Minyard/PP-CS 960708. _/O?' 0:--.: '96 i4:59 ,3[ T'," OF Subdivision Application City of Copl~ll Pl~nni.g D~rtm~nt 255 Park~nsy BDd, OPl~ll, TX 75019 hone: (214) 304-3675 Fax: (1214) 304-3570 C OF'F'ELL EIIQIIiEERitlC~ -, :5:17 Z:~:7'I:-ILI:' -', Pr~limiairy Phu Final Plat Minor Plat (4 lots or lets ou existing street) Replat Amending Plat Minor Plat am,-adiag Plat (4 lots or les,s) I'.10. 392 Note: Applications are accepted for ~tzbmiaal prior to the filing date. The filing date shall be exactly 29 days prior to the date of the Planning and Zoning Cornmia~n meeting at which the application will be considered. Filing Date: Name of Applicant: Minyard Properties Telephone Number: .(at4-) Fax Number: Firm Preparlng Plat: Address: Telephone Number: (__~r3,,') 'Z~,& '- Z..z_li Fax Number: (~-~.) 7_~L - o 4-0 t All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Name: Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: (aV~'~ ~,,~-. ,-~z-L_ Name of Subdivision: General Location of Property: Projected Employment (Non-residential uses only) Proposed Subdivision ConL~ins: DO._'3', Owner's Signature: niNYa~D COMMUNICATIONS form 403 .r Pro Tem Mayo moved to approve Consent Agenda Item 9I with the restriction of 4 years placed on the temporary fire lane. Councilmember Robert.son seconded the motion; the ,n carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Mayo and Councilmembers Alexander, Sturges, ~n, Robertson, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. Review and adoption of Park Board 5-Year Master Plan annual update. Sims, Director of Leisure Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mr. Sims tted that ten items were dealt with in this year's review of the 5-Year Master Plan and the ~ plan projects for 1996-97 include Duck Pond Park repair; Allen Road Park; Andrew n East Athletic Complex; Coppell Middle School West ADA Restrooms; Andrew Brown 4-Plex Lighting; D/FW Practice Facilities; Andrew Brown Community Park West age; and Grapevine Springs Parking and Restroom. Councilmember Robertson directed OhS to Mr. Sims regarding the lighting of the ball fields in Andrew Brown East. Scott trns, 755 Pelican, addressed Council concerning the Girls Softball and Adult Softball usage fields. After lengthy discussion, Councilmember Watson moved to strike the second item the bottom on page 3 (Andrew Brown, Ir. Community Park East [Western Section], aiction of two multi-purpose athletic fields); strike the fourth item from the top of page 5 tn l~t [Central], lighting to the four youth multi-purpose athletic fields) and approve the nder of the Park Board 5-Year Master Plan. Councilmember Sheehan ~conded the n; the motion carried 5-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Mayo and Councilmembers Alexander, :s, Watson, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion and Councilmember Robertson ~ against the motion. ,rt rece,~ was held at this time. ~2 was considered at this time. See Item 12 for minutes. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. PD-157. Valley Ranch P!a:% zoning change from LI (Light Industrial) to PD-C (Planned Development, Commercial), with conditions, to allow the development of a 3,278 square foot drive-through restaurant and a separate 19,200 square foot retail/restaurant building, on 3.676 acres of property located at the southwest comer of Beltline Road and Mac_Arthur Boulevard. iieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. ndscaping requirements were discussed and explanation was given as to how the area was