Magnolia Park/FP-AG 971209 AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: December 9, 1997 ITEM ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Maqnolia Park, Final Plat, to allow the development of a l14-1ot residential development on 51 acres of property located at the southwest corner of Denton Tap Road and S.H. 121. SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE: Director of Planning and Community Services STAFF RECOMMENDS: Approval ~ Denial STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meetinq: November 20, 1997 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, Stewart, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Turner and DeFilippo voting in favor. None opposed. Commissioner Lowry was absent. Approval subject to the following recommended conditions: 1) City Council granting of the two requested variances (deletion of alleys for Lot 1-10, Blk. E, Lots 1 through 25, Blk. D, Lots 1-7, Blk. B, and Lots 27 through 35, Block E, as well as increasing the rear yard setback from 20 to 35 feet on Lots 34-36, Blk. E). 2) Provide an egress near Lot 1, Block A, onto the 121 Bypass. 3) Resolving the issue of the drainage runoff from residential lots into the park land. 4) Place notation on face of the plat with regards to limiting the use of wood fencing in backyards adjacent to the open space or park land. 5) The developer and the City enter into a Development Agreement within 90 days of the filing of the Final Plat to obtain appropriate grant(s) for the acquisition of park land and improvements provided in the attached Exhibit A. DIR. INITIALS:~~ Agen~ Requ~ Fora - Rev~d 1/97 FIN. REVIEW.~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name magpkPF.PZ CASE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT MAGNOLIA PARK, FINAL PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: November 20, 1997 C.C. HEARING DATE: December 9, 1997 LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: Southwest comer of Denton Tap Road and S.H. 121 Bypass. 51 acres; Residential Lots- 114 Common Area Lots - 10 CURRENT ZONING: PD- 133, SF-9 and SF-12 (Planned Development 133, Single Family-9 and 12) REQUEST: Final Plat approval. APPLICANT: Owner: Magnolia Park Co., Ltd. 5225 Village Creek Dr., Ste. 400 Piano, TX 75093 (972) 267-6888 Planner/Engineer: Dowdey, Anderson & Associates 5225 Village Creek Dr., Ste.200 Plano, TX 75093 (972) 931-0694 HISTORY: City Council approved the original Final Plat on November 12, 1996 which was valid for six months, until May 12, 1997. On April 23, 1997, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant requesting a 6 month extension on the final plat. On May 13, 1997, City Council approved a variance from the Subdivision Ordinance to extend the validity of the Final Plat of Magnolia Park for 12 months from the date the plat was originally approved. The extension expired on November 12, 1997. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D, six lane divided (120 foot r.o.w.); currently a two lane roadway; the 121 Bypass will be built to freeway standards with access roads in 450 of r.o.w. Item # 8 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - South - East - West - future S.H. 121 Bypass; "HC" Highway Commercial Andrew Brown West Park; "TC" Town Center vacant; "C" and "LI" Commercial and Light Industrial vacant; "R" Retail COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the portions of the property adjacent to Denton Tap Road suitable for regional retail uses, the inner portion of the property suitable for residential uses and the southern portion of the property is shown in the floodplain. DISCUSSION: This is the final plat for only the residential portion of this particular planned development. The original final plat was approved by Council on November 12, 1996, and the 6-month extension was approved by Council on May 13, 1997. The extension has expired and now the applicant is resubmitting a final plat showing additional alley deletions and increased rear yard setbacks for specific lots. From a planning perspective, the fact that a final plat for the property consistent in all respects with the approved preliminary plat was submitted for approval, validates the preliminary plat. Therefore, discussions with regard to this plat should be limited to only the proposed changes. The request for additional alley deletion does appear to be reasonable. The increased rear yard setback assures proper building setback from the highway. The planning department is comfortable with the changes. However, other members of the Development Review Committee do not share the same sentiment. The Fire Department in particular feels very strongly there be two ways in and out of the subdivision for the safety and welfare of its future residents. This position is in conflict with Fire's earlier approval of this plat. The possibility of requiring a right out only exit onto the future 121 Bypass service road was discussed with the applicant. The applicant had agreed to study the alternative, however, the plat does not reflect any changes with respect to this issue; therefore, we must conclude that the applicant desires plat approval as originally recommended by Commission and Council. Another concern which was raised pertains to drainage runoff from residential lots into the park land. We had suggested that drainage patterns be modified so as not to drain into park property and creating a "soggy" environment. Staff has reviewed the plat and the Homeowners Association document and can not see any changes. We must, therefore, surmise that this concern has not been addressed. The street name of Stanton Court was removed at staff request, however, it has not been Item # 8 renamed. Uniform fencing was required for Lots 5-7, Block B and Lots 1-7, Block E. The deed restrictions limit the use of wood fencing in back yards adjacent to the open space or park land, however, this wordage should be repeated on the face of the plat. A reminder that the dedication of the park land by separate instrument needs to be accomplished prior to the recording of this f'mal plat. Also, applicant should recognize and adhere to the park improvement agreements initially granted to Lincoln Properties and later adopted by Magnolia and finally agreed to by Ron Fraze (copy attached). The monetary commitment of park improvements amounts to over $300,000 which will be paid in lieu of the park fees required by the City. The Park Planning Manager in his letter to Gary Sieb mentions that he has had preliminary discussions with the applicant relating to the park site. Any future park improvement will have to be reviewed and approved by the Parks Department. The Park Manager is aware of the PD conditions and will ensure that the applicant complies with the park-related stipulations. