Magnolia Park/FP-CS 97111314:03 CITY OF COPPELL ~ CITY DF C0PPELL N0.045 ~02
November 13, 1997
Gary Sieb, Planning Director
omcz M MO
H0V I 3 1997
Brad Reid, Park Planning Manager
Subject: Magnolia Park
City of Coppell Ordinance 91500-A-113, dated January 23, 1996, regarding a zoning
change for Magnolia Park, stipulates the change in zoning for the property was granted
subject to ~cveral special conditions. The developer should bc reminded ofthe~e items
before proceeding with plans for the project. The conditions which relate to Leisure
Services arc as follows:
The property shall be developed and used so that the Homeowner's Association
shall be responsible for maintaining the common areas.
The property shall be developed and used so that a foot bridge is conslructed to
the park land area.
Thc dcveloper shall cooperate with the City of Coppell to pursue a grant for the
donation of a park land site and improvements.
4. The developer shall lay and in,stall bmmuda turf grass in thc park land sit~.
The developer shall provide a plan for the instaLlation and ma/ntenance of an
automated irrigation system to be installed at or near the play~round az shown on
tho approved sito plan.
All playground specifications shall be coordinated with and approved by the City
of Coppell Parks and Recreation Division ('Leisure Services Department) to
ensurc thc same are accessible to challmlged individuals.
The property shall be developed and used so that the developer/owner of thc
property zoned herein shall provide additional access for a pedestrianfoikc wail
along the Denton Tap Road as it is widened if the pedestrian/bike bridge across
Denton Creek is not appwved.
1'1/13/97 14:03 CITY OF COPPELL * CITY OF COPPELL N0,045 ~&
The property shall be developed and used so that aeration fountains are installed
in the two (2) lakes as shown on the approved site plan and thereafter maintained
by the developer and thc Homeowner's Association.
Thc dcvcloper and Homeowner's Association shall cooperate with the City of
Coppell to finalize improvements to g~ pwposed park land site.
The Leisure Services Department met with the developer several weeks ago to talk about
thc issue of thc park site at Magnolia. The developer indicated at that time they would
begin to prepare desisn drawings for the park and return to us for review and comment.
We have yet to see any plans. It is my understanding this ordinance remains in force and
the dcveloper is required to follow thc above stipulations. If this is the case, the
developed should be reminded of these issues.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Brad Reid,
Park Planning Manager