Nlake 635(9)/FP-CS 850717NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINESS PA~K THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESe- PRE~,~,~.~" THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS ("Declaration"), is made this /~7~ day of ~-~ , A.D., 1985 by BELTWOOD NORTH VENTURE, a Texas joint v~nture ("Declarant"), acting by and through CONNELL DEVELOPMENT CO., A Nevada corporation ("CDC") as its Manager, having its principal place of business in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, and joined by T. FRANKLIN SCHNEIDER, III, of Dallas County, Texas ("Schneider"). RECITALS Declarant and Schneider constitute all the owners of that certain tract of land lying and being situated in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all pur- poses (the "Initial Property"). Declarant and Schneider desire to subject the Initial ~roperty, together with such additions as may hereafter be made thereto pursuant to Article'VII hereof to the covenants, con- ditions, restrictions and easements hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is for the benefit of all of such Property and each current and subsequent owner thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant and Schneider declare that the Initial Property, and such additions thereto as may hereafter be made pursuant to Article VII hereof, is and shall be held, occupied, improved, sold, conveyed and transferred subject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements ~sometimes collectively referred to as the "Covenants and Restrictions") hereinafter set forth. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following words when used in this Declaration or any supplemental declaration (unless the context shall prohibit) shall have the following meanings: NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 1 of 23 1.61 "Association" shall mean and refer to the Northlake 635 Business Park Property Owners Association. 1.02 "Board" shall mean and refer to the Architectural Control Board established in Article V hereof. 1.03 'Declarant" shall mean and refer to Beltwood North Venture and any successor in title or assignee thereof, who shall receive by assignment from Beltwood North Venture all or a por- tion of its right hereunder as such Declarant, by an instrument expressly assigning such rights as Declarant to such assignee. Schneider joins Declarant in the execution hereof but is not, and has no rights or duties as, Declarant. 1.04 "Property" shall mean and refer to those certain tracts of land hereinbefore described as the Initial Property and such additions thereto as may hereafter become subject to this Declaration pursuant to Article VII hereof. 1.05 "Lot" shall mean and refer to any single plot or tract of land within the bounds of the Property (i) which has been designated as such by Declarant in a document prepared for filing of record (whether or not same shall have been filed of record) and/or (ii) owned by a single entity or in common or jointly by a group of entities. 1.06 "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner(s) of the fee simple title to any Lot, but excluding those having such interests merely as security for the performance of an obliga- tion. 1.07 'Improvements" shall mean and refer to all things placed or erected on, in, over, or under or affixed to the Property or any portion thereof, including specifically, without limitation, buildings, structures, hedges, lawns, driveways, parking areas, loading areas, trackage, fences, walls, mass plantings, plants, ponds, lakes, swimming pools, tennis courts, signs, exterior illumination or lighting, berms, boulders, landscaping, incinerators, built-in trash disposal units, fountains, aerials, pools, flag poles, and other poles. 1.08 "Building" shall mean and refer to enclosures, walls and other such above grade structures created, erected or placed on the land or any portion thereof for principal use as office space, warehouse, dwelling, hotel, retail manufacturing or other use; including, without limitation, Parking Structures. 1.09 "Parkinq Structure" shall mean and refer to any Parking Facility other than a Parking Lot. NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 2 of 23 1.10 "Parking Lot" shall mean and refer to any on grade Parking Facility, i.e., a facility consisting only of hard sur- face paving such as asphalt or concrete with no improvements other than wheel stops, curbs, landscaping and lighting extending above ground level. 1.11 "Parking Facilities" shall mean and refer to all improvements placed, erected or created and maintained on any portion of the Property for the purpose of parking vehicles of any kind, whether or not self propelled. 1.12 "Common Property" shall mean and refer to all tracts of land within the Property and (i) now or hereafter granted to the Association to be held as common property, (ii) designated as common property in Exhibit "A" hereto, or (iii) designated as common property by Declarant in a document prepared for filing of record (whether or not same shall have been filed of record). 