Nlake 635(4)/Re-NR 971111A PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted by the city Council of the city of Coppell, Texas, in the Council Chambers, Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas on the llth day of November, 1997, at 7:00 P.M., to consider designation of the property described as part of Tract 6, Abstract No. 56 (33.20 acres), Northlake 635 Business Park, located at the southwest corner of Beltline Road and Lakeshore Drive, Coppell, Texas, Lincoln CBC Ltd., as a Reinvestment Zone under Chapter 312 of the Texas Property Tax Code. The Council will seek to determine whether the improvements sought to be made in the zone are feasible and practical and will be a benefit to the land included in the zone and to the City after the expiration of a tax abatement agreement to be entered into pursuant to Section 312.204 of the Texas Property Tax Code. At the hearing, interested persons are entitled to speak and present evidence for or against the designation. citizens Advocate - October 24, 1997 FIELD NOTES Bulng a tract of land situated In tl~e Cordelia Bowen Survey, Abstract No, SO, In the City of Coppe~l, Dallas County, Texas, and Doing part of Nortnlake 635 Business Park, an Addition tO ?ne City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas. according to tr, e plat tne~eof recorded In Volume 85056, Page ~58 of the Map Records of Dallas Count~, Texas, and being more po~tJcul~ly ~EGINNING at a ~Z InC~ set Icon ~od ~lt~ DlOStlC yellow co~ stom~ed 'Halff Assoc, lnc.'(i/2 Inch round Iron coo ~lt~ cop).ot t~e West line of Belt Llne ROOd (~ I~O foot ~lat~ ~lght-of-~a~ tn=5 polntl, and the most southern southeast corner of t~e Noct~lOke 6~5 Business Park, Addition to t~e City Of Coppell, Texas, accocdln~ to t~e plot ~ecocded In Volume 85056, Pa~e ]558. Deed Records of 0alias County, Texos~ TH'~NCE Sout~ 89 degrees 5] minutes 18 seconds West, l,174,28 feet, wlt~ the Noct~ line of tract al land described In Deed to Hattie Mae Lesley doted January 24, 1958, as recorded In Deed Ru;ocOs of 0alias County, Texas, to a I lnc~ dlamete~ Icon plpe found fac 1H*~NCE NO, tn O0 aeQcees 56 minutes 56 seconds East, I,III.41 feet, wlt~ ?~e East line of Le'~ley Tract, to a found I lnc~ diameter I~on plpe~ T~s~NCE South 89 degrees 50 minutes 51 seconds East. 95.4] feet, to o ~/~ Inc~ set Iron THENCE NOrth ]9 degrees 21 minutes 04 seconds East. 251.T5 feet to o ~lncn set icon cod for corner In t~e Southerly line of Lakesnoce Delve (~ 60 foot clQnt-of-~o~),a Oealcoted street NOrtt~lohe 6~5 Business Pork JOdltlon, sold Iron rod alSO Doing om a circular curve '~ ~ack tangent at South 61 degrees 52 minutes :4 s,cor,~ East= TtlENC[ with SQI~ curve In o [~s?eFly alrectlon oma wlt~ t~e Said Southerly Ilne of Lake~oce OF ce. an afc Olstonce of 183.2S feet to a ~ Inch Iron rod ~/cap fauna faf the point of ?angency of ~,~NCE Sout~ 89 Qegcees ]0 minute500 seconds East. 388.27 feet. ~lt~ sold Southerly line of Lakesnoce Drive, to o '/z Inc~ set Iron rod ~/cap for corner, said Iron Fad also being at the beginning of o clcculo~ curve to t~e clg~t ~avlng a centcolangle of 12 degCees 50 minutes t9 seconds, o of 300.00'= TH'NCE wlt~ sold curve In a Easterly dlcectlon and wlt~ t~e 5aid Southerly line of Or.ye. an acc distance of G~.22 feet to a ~/z Inch Icon cod set fac the point of reverse curvature of o .~ucve to the left ~ovlng a centcalOnQle of 12 Qe~ceSs 50 minutes 19 secon~s,a radius of ]00.00 feet= IH"NCE ~t~ sold curve In on Easterly ~lcectlon oho wlt~ t~e sold Southerly line of Lakesnore Drive, and acc Olstance of GZ.22 feet to o'/zlnc~ cod found fac the point of tangency of said cucve~ THENCE Sout~ 89 degrees ]0 minutes O0 seconds EQst. 20~.34 feet, wlt~ SQId Southerly llne of L~'.esnoce Delve, to a ~/2 Inc~ Icon coo found for corner; THFNCE Sout~ I0 deQcees 48 minutes ]0 seconds East. 56.09 feet departln~ sold Southerly lin,. of Lakes~oce O~lve. to o '/2 Inc~ Iron coq fauna for corner In t~e west line of Belt Line Rood ~lz. foot wlOt~ clgnt-of-~o7 ot t~ls point); T,d:NCE South O0 Degrees ]0 minutes O0 seconds West, 1.182.14 feet, wlt~ t~e sold West Ilne of Bd't Lin= ROad. tO t~e POINt OF BEGINNING Qnd contalnlnQ 1.446.192 square feet oF ]~.2000 oc es ot Iona, more oF less.