Magnolia Park/FP-CS 980701From: Steve Goram To: Pert Virtanen Date: 7/1/98 11:50am Subject: Re: Municipal Consent Granted to CoServ Pert, the consent granted does not allow CoServ to offer cable services. It does give them the authority to offer telecommunication services. It is my understanding that Paragon Cable refused to sign the plat at the request of the City. I suggested that the CoServ representative contact the Planning dept. to determine the situation. Should CoServ desire to enter into an agreement with the City to offer cable services, they will be required to do so under a separate instrument Call me if you have any questions. Thank you. >>> Pert Virtanen 06/30/98 04:49PM >>> Ordinance 98837 grants CoServ use of public r.o.w, for telecommunications services, excluding cable service as defined in Subchapter VI of the Communications Act of 1934. Chapter 9-20 of the City Code requires that those desiring to use public r.o.w, for the purpose of providing services subject to the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 shall first obtain a required franchise from the City. The developer of Magnolia Park has refused to obtain a signature from Paragon Cable on the plat, because he contends that CoServ will provide the cable TV sen/ica within the subdivision. This would be okay with me, if I knew for sure that CoServ had proper authorization. Since I am unfamiliar with the federal laws cited, I remain clueless. Can you shed some light? Did Ordinance 98837 authorize CoServ to provide cable TV in Coppell, or did it authorize something other than that?