1.13 "Value" of a Lot or other portion of the Property shall mean and refer to the value of such Lot or portion of the Property, together with all improvements thereon, as assessed by the applicable Appraisal District, for ad valorem tax purposes for the most recent year. In the event that such Lot or other portions of the Property shall have been assessed for the most recent year as a part of a larger tract, then the Value of same for purposes hereof shall be deemed to be equal to (i) the value of such larger tract as assessed by the applicable Appraisal District for ad valorem tax purposes for the most recent year (ii) divided by the gross area of such larger tract in square feet, (iii) multiplied by the gross area of such Lot or part thereof, other portion of the Property in square feet. 1.14 "Conversion Date" shall mean and refer to the date of the earlier to occur of (i) the moment that record title to twenty percent (20%) or less of the overall square footage of land within the boundaries of the Property, exclusive of all Common Property and portions of the Property owned by or otherwise dedicated to any state, city or county, or any political subdivision or unit of government of same, shall be held by Declarant, or (ii) December 31, 1995. ARTICLE II USE OF LOTS AND THE PROPERTY - PROTECTIVE COVENANTS 2.01 Use of Property. (a) Permitted Uses. No portion of the Property shall be used for any purpose other than office, office showroom, or office warehouse, as such uses are now NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 3 of 23 defined/permitted under the applicable ~oning ordinances or regulations of the City of Coppell for property zoned as "light industrial" (LI), without the express written consent of the Board. At such time as the Board shall have given such full and final written consent such con- sent shall not be revoked by the Board. Such consent shall be on a Lot by Lot, Property Owner by Property Owner basis and consent to one (1) Property Owner regarding one (1) Lot shall never have the effect of permitting any other Property Owner to engage in the use so consented to on any other Lot. (b) Prohibited Uses. In addition to the use limitation specified above, no Lot or part thereof shall be used either temporarily or permanently for any purpose or business which: (i) increases the fire hazard to adjoining properties, (ii) is dangerous, constitutes a nuisance, or causes the emission of dust, vapors, odor, gases, smoke, fumes, radio or radar beams or radiation or light or noise or vibrations which is or may be injurious or unreasonably offensive to persons working on, or products manufactured or stored on, adjoining properties; (iii) involves the raising, breeding or keeping of any animals on any portion of the Property; (iv) utilizes such lot as' a dumping ground for rubbish, trash, or garbage; or (v) is in violation of the laws or ordinances of the United States, the State of Texas, the City of Coppell, or any other governmental agency having jurisdiction to regulate the use of the Property. 2.02 Buildinq Materials. Each Building constructed or placed upon any Lot shall have exterior walls of: (a) ninety-five percent (95%) face brick or exposed aggregate concrete (exclusive of exterior glass surfaces); or (b) one hundred percent (100%) window walls; or (c) such other materials as may, on a case by case basis, be approved by the Board; NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 4 of 23 PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that no Building or other structure which has sheet aluminum, sheet iron, or sheet steel, corrugated aluminum, iron or steel and/or asbestos exterior building materials shall be constructed or placed upon any Lot. In all cases, exterior finishes must be approved in advance and 'in writing, by the Board, as provided in Article V hereof. 2.03 Exterior Illumination. Illumination will be required on all exterior walls facing streets or proposed streets and for all parking areas and walkways between Buildings and parking areas, unless otherwise waived or modified by the Board in writing. Such illumination must conform to plans approved in writing by the Board pursuant to Article V hereof. 