Nash Manor/Re-DR010125 (3)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEISURE SERVICES COMMENTS ITEM: Nash Manor, Replat DRC DATE: January 25, 2001 and February 1, 2001 CONTACT'. Brad Reid, Assistant Director of Parks and Leisure Services COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY,,,.~ ~ ~ Developer must complete a Tree Removal Permit prior to removal of any trees. Trees removed from this site require retribution under the Tree Preservation Ordinance of $100.00 per caliper inch removed. The preservation techniques called out in the Tree Preservation Ordinance must be followed for those trees designated to be preserved on site~ If trees are removed or damaged in addition to those already designated, retribution may be due for those trees. The developer should be made aware that the proposed development is affected by the Park Dedication Ordinance stipulating $1,285.00 per dwelling unit. DRCO12501b