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Planning staff recommends approval of the fmal plat with the following conditions being met: 1) Granting of the two requested variances (deletion of alleys for Lot 1-10, Blk. E, Lots 1 through 25, Blk. D, Lots 1-7, Blk. B, and Lots 27 through 35, Block E, as well as increasing the rear yard setback from 20 to 35 feet on Lots 34-36, Blk. E. 2) Addressing the Fire Department comment regarding the two ways in and out of the subdivision. 3) Resolving the issue of the drainage runoff from residential lots into the park land. 4) Place notation on face of the plat with regards to limiting the use of wood fencing in baclcyards adjacent to the open space or park land. 5) Dedication of the 26 acres of park land to the City prior to the recording of the fmal plat. 6) Homeowners Agreement must be approved by City Attorney prior to the recording of the final plat. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request Item # 8 2) Recommend disapproval of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final Plat 2) PD-FP Development Agreement 3) Park Planning Manager's Letter 4) Departmental Comments Item # 8 PD-FP DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT l~nen the original Lincoln Property zoning was approved, certain conditions were agreed to regarding the PD-FP tract (approxismtely 30 acres). ~hen Magnolia rezoned the property three years late=, these sa~e conditions were reiterated. The conditions: Approxiemte Cost: -One picnic shelter Six picnic tables ($375.00) Six forged cooking grills ($400.00) Ten trash cans ($60.00) Six (10-12' high) antique fixture poles. plus 34 Jogging trail fixtures One Jogging trail (crushed stone) T~elve exercise stations T~enty acres of seeded Benauda grass One hundred shade trees (2-3" caliper) Temporary [rrigation to get plants started Sixty ornamental trees (8' height average) One pedestrian bridge (subject to CORPS & F~ approval) Clean-up and clearing Erosion control Appearance grading Electricity and water to shelter $20,000 2,250 2,400 600 34,000 27,000 8,000 55,000 23,000 17,000 (incl. in trees above) 42,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 2,800 $284,050 contingency 28,405 $312,455 11×13×97 14:03 CITY OF COPPELL a CITY OF COPPELL N0.045 Dote: To: Nov~aber 13, 1997 Gary Sieb, Planning Director From Brad Reid, Park Planning Marmger Subject: Magnolia P~rk City of Coppell Ordinance 91500-A-113, dated January 23, 1996, regarding a zoning change for Magnolia Park, st~ipulates the change in zoning for the property was granted subject to several special conditions. The developer should be reminded oft. hog items before proceeding with plans for the project. The conditions which relate to Leisure Services are as follows: The property shall be developed and used so that thc Homeowner's Association shall be responsible for maintaining the common areas. The property shall be developed and used so that a foot bridge is constructed to the park land area. The developer shall cooperate with the City of Coppell to pursue a grant for the donation of a park land site and improvements. 4. The developer shall lay and install bermuda turf grazs in the park land site. The developer shall provide a plan for the installation and maintenance of an automated imgation system to be installed at or near thc playground as shown on the approved site plan. All playground specifications shall be coordinated with and approved by the City of Coppell Parks and Recreation Division (Leisure Services Departmen0 to en~ure the same are accessible to challenged individuals. The property shall be developed and used so that the developer/owner of thc property zoned herein shall provide additional access for a pedestrianfoikc trail along the Denton Tap Road as it is widened if the pedestrian/bike bridge across Denton Creek is not approved. 11×13×97 14:03 CITY OF COPPELL a CITY OF COPPELL N0,045 ~03 The property shall be developed and used so that aeration fountains are in~tallexi m the two (2) lakes as shown on the approved site plan and thereafter maintained by the developer and the Homeowner's Association. Thc developer and Homeowner's Association shall cooperate with the City of Coppell to finalize improvements to thc proposed park land site. The Leisure S~'viccs Dep. artmcnt m~t with the developer several weeks ago to talk about thc issue of thc park site at Magnolia. The devoloper indicated at that time they would begin to prepare design drawings for the park and return to us for r~vicw and comment. We have yet to sec any plans. It is my understanding this ordinance remains in force and thc dcvelop©r is required to follow thc above stipulations. If this is the case, the developed should be reminded of these issu6s. Thank you for your consideration of this matter, Brad Reid, Park Planning Manaser 0CT-30-1997 15:45 CITY OF COPPELL P.02 I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI]~E FIRE PREVENTIONCOM ~: MAGNOLIA PA~ OCT 3 0 1997 DRC DATE: OCTO~P_.lt 30, l~J~ CO~ STA ,TftlS: ~ PREZ. IMINARY II 1. Need two ways in and out of subdivision. 2. No parking allowed on nodes along Natches Trace. 3. Change the name of Stantor~ Hall. Already have a Stanton in Coppell.