NLW East, Phase I25 O' 25 O' 39 27' 2891832O 90*00' 50 O' 50.0' 7854' 1145916'0 0.57296 84'04'16" 250' 500' 22,54' ~.08' 3668' 73 37' 229. 18320 114 59160 114592 0 F ~'16'59" 6'16'59" 225.0' 250.0' 24 67' 27 42' 25.46480 22 91832 0 12732 0 11459 17&0' 94.59' 32 74046 O 16370 22'21'51" 2000' 39 54' 78 07' 28 647~ 0.14324 475.0' 1C~4 k~ 205.0I' 12 06227 O. 0603 ! Outer- 600' ~J6 42' 95.49300 047747 ~'04'16" 30 20' 27 23' 44 31' 189 72119 0 9~1861 22o21'51'' 225 O' 44.48' 07 82' 25 4648O 0 12732 24'43 '44" 500 O' 109 Gf 215 80' 11.459160 0 05730 25'~4'07" 700.0' 15991' 314 42' 8 18511 0O4093 24'43 '44" 525 O' 115 09' 226.59' 10 91349 0 05457 25o44'07'' 725 O' 165 62' 325 6~' 7 90287 0.03951 25'37 '44" 36 58' 71 95' 35.62288 0.1'/811 25'44'07" 750 0' 171 33' 336.87' 7.63944 Q03820 25"37' 44" J85.84' 42 27' 83 13' 30 83072 0.15415 25*47 q2" 154 19 28' 3'/90' G8 03919 034020 25'37'44." 210 84' 4786' 9431' 2'/ 1750] 0 13588 25°47' 12" 109 21' 25 O' 49 15' 5246388 0 26232 9450' 3450' 541 92' 16 60748 0 083O4 25M7'12" 1,~ 21' 30 72' 60 48' 4269116 0.21346 90'00' 3"/O O' 3"/0 O' 581 L9' 1548535 007743 E'O°08' 14" 224.27' 39 82' 78 82' 25. 54769 0 12774 9O°O0, 395 O' 3950' 620 46' 1450527 007253 2~O°08' I4" 249 27' 44 26' 87 6l' 22 98544 0 11493 18o20'23" 525 O' 84 75' 168 05' 10 91349 0 O545? 20'08' I4" 274 27' 48 70' 96 40' 20 89O 29 0 1O445 22'37 '44" 299 87' 600' 11843' I9 10688 0 09553 SOoO0' 250' 250' 39 27' 229 18320 114592 19o45'II'' [25 O' 21 76' 4309' 45 ~3664 0 22918 19°22'09" 125 0' 2133' 42 26' 45 83664 0 22918 I IM7'44" 225 O' 23 24' 4632' 25 4648O 0 12"/32 10%5'32" 2250 -2I 52' 42 90' 25 46480 0 12732 27'47'~3" 125 0' 30 92' 6063' 45,836'64 0 22918 27o58'26'' la5 o' 31 14' 6l 03' 45 83664 0 22918 400' 40.0' 62 83' 143 23950 0 71620 18 o 20' 23" 550 O' 88 78' 176 05' 1041742 0 0520:9 22°37'44" 324 87' 650' I28 31' I? 63653 O O8818 90o00, 500' 50 0' 7854' !14 59160 0 57296 19°45' Il ' I50 O' 26 12' 51 73' 38 19720 0 19099 19"22'09" /50 O' 25 60' 50 71 38 [9720 0 19099 1 I°48'28" 2500' 25 85' 51 52' 22 91852 0 11459 [0o55'32'' 250 O' 23 91' 47 67' 22 918~2 0 11459 27°47'23" 150 O' 37 I1' 72 75' ~S 19720 0 19099 27058, 26" 1500' 37 36' 73.34' 38 19720 0 IDO99 90°00, 500' 50 O' 78 54' 114.59160 O 57296 18020, 23" 5750' 9282' 184O5' 9 9644'-, 22o37,44,, 349 87' 70 O' 138 18' 16 37631 008188 75 O' 75 O' 11781' 76 39440 0 38197 19o45'11'' 1750' 30 47' 60 33 32 'i4 L%46 0 16370 19022'09 I75 0 29 86' 59 32 Z4046 0 16370 11 °47'44" 2750' 566i' 20 8.~84 0 10417 10o55'32" 275 0' 26 30' 5244' 2O 83484 0 10417 27 °47' 23" 175.0' 43 29' 32 74046 0 16370 27° 58' 26" I750' 43 59' 8544' 32 74046 0 16370 Inner 22°37'44" 90 0' 18.01' 35.55' 63.66200 031831 90°00, 2000' 200 O' 314 16' 28 64790 0 14324 55051, 16" 70.0' 37 I1' 6824' 81 85114 0 40926 34°08,44,, 59 32' 18 30' 35 35' 96 58766 0 48294 90°21 '15" 40 O' 40 25' 63.08' 143 23950 0 7/620 S0°40'44'' W 682 30' ~ S 2°09' 13 "W 264 18' -- CURVE DATA 22°37'44" lO00' 2901' 39 49' 57, 29580 0 28648 90000, 2100' 2100' 329 87' 27 28371 0 13642 ,3,5°51'16'' 800' 4241' 77 99' 71 61975 0 35810 69 32' 21 29' 41 31' 82 654O7 041327 Outer 90000, 22O O' 220 O' ~45 58' 26 04355 0 [30218 Inner ¢- Outer 89°38'45" 40.0' 3975' 62 58' I43 23950 O. 71620 90o21'15" 400' 40 25' 63 08' 143 23950 0 71620 43°02'03" 7O 0' 27 60' 52 58' 81 85114 0 40926 25°44, 07" ~5.0' 12678' 249 29' I0 32357 0 05162 24 °43 '44" 6500' 14249' 280 54' 8 81474 0 04407 90021'15'' 50 0' 5031' 78 85' 1 I4 59160 0.57296 43°02'03" 800' 3154' 6O09' 71 61975 0 35810 25o44'07'' 565.0' [29 07' 253 78' I0 14085' 005070 24°43 '44" 660 O' 144 68' 284 86' 868118 004~I 25"44' 07" 575 0' 13I 35' 258 27' 9 96449 004982 24'43'44" 670 0' 146 87' 289 17' 8 55161 004276 ,3 SANDY LAKE ROAD $1°55'56 "W:~..