Mobil Oil/PP-CS 840119 (3)LThe City With A Beautiful Future P. O. Box 478 Coppelt, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 STAFF REPORT JANUARY 19, 1984 RE: Case #83-12-12.1 / Mobile Oil Corp. Location: Northeast corner of the Intersection of Denton Tap and Beltline Road. Request: Requesting approval for a S.U.P. (Specific Use Permit) and pre- liminary plat. Applicant: Mobile Oil Corp. Represented by J.W. Chesser The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval for a self-service gas station and car wash, which is required to be filed under a S.U.P. (Specific Use Permit). Through staff review, the preliminary plat meets all submittal requirements with the exception of stating on the plat the Righ~-of-Way dedication for the realignment of Denton Tap and Beltline Roads. The mets and bounds survey indicates that they did incorporate it in the plat, but did not physically show it on the description. I have contacted the civil engineer in regard to this matter and the plat will be changed, but could not be completed by the time the packets were to be distributed. In regard to the site plan submitted, it has all the pertinent material and information required for submittal, but a few minor alterations in the landscaping plan and possible the sign location will have to be made and again could not be completed before distribution of packets. It is the staffs recommendation that an approval be made of thie preliminary plat and S.U.P. Respectfully submitted, Scott Barnett Planning Co-Ordinator SB/asm ." f ,-tll C C N( RTH LA~E