Nlake 635(1)/FP-CS 841113~[T¥ OF COPP£LL P.O. BOX q78 COPPELL, IEXAS 75019, SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Subdivision Name Preliminary Plat Applicant Address Phone Firm Preparing Plat Address Street Phone ! ~- Date Final Plat X Street ' City '~ State' ocOe Zip State Zip P'roverty Owner ~..OV~Wke~\ Address ~O c~e~ Street ' City State Developer CodeC, t\ "Dc,,lelo,om. .vx Ce. Street City RI1 Co~en~on~en:e ~elnttve to whom: Zip State Zip this appl~cation should be directed to Name Address _%q&~ City, State, Zip Phone ! General Location of Property ~,o cx c~ c~ Courior, '" 10. What is the present Zoning District? ~ Are you requesting any zoning change? N~ I~ ~es, what [s the Case File No.? Zoning district requested? Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use No. of Lots or Units Acres (for each use) S_~tpgle Family ~tjp]ex Comme roi a 1 Public Street R/W Parks, I'ubl ic Condom]nium (specify new or convorson) Tote 1