2.04 Setback Restrictions. (a) Generally. No Improvement shall be constructed or placed on any Lot that would violate the applicable City zoning ordinances. Except as provided in 2.04(b) below~ in no event shall any Building or other structure be constructed or placed on any Lot less than (i) thirty (30) feet from the right-of-way line of any of the following streets: Lakeshore, Crestside, and Cowboy Drive; (ii) fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way line of Belt Line Road; or (iii) five (5) feet from any side or rear property line that is not also a street right-of-way line. (b) Parking Lots. Board shall have been constructed less than Unless the prior written consent of the obtained, no Parking Lot shall be (i) ten (10) feet from the right-of-way line of any of the following streets: La~eshore, Crestside, and Cowboy Drive; and (ii) thirty (30) feet from the right-of-way line of Belt Line Road. NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 5 of 23 2.05 Signs. (a) Ail Signs Require Prior Consent. No 'sign of any kind or character whatsoever shall be installed and/or displayed so as to be exposed to public view on or from any part of the Property without prior written approval of the Board. (b) Exception for Certain Temporary Signs. Notwith- standing the foregoing, signs temporarily used by Declarant or any Owner in the development or leasing of any Lot or improvement situated thereon, may be installed without prior approval of the Board; however, said temporary signs shall be limited to one (1) per Lot and must be placed behind the setback line(s) provided for in Section 2.04. Temporary signs shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet in total area and shall conform to the sign standards below. (c) Sign Standards. Normally, the Board shall approve only those signs conforming to the following standards: (i) all signs shall identify the occupant by his, her or its name and business, or offer premises for sale or lease, or serve directional or traffic control purposes; (ii) all signs shall be of such size and shape as shall be established by the Board, and direction/traffic-control signs shall be uniform throughout the Property; (iii) no business signs shall be permitted to pro- ject above the roof line of the adjacent building or to extend beyond any setback line; provided, however, that monument signs with a height of eighteen (18) inches or less may be permitted to within ten (10) feet from a public street right-of- way line; (iv) no flashing or moving signs shall be permitted; (v) all signs shall be kept in a neat, orderly and well-cared-for condition at all times. (d) Additional Standards. The Board shall prescribe additional standards for all signs within the Property in order to preserve a uniform and pleasant atmosphere within the Property. .NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 6 of 23 (e) Enforcement. The Association shall have authority to remove or cause to be removed, any and all signs installed without prior written consent from the Board (except for temporary signs conforming to the provisions of subsection 2.05 (b) above). The cost of any such removal, plus a reasonable amount to defray the overhead expenses of the Association shall be paid by the Owner of the Lot upon which such sign shall have been installed. If such Owner shall fail to reimburse the Association within thirty (30) days after reciept of a statement for same from the Association, then same shall be a joint and several debt of all Owners of, and shall constitute a lien against all of, such Lot or other portion of the Property upon which said removal shall have been performed. Such lien shall have the same attributes as the lien for assessments and special assessments set forth in Subsection 4.03(j) hereof, which provisions are incorporated herein by reference, and the Association shall have identical powers and rights in all respects, including but not limited to, the right of foreclosure. 2.06 Waste. All trash receptacles shall meet the require- ments set forth in Section 2.08 hereof. Waste of any nature shall not be kept on any Lot except in covered sanitary con- tainers or trash receptacles. The Association shall have the power and authority to have removed, at the Owner's expense, any and all wastes, rubbish, and/or trash kept on any Lot not pro- perly stored in covered sanitary containers or trash receptacles. 2.07 Storage of Materials. No articles, goods, materials, refuse, refuse receptacles, incinerators, storage tanks, or any other property items (except for properly screened trash receptacles) shall be stored within the Property except within the interiors of buildings. 2.08 Screening. (a) Generally. Storage areas, incinerators, storage tanks, trucks based on the premises, roof objects (including fans, vents, cooling towers, skylights and all roof mounted equipment which rises above the roof line), trash containers and maintenance facilities, shall be completely screened from public view in such manner, with such materials and at such location as shall be approved in writing by the Board. Such screening will normally include landscaping or permanent fences of solid materials and be located as far from Lot lines as reasonably possible. NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 7 of 23 (b) Antennas. No antenna, satelliu dish or tower shall be erected on any Lot or Improvements for any pur- pose without prior written approval from the Board. Generally, the Board shall grant its approval if such antenna, satellite dish or tower is completely screened on all sides. 