of the parking lot to reflect 150 square feet of landscaped area and a minimum width of 9'. Also, the island must contain at least 1 tree. 3) Revise the landscape plan to reflect the proposed changes and submit a copy of the new plan for staff approval prior to the recordation of the replat. 4) Any furore expansion should be shown on both the Site Plan and Landscape Plan. 5) Developer must notify the Parks Department prior to performing any excavation in the median or right-of-way. The developer must repair any disturbed utility to the satisfaction of the Parks Department. (See Leisure Services Department Comments) ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend denial of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat 2) Site Plan 3) Landscape Plan 4) Departmental comments Item # 6 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW LEISURE SERVICES COMMENTS OCt 2 S ~ ITEM: Lam Lee Addition No. 1, Replat DRC DATE: October 28, 1999 and November 4, 1999 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Landscape Manager COMMENT STATUS: I PRELIMINARY~'_~ I F4NA~ P~$ED Developer must notify the Parks Department at 972-304-3554 prior to performing any excavation in a median or ROW. The developer must repair any disturbed utility to the satisfaction of the Parks Department. DRC1028c