Magnolia Vill/MP-CS001101J/2~O~ 0~:03 ~7235'-31833 ~p~ll, ~ 75019 Phone: (214) 3~3675 F~: ~14) 3~-3570 RLK £NGINEERING Fill Pla Minor Pl~ (4 lot~ of I~ on ~s~g ~0 R~ ~g Plm M~or Plat A~d~g Plat (4 lo~ or 1~) 11/01/2000 PAGE Note: Applieatiora ar~ accepted for submt~ prior to the filing date. The filing date shall be exactly 29 days prior to tat date of the lalanning and Zonlng Commiss~n tr~eeting at wht'eh the application will be considered, Filing Date: Name of Applicant: SECOND CENTURY INVESTMENTS Firm Preparing Plat: ~. [~L.l,( r~_~c_.,~a~x~c~.,:,=,= ....... .... ~ ...... Address: ......... ill '~/~._-~ ~/~__A~_ _~a ~rr~t-r , ,t~, L~_~ _~..--~..._--/~L% Telephone Number: ._ c~2. ~?'-'~:B. l-I~':~ -.-.:__ Fax Number: 93'2. ~, I.~5~:~ All Correspondence relattve to this application should be dtrected to: Name: '~'OM kl "C k' L ) al A, l~'_i_/~ (~ L/~_ Address: iil !/,I~%T MA, J,/ .~-~EET ~ · ~,,LL E ~d .__Tx T~iaphoae Number: ~t~ __~'.__?~q./'73~, Fax Number: O~eral Location of Property: Projected Employment (Non-residential uses only) Proposed Subdivision Contains; O2