2.09 Loading Docks. No loading door(s) or dock(s) on any Lot shall be constructed facing any streets that are contiguous to such Lot and within or adjacent to the Property. All loading areas shall be designed for reasonably adequate maneuvering of truc~s on the Lot based on the si.ze and intended use of the building planned for construction on such Lot. 2.10 Safe Condition - Compliance with Regulations. Each Owner of a Lot shall at all times keep such Lot in a safe, clean and wholesome condition and comply in all respects with all government, health, fire and police requirements and regulations; and such Owner shall remove, at his, her or its own expense, any rubbish of any character whatsoever which may accumulate on such Lot. This includes the maintenance of all grassed and landscaped areas, keeping same cut, trimmed, pruned and swept. In the event any Owner shall fail to comply with any or all of the terms of this covenant and such failure shall continue for a period of ten (10) days after the Board or the Association shall deliver notice of same to such Owner, then the Association and its agents shall have the right, privilege and license to enter upon such premises without liability for any manner of trespass and make any and all corrections or improvements that may be necessary to meet the terms of this covenant and to charge such Owner the expenses incurred in doing so, including all damages, costs, court costs, and attorneys' fees which the Association may incur in connection therewith. If such Owner shall fail to reimburse the Association within thirty (30) days after reciept of a statement for same from the Association, then same shall be a joint and several debt of all Owners of, and shall constitute a lien against all of, such Lot or other portion of the Property upon which said removal shall have been performed. Such lien shall have the same attri- butes as the lien for assessments and special assessments set forth in Subsection 4.03(j) hereof, which provisions are incor- porated herein by reference, and the Association shall have iden- tical powers and rights in all respects, including but not limited to, the right of foreclosure. 2.11 Parking Facilities. No Owner of any Lot shall, nor shall such Owner permit his, her or its employees, tenants, customers or invitees, or the employees, customers, and invitees of his or its tenants, to park on public streets within the Property, and NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 8 of 23 it shall be the responsibility of each Owner, his, her or its successors or assigns, or other persons holding under them to provide adequate off-street parking facilities for employees, tenants, customers and invitees on his, her or its Lot as follows: (a) a number of parking spaces for passenger cars shall be provided for as required for the intended use of such Lot by the applicable City of Coppell Ordinance; and (b) Parking Lots must be paved with all-weather hard surfaces (asphalt or concrete). 2.12 Curb Cuts. Curb cuts shall be no wider than thirty-five (35) feet or that allowed by the applicable City of Coppell Ordinance, whichever shall be smaller. 2.13 LandscaDing. (a) Unimproved Property. Prior to the completion of Improvements on any Lot, and including specifically, without limitation, all times during which Improvements shall be under construction, the Owner of such unimproved Lot shall keep all portions of same visible from any public street (excluding alleys and service drives) together with any unpaved portion of a street right-of-way contiguous thereto (collectively, the "front yard areas") clean and free of debris and mowed so that at no time shall the grass cover on such Lot, if any, exceed a height of ten (10) inches. In addition all such unimproved Lots shall be kept graded suf- ficiently smooth so as to allow such debris removal and mowing and facilitate adequate surface drainage. (b) Improved Property. Contemporaneously with the completion of Improvements on any Lot, the Owner of such Lot shall landscape all unimproved unpaved front yard areas on such Lot. Such landscaping shall be effected in such manner as shall have been approved by the Board, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The complete landscape plan shall be submitted for the Board's written approval at the same time that plans and specifications shall be submitted. No landscaping shall be implemented unless and until same shall be approved by the Board. The Board shall generally approve landscaping designed in accordance with the following standards: (i) Ail front yard areas not within the bounds of any enclosure or not improved with hard surface NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 9 of 23 paving shall be improved with underground automatic irrigation systems. (ii) Ail front yard areas shall contain a minimum of one (1) hardwood tree for each forty (40) feet of street right-of-way frontage. All such trees shall be at least three (3) inches in trun~ diameter, measured