Mansions/FP-AG 980811AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: ITEM CAPTION: August 11, 1998 ITEM # Consider approval of an extension of time as it applies to the filing expiration date of the Final Plat of The Mansions by the Lake, property located along the east side of Coppell Road, approximately 967 feet north of Parkway Boulevard, granting extension to allow for the Final Plat_.t~.e filed with Dallas Connty. ~ APPROVEI) TITLE: tr Director of Pla!ln-h'~and Commu~¢es STAFF a ~. C O~._~S~--~rEOV.~ ' -' STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: N/A Decision of P&Z Commission: N/A SEE ATTACHED LETTER FROM WASHINGTON & ASSOCIATES DATED AUGUST 3, 1998. THE FINAL PLAT WAS APPROVED BY COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 11, 1997. DIR. INITIALS: Agenda Request Form - Revised 3/98 FIN. REVIEW: ~C~ CITY MANAGER REViE/ Document Name: ®MANSION.EXT WASHINGTON. & ~SSOC INC TEL:81?-~85-a106 Au9 05,98 1~:05 No.O06 P.02 WASHINGTON & ASSOCIATES, Isc. ENGINEERS · PLANNER8 August $, 1998 Mr. O$_,y L. $imb, A.I,C.P. Direc~r of Plannin$ $,nd Community Services city of ~n P.O. Box 478 CoPi~ll, Toxo] 75019 R~fcr~n~: Rcques~ for Time P-At~.sion for Ir'ding lrinal Pl~t Th~ Mansions By The I,~ke~ Lot 1, Block 1 On behalf of Western Rim Investors, L.C.C., pl~ allow ~ letter to a~rvc as a formal mque~t for a six (6) month timo ex~a~ion for filing The Mansion~ By The l.~ke, Lot 1, Block 1, Firm[ Plat. Tn~ Mansions By The Lake, Final Plat was approved by th~ Coppell City Council on November 1 l, 19~7. Phas~ I construction (ama outside the limits of the exb-tin~ FBMA flo~lpl~) besan in Novemb=r 1997 and all ~mdi~, utility and pavin~ oonslmction have been compbt~l. Pha~ H consimction (area inside the limits of the existin8 FEMA floodplain) could not be~in until the Conditional ~ of Ivlap Revision (CLOMR) was approved by FEMA and the City of Coppell. This approval was ~nt~d in mid Fe. bmary 1998. Western Rim Inve~tors, L.C.C. would like to complete Phase 11 consimction and receive its l~-tt=r of Map Revision (LOME) app~val prior to filing th~ Final Pint. This would allow tl~ actual ~ed plat to show th~ correct limits of ~he FEMA floodplain and eliminate any confusion wi~ the old FBMA floodplain limits. If you have any questions, please contact ou~ offic~ at (817) 485-0707. Thank you for your timo and consideration. Sincerely, WASlR~'rON & A~aOC~ATZS, INC. $oseph T. P,~uc cc: Wedi~n Rim Investors, L.C.C. - ~ick Simmons 800 GRAI"~EVINE HWY. ,, 8UffE 37'5 * HURST, TEXA~ ?~)64 ~, 81714~5.O'/07 · METRO $oa, l~ I'--100° LGT! --- Ir-- I THE MANSIONS BY THE I~XKE