Mobil Oil/FP-CS 840214Minutes of February 14, 1984 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on Tuesday, February 14, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High School Administration Building. The following members were present: Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor Orville Ilayo, Mayor Pro Tem Glen White, Councilman (Late Arrival) Dale Ware, Councilman Bunny Thompson, Councilman Lou Duggan, Councilman The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman Duggan gave the invocation. Following the invocation, Councilman Thompson moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Mayor Pro Tem Mayo seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 4: Approval of Bills Councilman Thompson moved that the bills be approved as submitted; llayor Pro Tem Mayo seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 5: Consider approval of a proclamation designating May 5, 1984 as Coppell Founder's Day Mayor Brown read the proclamation proclaiming May 5 as Coppell Founder's Day. Following the reading of the proclamation, ~layor Pro Tem Ilayo moved that it be approved; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 6: Consider approval of a Statement of Interest in participating in the Urban County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Mr. Rick Loessburg made the presentation to the Council. He stated that this program does not have as much federal intervention as other programs and that the formula is based on an entitlement basis and can be used to finance roads, water, sewer systems, parks, historic preservations, senior citizen centers, housing rehabilitation and economic development activities. He is asking at this time for a statement of interest from the City and will bring back a memorandum of agreement at a later date. The total amount to be financed for each of the next 3 years is $1.8 million dollars. Councilman White arrived during this discussion. The only prohibition of this progam is that Cities that join in with Dallas County would be prohibited from making their own application for the Community Development Program funds. Mr. Loessburg stated that this money can be used for State programs but cannot be used for matching federal funds. Following discussion, Councilman Duggan moved that the Statement of Interest be approved; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing to consider annexation to the City of Coppell of approximately 68.885 acres of land located at the southwest intersection of Cotton Road and Freeport Parkway on request of Triland, International, Inc. Mayor Brown declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak for the proposed annexation. There were none. He then asked~ for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed annexation. Again, there were none. The public hearing was declared closed and'an ordinance will be prepared on the March 13 meeting for annexation of this property. ITEM NO. SA: Public hearing to consider a request for a specific use permit (SUP) for a Mobil Station on approximately .784 acres of land located at the northeast corner of Denton Tap and Beltline Road. Mr. J. W. Chesser made the presentation. Following the presentation, Mayor Brown declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak for the proposed change. There were none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed change. Again, there were none. The public hearing was declared closed. Following~discussion, Councilman White moved that this zoning change be approved; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 8B: Consider approval of a preliminary plat on the above described property. Following discussion by the Council on landscaping and building materials of the building, Councilman Ware moved that this plat be approved; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 9: Public hearing to consider a variance request to the Sign Ord- inance No. 287 by Northlake Woodlands Homeowner's Association rlrs. Corrine Johnson made the presentation to the Council. Questions were raised concerning the site prohibiting visibility at the Moore and Bethel Rd. intersection as well as the placement of the sign at the Sandy Lake and Raven location. Mrs. Johnson indicated that the sign at Moore and Bethel Road would not present a visibility problem and that the placement of the sign on Sandy Lake and Raven would be immediately adjacent to the fence. Mayor Brown then declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak for the proposed sign variance. There were none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed sign variance. Again, there were none. The public hearing was then declared closed. Following further discussion by the Council, Mayor Pro Tem Mayo moved that the sign variance be approved; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 10: Consider approval of a preliminary plat (conceptual plan) of Shadow Ridge Estates Mr. Dino Feralli made the presentation to the Council. Questions were raised concerning the drainage and sanitary sewer to this property. City Planning Coordinator Scott Barnett indicated that the drainage and sanitary sewer problems would be worked out prior to final submittal of this plat. Mr. Feralli was instructed by the Council that they would like to see an engineering report indicating that the drainage and the sanitary sewer problems could be worked out and that the property would drain to the north as was stipulated in the zoning change at an earlier date. Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Mayo moved that the street and lot layout be approved with the stipulation that the drainage and the sanitary sewer problems be worked out at a later date; Councilman White seconded the motion which carried 4-1 with Councilman Duggan voting against. ITEM NO. ll: Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing approving an amendment. to the Bylaws of the Coppell Industrial Development Corporation and appointing an additional director. Following discussion, Councilman Duggan moved that this Resolution be approved and that Jay Stanley Turner be appointed as the sixth board member to the Industrial Development Corporation; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 12: Canvass of the returns of the February 4, 1984 Bond Election and approval of an ordinance declaring said results City Attorney Larry Jackson canvassed the returns and declared all propositions to be passed. Following discussion, Councilman Thompson moved that Ordinance No. 301 declaring the results of the election be approved; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 13: Adoption of an amendment to the sign ordinance granting a variance on request of the First Security Bank & Trust (heard and approved by the Council on January lO, 1984) Following discussion, Councilman ~lhite moved that this Ordinance No. 287-A-1 be approved; Councilman Thompson seconded and motion carried 5-0. The meeting was then closed for an Executive Session allowed under Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney. Following the Executive Session, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary ITEM NO. 9: Consider approval of preliminary plat of Sandy Lake Estates Mr. Dan Uzzle made the presentation to the Council. He stated that the subdivision contained 52 duplex lots that are presently zoned 2F-9. The duplexes are intended for individual ownership. City Engineer Wayne Ginn stated that this subdivision does meet all City requirements; however, there is still a problem in obtaining the drainage easements. Following discussion on this item and the possibility'of a zoning change being required; Mayor Pro Tem Thompson moved that this item be tabled until the drainage easements and the zoning question can be resolved; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 10: Consider approval of preliminary plat ofita Petite Academy Mr. Ken Prater made the presentation to the Council. He stated that approximately .75 of an acre will be used for the construction of a child care center. Typically, the La Petite Academy uses two different building styles and modifies them to meet the different City codes. During discussion of this plat, Mr. Prater was informed it was the desire of the Council to see a concrete parking lot with a concrete fence rather than a chain link fence along Bethel School Road as well as an architectural style that would blend with the entire theme of the City. Following discussion, Councilman Pettijohn moved that this plat be approved; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. ll: Consider approval of preliminary plat of Woodridge Addition, Section VI Mr. Bert Elsey and Mr. Sheldon Johnson made the presentation to the Council. A concern of the alleys opening on to a major thoroughfare (Allen Road) was voiced by the Council. Mr. Johnson provided the Council with a traffic count of the anticipated number of vehicles emptying onto Allen Road from this development. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Ware moved that this item be approved; Mayor Pro Tem Thompson seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 12: Consider approval of final plat under S.U.P. for Mobil Oil Corp. Mr. J. W. Chesser made the presentation to the Council. He stated that the facade around the canopy will be stucco. Mayor Brown complimented Mr. Chesser on the landscaping and architectural work submitted with this plat. An example of the intended precast concrete to be used in the construction of the building was presented to the Council and deemed to be acceptable. Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Thompson moved that this plat be approved; Councilman Bailey seconded and motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 13: Consider approval of final plat of Shadowridge Estates, Phase ! Mr. Harold Dixon and Mr. Dino Farelle made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Farelle stated that the drainage and sanitary sewer concerns that were expressed during the P & Z meeting have been addressed. He stated that this llO acre- subdivision impacts the Grapevine Creek drainage very little as it drains td the south and southeast. City Engineer Wayne Ginn verified that this development will affect the drainage very little; however, he did state that during a recent meter test during a rainy period, a problem with infiltration was discovered that caused an overflow of this line. Mr. Ginn stated that during an everage daily usage, this development would bring the capacity of this line to approximately one-half. Mr. Farelle informed the Council that a variance is also being requested on Lot 20, Block A to for a side yard variance from 10% of the lot width to 10% of the average 75-ft. wide lot width. This lot is extra wide to accommodate a drainage easement on the north. During discussion of this development, Council instructed City Engineer Wayne Ginn to conduct a study to determine assessment charges for the installation of a parallel sanitary sewer line to serve th(s entire drainage basin. Following discussion, Councilman Ware moved that this devel- opment be approved with the variance on Lot 20, Block A being granted and that any future phases presented to the Council will be included in the assessment