Mbrd-Falcon/PP,FP-CS 840220 (3)O AFi'IlCI.,II©F2 File ~o. ])nl c.. _., February 20.: lqR~ Applic:m! TROTH ENTERPRISES INC. ----4 3Lailing Addre.~s_ ]02 Meedewcreek- Suite lO1 ., Pi,one Nc,.~ 462-!665 LEGAl. DESC{I~i"I'ION OF i']IOi']Zl;T5' SOUG]IT TO ~l~ ]:I~ZON-ED: (If ;,ddiiio:ml slx,ce i: n,-cdcd for dcsci']ptio]l, i}lc d~scrJption may be put on n seimr:tie sheet and attnchcfl hereto.) (SEE ATTACHED SHEET WITH OWNERS CERTIFICATE) MOCKINGBIRD LANE & FALCON LANE - STREET DEDICATION request, i,;::; tt:e above describe~ i~rol-,c, rtv bt, ch.qn2ea from ils present zoning which is ,, District Cl:,.ssification to ~. the following reasons: District C!asslScMion for ('^R~"A DEED RESTRICTIONS PERTAINING TO TIlE INTENDED USE'OF TIlE TItERE (.:,Rg; NOT) PP, OPERTY. STATUS OF APPLICANT: Owner XXX Tenant Prospective Purcimser I have att~achcd hereto :is Exhibit "A" a Plat showi~:g the property which is ~he subject of th~s re- qt~ested Zoning cimnge :md have read the following note conccrni~ the import;u;ce of my subm[;- ting to the Ci;y., sufficient lc gal description. D~T NOTE: The leg:d description is used to publish notict, of the r~eh'n'e~He~'mgs m a in p' P.-'.-~ of the final ordinance granting the zoning change. The description must be smoke,eat so as to allow a qualified surveyor to take the description and locate and mark off the tract on the groun& Each m>plicant, simu]d pro~ect ]::,n~sc~f b", .. l;a'.'ing a survevo:', or kis ...,~...~',~,.,,ev. npprox'e his legaI descru>rion. Failure to do so by thc a?pli:nnt may reguit in dc]ay in pas~aye of the tic,al ordinance or ti~e ordinance being declared invahd at some la)er date because of an ;nsuf/icicn: legal description. (m,.~ ,~n~w;n. oo,'tiricate may be u~e~:,v the am~lica~t to give notice to the City of the sufficiency of the legal des~~~r, the same is not a r~qmrcmen~ of · ~ , ~:r. ~. ,. t ~ .= ~,~.~r~L[~n o~ the :w-m:c. rtv des:rtl,cd in it.is lion -nd t<~ nme'dc ...... :~-c=tNc t,"~c'~~;,~ t~:~ l':a; :-.tic, cc,co r. ere~o ns Lx~,t,,, -- "7' ~am ac ~ .., cn- ~t,::;c:c't ;o 'tllo', '~'0~:i'if :-cu]~e~i' to ]~,cxte ' d mnY~ of~:.d~'nct on thc ~O .,g?~ Sd,".'cvdr o..~ .......... ,.