Mansions/FP-CS 980803WRSHINGTON & RSSOC INC TEL:817-485-4106 Rug 03,98 14:05 No.O06 P.02 ENGINEER8 · PLANNERS August 3,1998 Mr. Oary L. Slob, A.I.C.P. Dieter of Plannin$ and Community Servioe! cio/of Coln~ll P.O. Box 478 COPl~il, Texas 75019 Reference: Re~luest for Time Ext~nmion for lqling Final Plat The Mansiom By The Lake, Lot 1, Blook I D~r Mr. On behalf of Western Rim Investors, L,C.C., please allow this letter to serve as a formal request for a six (6) month time extension for filing The Mansions By The Lake, Lot 1, Block 1, Final Plat. The Man~ions By 'l'ne Lake, Final Plat was approved by the Oopp~ll City Council on November 1 l, ] 9~7. Phase I comtmction (area outside the limits oftbe extstin~ FBMA floodplain) began in November 1997 Ired ali grading, utility and paving comwu¢fion have been complelmd. Pha~c H construction (nrea inside ~he limits of the existing FI3MA floodplain) could not begin until the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) was approved by FP-MA and the City of Copp~lL This appwval was g~ant~! in mid February 1998. Westem Rim Investors, L.C.C. would like to complete Phase II construction and receive its Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) approval prior to filing the Final Plat. This would allow the aclual filed plat to show thc corr~t limits of the FEMA floodplain and eliminate any confusion with the old FBMA floodplain limit:;. If yOU have any questions, please contact our offic~ at (817) 485-0707. Thank you for your time and consideration. S{~c~ly, WA~mNGTON & ASROCIATES, INC. Joseph T. Reue cc: Western Rim Investors, L.C.C. - Rick Simmons 01,0591.!.JTR.~ GRAPEVINE:HWY. · SUITE 37,5 * HURST, TEXAS 76064 ,, 817/485.O707 · METRO 8171498-,.R077 * FAX 8171485-4106