Nlake 635(9)/FP-CS 870113Item 23: Preliminary Plat Application and site plan for Coppell High School located south of Cottonwood Creek, west of Denton Tap Road and north of Sandy Lake Road for approximately 49.9 acres. Date of Planning & Zoning Commission - December 18, 1986 Decision of Planning & Zoning - Approved (4-0) (1 abstained) - with the condition that an alternate route should be shown on plans. Dr. David Stanfield, superintendent of the Coppell Schools, and representatives of the school district made the presentation to the Council. Dr. Stanfield stated that temporary primary access is from the south through the Shadydale Acres subdivision with permanent access being from the north via Parkway Boulevard at such time that this thoroughfare is constructed. Concerns expressed by the Council and addressed at this time dealt with drainage, water and sewer service, and access to the school site without having to go through a residential subdivision. School officials stated that it is their anticipation that the Parkway Boulevard extension would be ~n place within eighteen (18) months and that the school would obtain an easement from the property owner to the north in order to obtain the proper drainage. School officials indicated that this drainage could be either open or closed, but that their preference would be for open drainage. Council feelings were that, because closed drainage was required of development to the south of this area, this drainage should also be closed. Citizens from the Shadydale Acres subdivision were present and expressed their dislike and concern of the school traffic being routed through the subdivision rather than through the school's easement off Denton Tap. There was no consensus of agreement between the City and school officials comcerning the drainage and traffic problems; however, it was the consensus of the City Council that the drainage should be closed box culvert and that the traffic should not be routed through the residential area. Following further discussion, this request was withdrawn by the applicant and, following meetings with City staff, will be placed on the next Council agenda for further consideration. FINAL PLATS Item 24: Final Plat Application for Northlake 635 Business Park Located along Crestside Drive in the northwest corner of Block D, Northlake 635 Business Park. /' Date of Planning & Zoning Commission - December 18, 1986 HUUUk~Y~t~/~ .De is pn of Planning & Zoning - Approval 5-0 Mr. Tom Cook made the presentation to the Council. He stated that a maintenance agreement has been filed with the City; however, questions have been raised by City staff that are being addressed at the present time. Following discussion, Councilman Wilkerson moved that the above stated plat be approved subject to the City approving a final draft of the maintenance agreement prior to a certificate of occupancy being approved; Councilman Stanton seconded and motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Ware, Councilmen Wilkerson, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe, and Stanton voting in favor of the motion.