Nlake 635(6)/Re-AG000509AGENDA REQUEST FORM May 9, 2000 ITEM ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Northlake 635 Business Park, Replat of Lot IR, Block C and Site Plan, to allow the construction of 88,179 square foot office/warehouse facility on approximately 8 acres of property located at the northwest corner of Lakeshore and Crestside Drives. TITLE: ~lSl~~g and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: A PPR O VED CITY COUNCIL DATE _ ~',% 0o. Date of P&Z Meeting: April 20, 2000 Decision of ?&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: SITE PLAN subject to: 1) r ......................... ~ (common m~ visesite for the required non-vehicular landscaping. the plan to provide 39,332 required 29,056 provided 10,276 short ........ .,.u,.~.o r~'~ ,,,,,...',,-; ......... .,. ,u ..... .,.u ..... · .....cf "'5'~' buEd.-;.ng ,,..,.a ..,,aa ,-,-, v,.,,.a .... ;,,,,., (CONDITION MET) KEPLAT subject to: GPrior to the filing of the plat additional TXU easements will be provided, if necessary. Staff recommends approval. 7geI~n:a R]~eluTestI~Fo~!:2/99 FIN. KEVIEW:~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: ~NL635rs CASE: CITY OF COPPRI.L PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT NORTI-ILAKI*~ 63S BUSINESS PARK, REPL&T OF LOT IR, BLOCK C and SITE PLAN P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: April 20, 2000 May 9, 2000 LOCATION: At the northwest comer of Lakeshore and Crestside Drives. SIT~J OF AREA: Approximately 8 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industxial) Replat and Site Plan approval for a 88,179 square foot office/ warehouse building. APPLICANT: H/STORY: Applicant: Ray Garrison, WSI Architects 6320 L.B.J. Freeway, Suite 228 Dallas, Texas 75240 972458-9999 FAX:gT2458-1566 Engineer: Pacheco Koch Engineers 9401L.B.J.Freeway,Suite 300 Dalla% Texas 75243 ~-235-~1 FAX 972-235-9544 TRANSPORTATION: Lalm Shore Drive is a concrete street, with 41 foot pavement width within a 60 foot right-of-way. Crestside Drive is a concrete street with 37 foot pavement width, within 60 foot fight-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- South - Item # 14 Vacant; II, Light Industrial Vacant; Il, Light Industrial COMPREI-IF~NSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for Light Industrial/showroom uses DISCUSSION: The intended use of this property is an 88,000~ square foot office/warehouse building. The building is parked at a ratio of approximately one space per 200 square feet allowing the building to be leased as 100 percent office if the market demands. Along the north side of the building adjacent to the loading areas of the existing industrial uses, Essex Wire and Marek, the site plan indicates a six foot wall to screen the loading and parking areas. Two sides of this wall will be constructed of tilt wall panels to match the proposed building. The northern section of the wall adjacent to the existing industrial is proposed to be concrete panels, with different materials, texture and color than the other sides of the wall. Staff is recommending that the flit wall panels, matching the main structure also be used along the north property line. Per the elevations, the facade will be approximately 40% store front windows and the roof line will undulate between 23' to 25'-8". The color board indicates the main facade will be light beige with accents of light and dark brown. Chrome finished columns will mark the main entry doors along Crestside and Lakeshore Drives. There are several problems with the Landscape Plan. The requ ed perimeter landscaping is being provided along the street frontages, and the interior landscaping is being provided in the parking islands. However, there is an 10,00(O square foot deficient in the provision of non-vehicular landscaping. Also, Section 34-1-8(B)(3), of the Landscape Ordinance states that a "single row of parking shall have landscape islands separating no more than 15 space er /ess than 5 $oace$." At the southwest comer of the building three parking spaces are shown separated by a landscape island. Staff is recommending that these three spaces be eliminated and devoted to landscape areas. Maneuvering out of these spaces may also be potentially hazardous given their proximity to Crestside Drive. This project is significantly over parked for pure office as well as office/warehouse and the loss of parking spaces to adhere to the landscape requirements should not have a significant impact on the development. As discussed, the area north of the building will be screened with a six- foot wall, and therefore exempt from the landscaping requirements, per provision 34-1-8(A) of the Landscape Ordinance. However, 10 feet of Item # 14 perimeter landscaping and trees are being provided adjacent to the wall along the north property line. The Re-plat of Lot 1R, Block C of Northlake Business Park proposes to dedicate fire lanes and two 20'x 20' water line easements to provide for a looped water system. A 26' TP&L easement is proposed to be abandoned by this plat. This easement was originally established when this property was platted into two lots. Now that it is being re-platted into one lot, this easement is no longer required. However, prior to the filing of the plat additional TXU easements may be needed. RECOMMF~NDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending approval of the SITE PLAN subject to: (1) All three sides of the screening wall being ~ of tilt wall (2) Correct the scale on the Landscape Plan from 1:40 to 1:30 (3) Revise the site plan to provide for the required noo-vehicul:ar (4) Remove three (3) parking spaces at the southwest comer of the building and add to landscaping areas. Staff is recommending approval of the REPLAT of Lot 1R, Block C of Nortblske 635 Business Park subject to: (1) Prior to the filing of the plat additional TXU easements will be provided, if necesmry. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend di~pproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Tal~ under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATtAr: 1) 2) 4) 5) TXU Comments Site Plan Exterior Elevations (3 ets) Landscape Plan Irrigation Plan Replat - LotlR, Block C, Northlake Business Park Item # 14 TXU Electrk & Gas 4200 North Belt Line Irvln~ TX 75038 Comments for City of Coppell Development Review Committee March 30, 2000 Northlake 635 Business Park, Replat of Lot IR, Block C and Site Plan, Please contact Rick Fielding at 972-888-1344. Easements needed. Bobby Oney