Moore Rd Elem/PP-CS 860328  5601 MAC ARTHUR BLVD., P.O. BOX 612087 DALLAS, TEXAS 75261 / 13231 CHAMPION FOREST DR., SUITE 401 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77069/ / 1220 WEST HARRISON HARLINGEN,~.x,s~o / 1~o~ C~N~A~ ~v~., ~.o. ~ox ~ ~OWNSV~, ~XAS ~0 / ~ ~S~U~ ~,K~, SU~ ~0 V~NNA, V~N~A~0 ~ TRANSMITTAL JOB NO: GENTLEMEN: We are enclosing (herewith) '--'~--,-,,~, 5~,al~, ~.~,,~.-,) the following items: REMARKS: SHWC, INC. Archilects Engineers PIQnners t~arch 31, 1~86 Hr. Ed Powell City Engineer Clty of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppe11, Texas 75019 RE: Coppell Elementary School Dear Mr. Po~el 1: As you are probably aware, SHI~C fl led a request for a "special use" permit In February of thls year. Approxlmately one montl~ later we were Informed by the City that a "speclel use" permit would not be required for the Hoore Road s lte. A preliminary plat has now been filed but Is not scheduled to be re- viewed by the Planning and Zoning Committee until sometlme In May. At this tlme~ I ~ould like to request that the preliminary plat be reviewed at the April Committee meeting. In order to satisfy the Coppeli Ind. School District's request for completion of construction by summer of 1987, bids must be recelved and a contract awarded no later than the first of July. As you can see, we are on a very tight schedule and ~ould greatly appre- ciate any assistance the City could provide to help the C~vner meet their schedule. Very truly yours, SHWC, Inc. Jim Boughton Senior Associate JB:Jb 10' 20' R,O.W. U . zo 'SITE PLAN" I 0.0 I'.' ..'~L'RE.~ ' '~BUS DRIVE' STATION 20' R.O.W ........ -'~' LANE ~LLEY 20' I PREA"~KR'r-LANE /,,SO' R.O.W. 10.042 ACI~$ PI~)~OSED $CI400L S~TE ISF-~ 21 "ZON'ING EXHIBIT" 10.042 ACRES PRuPOSED $C~[OOL SITE ALFRED LOGSDON $~JRYEY, Al)ST. NO. CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COL'NTY, TEXAS CITY OF COPPELL ZONING APPLICATION 2 ] 4-462-0022 ,i / .. A. Reouestin~. B. Description & Location of ?robert,-. 1. St~ve7 & Abstract: ALFRED LOGSDON SURV[Y ABST. NO. 7~) ~. Addition Hame (~ appAcsbleA HOORE ROAD ELEH[NTARY SCHOO~ ~DDITION 2. Lot ~ Bloc~(~ app~cabte~ 4. Tot~ Numb~ of Aer~: 5. Location further described: Rezoning [ } Soecifi¢ Use Permit 10.042 Acres WEST SIDE OF MOORE ROAD BETWEEN QUAIL LANE AND SHADOWCREST C. Zonh3g Requested: - SPECIAL USE PERMIT - ELEMENTARY Present Zonin~ Proposec~ Zonin~ DweLLing Floor Area ClassLfi- Gross N et= Clessifi- Gross N et' Unl~/A ore (N on-R esid. cation Area Area cation Are~ Aress . (Resid. Only) Uses Only) SF-{2 10.0142 10.01t2 S.U.P. -. ]0.042 10.042 Not App{{cab{e 58,600 Ft.2 Acres Acres ELEM. SCH00 Acres Acres major ~ seeonaary :13orougma~s. Reeson(s)..for Z.ordng Change (please be specific): CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ELEMENTAR~ SCHOOL. REQUESTING SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR I (We) hereby certify that the applicaton fee, $ 160.25. , to cover the cost of ryds zonin applieatio~ h~ been paid to the City. of Coppell on Febr,~rv 19 , 1986. Further, l hereby authorize the City of Coppell and its employees, :o enter upon the prernis( herein above described at e.U reP-sortable times for the purpose of erecting, maintaining, removing signs to notify the public of the pending zoning application and/or public hearin moneerning said appIiea~iora I (We) release the Citw of Coppell and its emolovees fro~ lJab~t~ for any damages which may be tncur:'ed to m~ (our) proper~y tn the erecting,' m~intsJnln: ~ .removal of said signs. Date: , Februarv/~q..lq8(~1 P-epresen :at~ve: /~ _~_/,/~ Scott Co, an, Sl-~ Architects, Dallas Owners Signature: Owne.~ Name: Coppell I.S.D. Superintendent