Moore Rd Elem/FP-CS 860519May 19, 1986 Mr. J.E. Powell, P.E. City Engineer City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Moore Road Elementary School Coppell I.S.D. Dear Mr. Powell: This letter is to confirm the decisions made during our meeting held at Fire Station No. 2, on Monday, May 19, 1986. Present at the meeting were Dr. Stanfield, George Tetrault and myself representing the School District, with Chief Mayfield, Chief Griffin, Troy Glidewell, Gabe Farvre, and your- self representing the City of Coppell. The architects presented a revised paving plan for the front drive at the elementary school, with the entrance to Moore Road located as remotely as possible from the fire station drive. Although this configuration adds approximately 120'-O" to the length of the drive to be constructed by the District, it does provide for a maximum amount of back up space for parents when picking up and dropping off children at school. It would also provide the maximum distance possible between the fire station drive and the school entrance driveway. All present agreed that this was a workable solution. It was explained to the City that the location shown would necessitate the movement of the planned curb inlets on Moore Road approximately 35'-0" to the north. The City's Consulting Engineer indicated that this move could be accommodated prior to the start of in]et construction operations. The construction of the fire protection water lines was discussed. Original indications from the City stipulated that two 8" water meters would be re- quired. However, the School District explained that a separate 3" domestic water line was planned, and that all lawn sprinkler systems and domestic water usage would be exclusively from that 3" line. After some discussion, it was decided that the School could construct the new 8" water loop to the two hydrants that will be provided and turn them over to the City for main- tenance. This would require the provision of a 15'-0" utility easement for the City's use. All present agreed that this would be a desirable situation for both parties involved. The school's 3" tap will be located near a drive- way, with the tap into the new 8" line. No 3" tap will be needed along Moore Road, thus eliminating problems with the street construction crews. The City indicated that they would provide, in the present utilities contract, taps from the 8" water line in Moore Road that would be stubbed out to the District's property line. The School District's contractor could then connect to those stubs as construction of the new 8" line begins. Site drainage was also discussed, and it was decided that the District should provide curb inlets near Moore Road, at the bus drive on the north side of the property. SHWC, INC. ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS 560! MAC ARTHUR BLVD. · FOURTH FLOOR · LAS CQLINAS · P.O. BOX 619087 · DALLAS, TEXAS 75261 · (214) 257 0700 OFFICES: DALLAS HOUSTON CORPUS CHRISTI BROWNSVILLE WASHINGTON, D.C. Mr. J.E. Powell May 19, 1986 Page Two The need for a fence around the fire station property was then discussed. The City Engineer indicated that, in his opinion, a screen fence should be provided on the south and west sides of the fire station property. It was agreed by all parties present that the fence could be constructed of masonry pilasters, with wrought iron placed between the pilasters. Furthermore, it was agreed that a 4'-0" height should be sufficient. Dr. Stanfield indicated that, in his opinion, the financial responsibility for this fence did not belong to the School District. After the aforementioned discussions took place, it was the opinion of all present that the site plan would provide the best possible conditions between the Fire Station and School District, and that the City Staff could approve the plan. Dr. Stanfield indicated that although the perimeter screen wall around the entire property is not included in the general contract, he would appeal to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for a variance from that requirement, at a later date. He feels strongly that a neighborhood school should be accessible to the public, and that the screen wall would prohibit use of the property by the public during school hours and at times when school is not in session. I hope this letter accurately reflects the discussions held during our meeting. 15 copies of a revised plat, as well as 15 copies of the revised site plan, will be available for your review prior to the Thursday evening special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Thank you for your help in allowing the School District to proceed with their construction plans. Very truly yours, SHWC, I~ ~resK?~nt GDK:jb