~- 205 76' $0°00'46"W~ 287 06 Shadowcrest Lane Havencresf Lane 2°;25 V~llawood Lone b NOTE' Ail lot ltnes are radial or perpend:?u'ar TO the streets unless otherwise noted by becr,r',q 159 Lots Reco:ded ii', ',",:r'= ':, "--ge .... 752 87 8,9 89' 17 : 16 S-H,~ D0w CaE'ST I N89 37 44 E 752 74' 1 Fufure Developmen~ '" 802 77' 15 -- 14 30' BL .M4 76 ~ 44,; 76' 444 ~6 LAN E 30'BL 429 4 ' ' 3~ 93 " ] 23 :[ 22 : ' i 7?' 78 14' 13 6'75 69 25' 5 : 6 6'I 08' 10504' 7 = 8 = 2C 08 5792' 26 88 2l ~008 '_,-,' ~d ! 447 OB LAN t " 75' ~2' J 82 ~ 7~' , 2 2 30 8L 4150' ® 4 F 762 47'7 6~ 30'BL 3 LANE 2~0 l0 o~- hi'y 4 5 E 12%' ',5 15 ,L b LLI 2 o 2515 -125'- -- 113 ~' 72' I Future Developmen~ I I I N89°37'ZM"E ~ 904.96' 9 N 89'58'59' E 125 O' ._.~ I25' b 880 39' n il r 39 27' 30/5 L I~ 2_ = ,:3 = 4 = ,5 II ~ ~---~, 594' 13911 o~ -- 133 10 z 7r 102 24' ~ ~ 126 63 125' ~ --.~ 128 48' " 30'BL 3 4 = 5 6 7 ¢ ', 72' ,, r, ,, J ,, 72' ?_8 483 ~' 579 )rn~] (. L+,, Esm fl I25 O' SO'OI'OI"E ..... ---- 652' 2 m -o i 72' 72 ,' r, i ,, -/2' 3266 1349~ L Ir,.- " I_ s,. i 15 7 N89°37 44'E 289 97 -?~ 6 ~89 97 O[~IOL~ LANE- 74 72' 80' 72' 63 25' 82' 959' " .,% 4 5 ¢ = 7 , ~ 2~, ~ 790' ;2 6~ ~5' 67 ~, 145 78 1~1 ~ C~v ¢ ~ ~ -- 14578'~ "~ -- -~5'- ' ~ ~7'~"~ ,- - , ~ m~ ... P-4OO' T.P .&L Co Tmm m A · 13o42' T = 48 05' L- S5 ~4' :.., ' PNASE I NORTH LAKE WOODLANDS EAST C0PPELL ,. TEXAS_ .. JAMES PARRtSH SURVEY' ABST NO. 1139 DALLAS 0OUNTY , TEXAS TROTM ENTERPRISES , INC. 4539 ~ Central Expressv : ~ D~ll~s, Texas 75041 DON A TIPTON, INC C Q SULTING ENOINEER$ I~OO L B d Freeway ' Garland,Te~s 7504~ Score' I"= I~' dun~ ~, !982 UNPLATTED ' ' -AP,eR ,, this the , day ot ,~,~- , , 1981. ~'H'A I RMAN - MAYOR Planning & Zoning Commission Coppe11, ~, the undersig~e4!, hereby certify that the abo~e arid foregoing p'lat of fforthlake ~odlands Eas~, Phase I ,' ~ additi~ to t~ Clty of Co.ell. Texas, was ~~ by t~ C~ty ~f~ of the C~ty ef ~ppell en t~ day ~f "~,~ ~,, , ~98~. Thfs approval, shall be invalid ~n~e~s the 6It~[6~[1~ 6~ ~ Coppel}' Texas STATE OF TEXAS ) OWHER' S CERTIFICATE COUNTY OF DALLAS) WHEREAS, TROTH ENTERPRISES, INC., ~s the owner of a tract of land situated in the James Parnsh Survey, Abstract No. 1139, C~ty of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and further being part of a 99 79 acre trac~ of land conveyed to Joseph P Dr~scoll, as recorded on December 12, 1973, Dallas County Deed Records, and being more particularly described as follows' COMMENCING at the ~ntersect~on of the South l~ne of Sandy Lake Road (a 60' P..O.W.), and the East line of Moore Road (a 60' R.O.W.), a point for corner, THENCE, leav~n~ sa~d South l~ne of Sandy Lake Road, and along the said East l~ne of Moore Road, the following' S O- 40' 44" W, a d~stance of 682.30 feet to a point for corner; S 2" 09' 13" W, a distance of 264.18 feet to a point for corner; S 1'~ 55' 56" W; a distance of 205.76 feet to a point for corner; S 0 00' 