at the narrowest point on the trunk between ground level and the point thirty (30) inches above ground level when planted. The Owner of each Lot shall take good care of and maintain the yard and other grounds on such Lot. (iii) Hedge and shrub which obstructs sight lines at elevations between two (2) and six (6) feet above the roadway shall neither be placed nor permitted to remain on any corner Lot within the triangular area formed by the street right-of-way lines and a line connecting them at points twenty (20) feet from the intersection of the street right-of-way lines, or, in the case of a rounded property corner, twenty (20) feet from the point at which the street property lines, if extended, wou3~ intersect. The same sight line limitations shall apply to any Lot within ten (10) feet of the intersection of a driveway with a public street. No tree shall be permitted to remain within such distances of such intersections unless the foliage line is maintained at a height of at least six (6) feet. ARTICLE III MAINTENANCE 3.01 Duty of Maintenance. Owners and occupants (including lessees and sublessess) of any Lot or part thereof shall, with respect to such Lot, jointly and severally have the duty and responsibility, at their sole cost and expense, to keep all of such Lot so owned or occupied, including buildings, improvements, landscaping and grounds in connection therewith, in a well-maintained, safe, clean and attractive condition at all times. Such maintenance .includes but is not limited to the following: (a) prompt removal of all litter, trash, refuse, and wastes; (b) lawn mowing; NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 10 of 23 (c) trek and shrub pruning; (d) watering; (e) keeping exterior lighting and mechanical facilities in working order; (f) keeping lawn and garden areas alive, attractive and free of weeds, disease and pests; (g) keeping parking areas, driveways, and roads in good repair; (h) complying with all government health and police requirements; (i) striping and restriping of par~ing areas and painting and repainting of improvements; and (j) repair of exterior damages to improvements. 3.02 Enforcement. If the Association shall have concluded that any such Lot Owner or occupant (including lessees and sublessees) shall have failed in any of the foregoing duties or responsibilities, then the Association may give such person written notice of such failure and such person or occupant must within ten (10) days after receiving such notice, perform the care and maintenance specified in such notice. Should any such Owner or occupant fail to so perform within such period, then the Association~ through its authorized agent or agents, shall have the right and power to enter onto such Lot and perform such care and maintenance without any liability for damages for wrongful entry, trespass or otherwise to any Owner or occupant. Every such Owner and occupant of any such Lot on which such maintenance work shall have been performed shall jointly and severally be liable for the cost of such work plus a reasonable overhead premium and shall promptly reimburse the Association for such cost plus a reasonable overhead premium. If such 0wner~ or occupant shall fail to reimburse the Association within thirty (30) days after receipt of a statement for such work from the Association, then said indebtedness shall be a joint and several debt of all Owners of, and shall constitute a lien against all of, such Lot or other portion of the Property upon which said work shall have been performed. Such lien shall have the same attributes as the lien for assessments and special assessments set forth in Subsection 4.03(j) hereof, which provisions are incorporated herein by reference, and the Association shall have identical powers and rights in all respects, including but not limited to the right of foreclosure. NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 11 of 23 ARTICLE XV PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION 4.01 Membership. Each and every person or legal entity who shall own any Lot, tract, or parcel of land in the Property, shall automatically be a member of the Association, PROVIDED, that any person or entity who holds such an interest merely as security for the performance of any obligation shall not be a member. 