Mobil Oil/FP-CS 860804 (2) o o & DENTON TAP ROAD · t~onal ~PD (dispenser) at t~ subject the following conditions: to compliance within .... , ........ our monument type price ~gn'"~-~ in compliance with Section 10-5-16 of the Sign Ordiance Code). On April lO, 1984, Mobil received City Council approval of a final plat and S.U.P. for a service station at the subject intersection. Mobil also applied for and received a variance for its 8 foot monument I.D. sign, of which the price sign was a part of. Why now, after two years, does the city come back to us and state we are not in compliance with the above stated sign ordiance after granting the necessary approvals in 19847 Please advise. Very truly yours, Real Estate Representative /clt 8362C Mobg 011GorPoration P.O. BOX 2529 DALLAS, TEXAS 75221-0529 August 4, 1986 .City of CopJbell 616 South 17zoppell Road M~IL S.S. #12242 & ~NTON T~RO~ !'5 ~ ~PPELL,~ Dear Mr. Bo.man: ~ On Juiy 22, i9~, the City Co~cii aPprov~ Mobii's req~st to extend one of the p~ isia~s and add an additionai'~ (dispenser) at the subject iocation. The app~vai was granted the foiiowing co~ttions: 1. Mobil ~eplace ail dead landscaping 2. Our signage be brought into compliance within six months. (City claims our monument type price sign is not in compliance with Section 10-5-16 of the Sign Ordiance Code). On April 10, 1984, Mobil' received City Council approval of a final plat and S.U.P. for a service station at the subject intersection. Mobil also applied for and received a variance for its 8 foot monument I.D. sign, of which the price sign was a part of. Why now, after two years, does the city come back to us and state we a~e not in compliance with the above stated sign ordiance after granting the necessary approvals in 19847 PIease advise. Very truly yours, Real Estate Representative /clt 8:)62C ITEM NO. 9: Consider approval of preliminary plat of Sandy Lake Estates Mr. Dan Uzzle made the presentation to the Council. He stated that the subdivision contained 52 duplex lots that are presently zoned 2F-9. The duplexes are intended for individual ownership. City Engineer Wayne Ginn stated that this subdivision does meet all City requirements; however, there is still a problem in obtaining the drainage easements. Following discussion on this item and the possibility of a zoning change being required; Mayor Pro Tem Thompson moved that this item be tabled until the drainage easements and the zoning question can be resolved; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 10: Consider approval of preliminary plat ofi'l_a Petite Academy Mr. Ken Prater made the presentation to the Council. He stated that approximately .75 of an acre will be used for the construction of a child care center. Typically, the La Petite Academy uses two different building styles and modifies them to meet the different City codes. During discussion of this plat, Mr. Prater was informed it was the desire of the Council to see a concrete parking lot with a concrete~fence rather than a chain link fence along Bethel School Road as well as an architectural style that would blend with the entire theme of the City. Following discussion, Councilman Pettijohn moved that this plat be approved; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. ll: Consider approval of preliminary plat of Woodridge Addition, Section VI Mr. Bert Elsey and Mr. Sheldon Johnson made the presentation to the Council. A concern of the alleys opening on to a major thoroughfare (Allen Road) was voiced by the Council. Mr. Johnson provided the Council with a traffic count of the anticipated number of vehicles emptying onto Allen Road from this development. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Ware moved that this item be approved; Mayor Pro Tem Thompson seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 12: Consider approval of final plat under S.U.P. for Mobil Oil Corp. Mr. J. W. Chesser made the presentation to the Council. He stated that the facade around the canopy will be stucco. Mayor Brown complimented Mr. Chesser on the landscaping and architectural work submitted with this plat. An example of the intended precast concrete to be used in the construction of the building was presented to the Council and deemed to be acceptable. Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Thompson moved that this plat be approved; Councilman Bailey seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 13: Consider approval of final plat of Shadowridge Estates, Phase I Mr. Harold Dixon and Mr. Dino Farelle made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Farelle stated that the drainage and sanitary sewer concerns that were expressed during the P & Z meeting have been addressed. He stated that this 110 acre- subdivision impacts the Grapevine Creek drainage very little as it drains to the south and southeast. City Engineer Wayne Ginn verified that this development will affect the drainage very little; however, he did state that during a recent meter test during a rainy period, a problem with infiltration was discovered that caused an overflow of this line. Mr. Ginn stated that during an everage daily usage, this development would bring the capacity of this line to approximately one-half. Mr. Farelle informed'the Council that a variance is also being requested on Lot 20, Block A to for a side yard variance from 10% of the lot width to 10% of the average 75-ft. wide lot width. This lot is extra wide to accommodate a drainage easement on the north. During discussion of this development, Council instructed City Engineer Wayne Ginn to conduct a study to determine assessment charges for the installation of a parallel sanitary sewer line to serve this entire drainage basin. Following discussion, Councilman Ware moved that this devel- opment be approved with the variance on Lot 20, Block A being granted and that any future phases presented to the Council will be included in the assessment charges for the future parallel sanitary sewer line; Mayor Pro Tem Thompson seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 14: Consider approval of preliminary and final plat of Moore Road (right-of-way) Mr. San Wyse made the presentation to the Council. He stated that this plat includes one-half of the right-of-way with the remainder to be dedicated by the adjoining property owner. Following discussion, Councilman Bailey moved that this plat be approved; Mayor Pro Tem Thompson seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 15: Consider approval of preliminary and final plat of Mockingbird and Falcon Lanes (right-of-way) Mr. Steve Parsons made the presentation to the Council. He stated that should the right-of-way across the railroad not be acquired, that Mockingbird would turn eight to the east or the west on the north side of the railroad. Following discussion, Councilman Ware moved that this plat be approved; Mayor Pro Tem Thompson seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 16: City Manager's Report City Manager Ron Ragland read a note of appreciation written to the City from Jackie Newton stating his appreciation to Water Superintendent Steve Goram and Utility Serviceman Carl Bass. Mayor Brown then read a telegram from Councilman Lou Duggan, who was out of town and unable to attend tonight's meeting, offering his congratulations to newly elected council members Thompson, Bailey and Pettijohn, and expressing his appreciation to Mayor Pro Tem Mayo and Councilman White. ITEM NO. 17: Executive Session There being no business to conduct during this session, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary Item ]1: Item 12: Item 13: n.::.rtbe~[sc cor*~er oz~ Denton Tap Road and Braewood Drivr ~. Zonlng Application $86-05-13 - PL~LIC HEARING To consider a zoning change request for' Mobil Oil Corporaticn from "C-S.U.P." Commercial with a special use permit for a gasoline station, convenience store, and car wash to "C-S.U.P." Commercial with a special use permit to extend the gasoline pump island on property located on the northeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Beltline Road. Zoning Application #86-04-28 - PUBLIC HEARING To consider a sign variance request for Mobil Oil Corporation from Section 10-5-9 of the City of Coppell Sign Ordinance on property located on the northeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Beltline Road. Zoning Application #86-05-27.5 - PUBLIC HEARING To consider a sign variance request for Pizza Hut from Section 10-6-1 (c.2) of the City of Coppell Sign Ordinance on prope<ty 'located on the southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and MacArthur Boulevard in the Corners of Coppell Retail Center. Item 14: Item PLATTING Plat Application #86-05-19 To consider approval of a preliminary plat for Lake/Moore Road Joint Venture on property located northwest corner cf Sandy Lake Road and Moore Road. Sandy on the Plat Applfcat5on #86-05-02 To consider approval of a final plat for Chancre] T'cJ~te (formerly Carmel at the Lakes of Coppell) on property located on the southwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Farkway Boulevard. ' Adjournment. Ray Smedul ~-~ Planning and Zoning Chairman I certify that thls notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall of the City of Coppell on June 16, 1986 at 4:00 p.m. L:'nda Ol~dewe]l, Secretary PZAGN