Nash Manor/Re-AG010306 T H E C I T Y · !0 F C-OPP-ELL AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 6, 2001 ITEM # q ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Nash Manor Addition. Replat of Lot 6. Block A of the Stringfellow Addition, to allow the platting of six (6) single-family lots on approximately 2.27 acres of property located at the end of Nash Street, approximately 395 feet south of Sandy Lake Road. APPR0 VED SUBMITTED B~ TITLE: Q Director of Plann~l~and Community Services STAFF COMM · BY CITY COUNCIL DATE r,.-o/ Date of P&Z Meeting: February 15, 2001 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (4-2) with Commissioners McGahey, McCaffrey, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor; Kittrell and Clark opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: City Council approval of the alley waiver and the mountable curbs. Submission, staff review and approval of a Homeowner's Associations Agreement. Tree Removal Permit will be required prior to the removal of any trees. Trees removed from this site require retribution under the Tree Preservation Ordinance of $100.00 per caliper inch removed. The preservation techniques called out in the Tree Preservation Ordinance must be followed for trees designated to be preserved on site. If trees are removed or damaged in addition to those already designated, retribution may be due for those trees. Per the Park Dedication Ordinance, fee of $1,285 per lot will be required. Staff recommends denial of the Planning Commission recomrnendation for 6 lots, but approval of a lot count which reflects the existing development pattern of the surrounding area. INITIALS: ADg:n~a Request Form - ~e~vised 5/00 CITY MANAGER REVIE Document Name: ~NASHr CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Nash Manor Replat of Lot 6, Block A, of the Stringfellow Addition P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: February 15, 2001 March 6, 2001 Nash Street, 395± feet south of Sandy Lake Road Approximately 2.27 acres of property. SF-12 (Single Family-12) Replat to allow the development of six single family homes. Owner: Engineer: James Rea Bryan Powell 2515 Tarpley Rd., Suite 180 Jones & Carter Carrollton, TX, 75006 12000 Ford Rd, Suite 180 214-390-8620 Dallas, Texas 75234 FAX: 214-390-8859 972-488-3880 FAX: 972488-3882 The Stringfellow Addition was filed in 1961 as a 22, ,/2 acre lot subdivision, which encompassed Holly Street, Nash Street and five 10tS on the west side of Moore Road. Thc subject property (2.27 acres) was platted as one single lot. In 1984, a replat of Lots 4 and 5, Block B, along the west side of Holly Street, was approved which increased the lot width of Lot 4 by 30 feet thus reducing lot 5 by 30 feet resulting in a lot width of 104± feet. This property has been zoned SF-12 for approximately 30 years. PD 169R (SF-7), Lanren Estates abuts this property to the south. This PD was originally approved in 1998 for three lots. In 1999, this PD was revised to contain two lots with each having a width of 66+ feet on Moore Road and a depth of over 500 feet. A platted mutual access easement serves both lots. Item # 7 TRANSPORTATION: Nash Street is a residential, asphalt street with no curbs or gutters within with a 60-foot R.O.W. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- single family; SF-12 South -single family; PD 169, SF-7 (Lauren Estates) East - single family; SF-12 West -single family; SF-12 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for low density (one to three dwelling units per acre) single family residential. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting to subdivide this lot into six lots, with the extension of the existing dead-end street into a cul-de-sac. The Site Plan indicates that there will be an entry feature consisting of brick walls with landscaping to visually enhance the entrance to this development. The proposed development will have a concrete cul-de-sac, with mountable curbs within 50 feet of R.O.W. The proposed lot areas range in size from approximately 12,800 to 16,000 square feet, in accordance with the SF-12 zoning. The variances to the subdivision ordinance being requested are the deletion of the alley requirement and the allowance for mountable curbs. As detailed in the HISTORY section, the areas surrounding this tract were previously platted and developed into one-half acre lots (135' x 150'). The lots within the Lauren Estates, to the south, are approximately ~ of an acre. Even though these lots have limited frontage on Moore Road, they have sufficient depth to compensate for the width. The lots within Nash Manor are proposed to be significantly smaller than the lots that have been platted and developed in this immediate area. Staff is recommending that the number of lots be reduced from 6 to 5 thereby increasing the size and width of the lots to be more compatible with the surrounding development patterns, and objective of good subdivision design. Entry feature areas with brick walls and landscaping are planned for the entrance to this development. The landscaping includes one crape myrtle tree on each side with shrubs and annual color. These areas have been platted as separate lots to be maintained by a Homeowner's Association. This subdivision has been designed to preserve as many trees as possible. The initial analysis indicates that only two trees, a 24 caliper inch China Berry and a 10 caliper inch Elm, will be lost due to this development. The applicant has included specific building lines for Lot 3 to assure the preservation of the trees on that lot. However, there is some concern that Item # 7 once these lots are graded, additional trees may be lost. additional trees need to be removed, an additional reforestation fund will be due. In the event that payment to the RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING coMMIssION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of the Site Plan and Replat of the Nash Manor Addition subject to: REPLAT CONDITIONS: 1) The reduction of the density by one lot, to increase the sizes and widths of the lots to be more compatible with adjacent development patterns. 2) City Council approval of the alley waiver and the mountable curbs. 3) Submission, staff review and approval of a Homeowner's Associations Agreement. 4) Tree Removal Permit will be required prior to the removal of any trees. Trees removed from this site require retribution under the Tree Preservation Ordinance of $100.00 per caliper inch removed. 5) The preservation techniques called out in the Tree Preservation Ordinance must be followed for trees designated to be preserved on site. If trees are removed or damaged in addition to those already designated, retribution may be due for those trees. 6) Per the Park Dedication Ordinance, fee of $1,285 per lot will be required. SITE PLAN CONDITION: 1) The reduction of the density by one development patterns. lot to be more compatible with adjacent ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) Depa, ianent Conunents - Leisure gervlces Original Plat of the Sringfellow Addition Site Plan Replat Item # 7 I I I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI'FIEE LEISURE SERVICES COMMENTS ITEM: Nash Manor, Replat DRC DATE: January 25, 2001 and February 1, 2001 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Assistant Director of Parks and Leisure Services COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY~_~ Developer must complete a Tree Removal Permit prior to removal of any trees. Trees removed from this site require retribution under the Tree Preservation Ordinance of $100.00 per caliper inch removed. The preservation techniques called out in the Tree Preservation Ordinance must be followed for those trees designated to be preserved on sit~ If trees are removed or damaged in addition to those already designated, retribution may be due for those trees. The developer should be made aware that the proposed development is affected by the Park Dedication Ordinance stipulating $1,285.00 per dwelling unit~ BIR DRCO12501b JAN ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE STRINGFELLOW ADDITION