Moore Rd Elem/FP-CS 860925BROOKFIELD
i~!OOr;l F! I)I 9WR'r II,,(;
September 25, 1986
Coppell Elementary School
Bubba Walters
Nea] Blackketter
Ed Powell
Steve Goram
Kevin Peiffer
Butch Ellison
Randy Fleming
George Tetrault
Tom McKenna
City of Coppell
City of Coppell
Ginn, Inc.
Ginn, Inc.
Ginn, Inc.
SHWC, Inc.
SHWC, Inc.
Ed Powell opened the meeting by asking George Tetrault why was there a
discrepency in the location of the easement for the eight inch water line.
George explained it was a drafting error. Discussion of the north easement
followed with the question why was the water line under the pavement. This is
because it gave the backhoe operator more room as he dug by the fire station
while still remaining inside the easement. Ed Powell said the city's original
intention for the water lines was to have as little as possible underneath
pavement. Ed Powell and Steve Goram agreed to leave the water lines where
they are arid SHWC, Inc. would give the city an as-built drawing showing their
actual location.
The locatiod o£ the south driveway was discussed. Thane J~ a d~scra?ancy
between the contract drawings and the final plat. George Tetrault agreed to
redraw the site plan to agree with Ginn, Inc. drawing of Moore Road. From the
centerline of the storm inlet to the centerline of the 30 foot drive should be
48 feet 6 inches. The driveway approach will have a 20 foot radius, an
agreement was made that BROOKFIELD/LOWRY, INC. will pour up to the property
line and bulkhead it off with a 3/4" redwood expansion joint with smooth
dowels two feet on center. Two feet back from the property line, the brick
pavers will start and go an additional twelve feet.
Lime stabilization underneath the pavement was discussed. The City of Coppe!t
normally requires it contingent upon soil conditions and does not prefe~ to
used cushion sand beneath paving. The contract documents currently require
two inches of cushion sand with no lime stabilization. It was agreed soil
samples would be taken and tests run to determine the plasticity index (P.1.).
After the P.I. was determined, the lime stabilization and cushion sand would
be discussed again at a later date.
Fire lanes were discussed. Current city ordinance requires~ 24 feet wide fire
lanes. The contract documents call for a lane 20 feet wide from back of curb
to back of curb. Whether or not this lane is classified as a fire lane was
talked about since the building has sprinklers. George Tetrault will talk to
the fire chief to find out his requirements.
Meeting was adjourned.