Nlake 635(8)/SP,MP-CS 980518CMC Commercial Realty Group One Lincoln Center 5400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1450 Dallas, Tx 75240 972-770-2805 FROM: FAX 9727702805 05-14-98 PsvJimina~ Plat l*tnal Plat Plat ~,,.-~m,,l[ Plat ¢4 lo~ or less} l~irm Pt~parlng Plat: AddregS: _8616 __NI~._~ _~!-~ZA DE.I'VE[ I~.Lf,AS. TEXAS 7~225 Taephon~ Nnmher: ~(21_4) ~6-62_0~_ F~N-mher: (2~43 ~.Il Corr~/~o~ ~ to t/~ ~l~n ~qould be d/tree,ed to: Name: Addre~: _~_Df~ JAL~.qCN _~T ))Al,FIq'_ AS-clOCTATF. C;_ YNt~._ 8616 NgR~ PT. AZA DEi~, DAT.T~.S.~ ~ 7522~ Telephone Number: (21/4) 346-6200 Faz Number:. (214) 739-0095 N~uno of gubdivi~ion: 635 BUgl-N'EgS p~v~K General Location of P~oper~: Ci~F~gTSIDE DRI3~ SOt/IMWEST CORNER OF LA!<F. SHORE DRZV~AND P[o~c~l Employm~mt (Non-rcsidentlnl ~LteS O~y) Pro~ Subdivision Contalm;