46" W, a distance of 287.06 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, an ~ron stake for corner, THENCE N 89 37' 44" E, leaving said East l~ne of Moore Road, a d~stance of ,302 74 feet to an ~ron stake for corner, THENCE S 0 22' 16" E, a d~stance of 6.21 feet to an ~ron stake for corner, THENCE N 89 37' 44" E, a distance of 125.0 feet to an iron stake for corner, THENCE N 0 22' 16" W, a d~stance of 389.54 feet to an ~ron stake for corner; THENCE N 55 29 [, a d~stance of 134.32 feet to an ~ron stake for co'~ner; ~HENCE N 89 37 44" E, a d~stance of 904~96 feet to an ~ron stake fo'~ corner THENCE N 89 58 59" E, a distance of 50.0 feet to an iron stake for corner, THENCE S 0 Ol' Ol" E, a d~stance of 16 03 feet to an iron stake for corner; THENCE N 89' 58 59" E, a d~stance of 125.0 feet to a point a;ong the West line of Woodr~d~e - Section 2, an addition to the C~ty of Coopell, Dallas County, Texas, an iron stake for corner, THENC[ S 0 Ol' Ol" E, alonn sa~d West line of Woodr~d~e - Sect]on 2, a dis- tance of 1032 0 feet to an iron stake for corner; THENCE S 89 58' 59" w, tea,,~no sal' ~4est l~ne of Woodr~dge Section 2, a d~tance o~- 125.3 feet to an Iron stake for corner, THENCE S 0 Ol' Ol" E, a distance of 6 52 feet to an iron stake for corner, THENCE N 89 21' 5.3" !I, a d~stance of 197 ?2 ~eet to the be~lnnlnq of a curve to the r~ht, hav]na a central annle of 24 43' 44" and a radius of 670.0 feet, an ]roq stake for corner, THEHCE around sa~d curve, a d~stance of 229 17 feet to the ben~nnlng of a curve to the le~t, hav~nn a central anqle of 25 44' 07", and a radius of !)55.0 ,=~et, an iron stake for corner, THENCE-around sa~d curve, ad,stance of 249 29 feet to an Iron stake %r corqer, TttENCE S 89 37' 44r W, a distance of 145.78 feet to the be¢]nnlnn of a curve to the left, havana a central an~le of 90 00' and a radius of 40 0 feet, an ~ron stake for corner, THENCE around sa~d curve, a distance of 62o~3 feet to an ~ron stake for corner THENCE S 0 22~ 16" E, a distance ef 26 61 feet to an ~ron stake for corner, THE~CE S ~ 39' 37" E, a d~stance of 50 fl %et to the beq~nn~nq of a c~rve to lbo le~t, havlnu a back tanoent bear]nh of S °5 20' 23' W, a central anqle of 4Jo)°' 23', and a radius of 525 0 feet, an ~ron stake for corner, ~H[N(,E 'mesterly, around said curve, a distance of 42 51 feet to an iron stake for ' orrle~ , THENCE S 9 18' E, a distance of 125 0 feet to the bealnn]na of a curve to the le[t, havlnq a back tanaent bear~neof S 90 42' Vi, a central annle of 42', and a rad]uq of 400.0 Feet, an Iron stake for corner, THEN(E Westerly, around sa~d curve, a d~stance of 95 64 feet to an ~ron stake for corner, T~t[NCE S 67 O0 W, a d~stance of 315 7,°, feet to an ~ron stake for corner, lit~NCE N 54 .54 W, a d~stance of 42 0 feet to an Iron stake for corner, '~HE ~;E b P,? ~,l a distance of 93 65 feet to an Iron stake for corner, IHE,qCE S R9 ]2 ,i, a d~stance of 87 32 feet to an iron stake for corner, THENCE S 6~ 37 w. a d~stance of 91 24 feet to an ~ron stake for corner, THENCE S .% 0% 4, a d~stance of °,2 15 feet to an ~ron st~ke for corner, THENO[ N 56 31 '4, a d~stance of 92 74 feet to an ~ron stake for corner, ;HEN([ ~; °,6 ?0 ,~, a d~stance of 70 0 feet to an ~ron stake for corner, TH~N[E q 40 ?0 W, a d~stance of 155.0 feet to an Iron stake for corner, THEN[E q 75 5? ~3' W, a d~stance of 57.32 feet to a oolnt alonq above- mentioned East~l]ne of Moore Road, an ~ron stake for corner, THENEE ~lone said West l~ne of Moore Road, the follow~ng N ') ll' ]3" W, a d~stance of 252 75 feet to the beo]nn]na of a curve to th, i,ht, hav~no a back tancent bear~na o+ N 2 24' ]4" W, a central angle ,,,' and a radius o¢ 6437.44 teet, an ~ron stake for corner, Northerly around sa~d curve, a d~stance of 273 63 feet to an ~ron stake for corner, N 0 00' 46" E, a distance of 337 62 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and co~ta]n]n~ 49 659 acres of land NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS- THAT, IROTH ENTERPRISES, INC , does hereby adopt th~s plat designating the here~nabove described property as Northlake Woodlands East, Phase I, an addition to the City of Copoelt, Dallas County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever the streets and alleys shown thereon, and does hereby reserve t ~o easement strips shown on this D]at for the mutual use and accommodat]or of all ~ubl~c utilities deslr~nn to use or us~nq same Any public utility shall have the r~eht to remove and keen removed all or part o~ any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other erowths or ~mprovements which lq any way endanger or inter- fpre ~th the -onstruct~on, mal~qtenance, or efficiency of ]ts respective systems on any of these easement str~ps, and any public utility shall, at all t~mes, have the r]oht of ~nqress and enress to and from and upon the said easements strips for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, ~nspectlng, patrolling, maintaining and add~nq to or removlnn all or oart of its resoectlve systems without the necessity, at any time, of procurlno the permission of anyone. WITNESS MY HAND, at Co~oell, Texas, this the ~Jay of , 1982 -"-'- ..... _. TROTH ENTERPRISES, INC S C- -Parso-nq, VIce President STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DALLAS) , BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public ~n and for said County and State on this day personally appeared S. C PARSONS, Vice Pres]dent of TROTH ENTERPRISES, INC , known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and acknowledqed to me that he executed the same ~-, th~ cauaclty therein stated GIVEN UNDER HY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the ___'_day of , 1982. Notary Public in and for Dallas Cou~n%y, Texas SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE KhOW &LL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, DON A TIPTON, do hereby certify that I Prepared th~s plat from an actual and accurate survey of the la~d and that the co~ner monuments shown thereon were properly olaced under my ~ersm~l supervision ~n accordance with the Platting Rules and Renulatlons of the C~ty of Coppell, Texas. DON A TIPTON, Registered Public Surveyor STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTy OF DALLAS) BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for sa~d County and State on th~s day personally appeared DON A. TIPTON, known to me to be the person whose uame ]% ~ubscr~bed to the foreoo~n~ Instrument and acknowledged to me that he ]xecuted the same ~n the caoaclty there~n stated G~VEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of ,1982 Notary Public, Dallas County. Texas ~1~50