4.02 Classes of Voting Members. two classes of voting membership: The Association shall have (a) Class A. Class A members shall be all those mem- bers described in Section 4.01 hereof with the exception of Declarant. Class A members shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or major fraction thereof, of Value of that portion of the Property owned by each such member, exclusive of Common Property. When two (2) or more persons or entities hold undivided interests in any part of the Property, all such persons or entities shall be Class~A members, and the vote for such part of the Property shall be exer- cised as they, among themselves, determine, but in no event shall more than one (1) vote be cast with respect to each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or major fraction thereof, of Value of the part of the Property in which such members own undivided interests. (b) Class B. The Class B member shall be Declarant. The Class B member shall be entitled to ten (10) votes for each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or major frac- tion thereof, of Value of that portion of the Property owned by it; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that from and after the Conversion Date, the Class B member shall be entitled to only one (1) vote for each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or major fraction thereof, of Value of that portion of the Property owned by it. (c) Assignment of Voting Rights. Voting rights may be assigned, in whole or in part, as such rights relate to a particular tract of land, to a lessee holding a ground lease on such particular tract of land, PROVIDED that the primary term of such ground lease is for a period of not less than forty (40) years. 4.03. Assessments. (a) Covenants for Assessments. Each 0f Declarant and Schneider, for each Lot, tract or parcel of land owned NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 12 of 23 by it within the Property, hereby covenants, and each purchaser of any such Lot, tract or parcel of land by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other conveyance, shall be deemed to covenant to pay to the Association: (i) annual assessments or charges (as specified in subsection 4.03(c) hereof); (ii) special assessments for capital improvements (as specified in subsection 4.03(d) hereof); all of such assessments to be fixed, established, and collected from time to time as hereinafter provided. (b) Purpose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the comfort, health, safety, and welfare of the Owners of the Property, or any part thereof, and for carrying out the purposes of the Association as stated in its Articles of Incorporation. (c) Annual Assessment. Each Owner of any part of the Property shall pay to the Association an annual assessment of Seventeen and One-Tenth Cents ($0.171) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of Value of that portion of the Property so owned. At any time after the year in which the first annual assessment is due, the rate of annual assessment may be increased or decreased by vote of the membership of the Association, as provided in subsection 4.03(e) hereof. The board of directors of the Association may, after consideration of current maintenance costs and future needs of the Association, fix the actual assessment for any year at a lesser amount. The Association may not accumulate a surplus at the end of any year which is more than two (2) times the maximum permissible annual assessment for that year. Should such excess surplus exist at the end of an~ year, the board of directors of the Association shall reduce the next total annual assessment by an amount at least equal to said excess surplus. (d) Special Assessments. In addition to the annual assessments authorized by subsection 4.03(c) hereof, the Association may, by vote of its members as set out in subsection 4.03(f) hereof, levy in any assessment year or years after the year in which the first annual assessment is due, a special assessment for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 13 of 23 construction or reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of an Improvement to any Common Property including the necessary fixtures and personal .property related thereto, or for carrying out other purposes of the Association as stated in its Articles of Incorporation. (e) Vote Required for Increase in Rate of Annual Assessments. The increase in the rate of the annual assessment as authorized by subsection 4.03(c) hereof must be approved by a majority of the total eligible votes of the membership of the Association as defined in Section 4.02 hereof, voting in person or by proxy, at a meeting duly called for such purpose, written notice of which shall have been given to all members at least thirty (30) days in advance and shall have set forth the purpose of the meeting. (f) Vote Required for Special Assessment. The special assessment authorized by subsection 4.03(d) hereof must be approved by a majority of the total eligible votes of the membership of the Association as defined in Section 4.02 hereof, voting in person or by proxy, at a meeting duly called for such purpose, written notice of which shall have been given to all members at least thirty (30) days in advance and shall have set forth the purpose of the meeting. (g) Commencement Date of Annual Assessment. The first annual assessment provided for herein shall-commence with the year 1985 and shall continue thereafter from year to year. Said first annual asesssment shall be pro rated and shall be equal to (i) the amount specified in subsection 4.03(c) hereof, (ii) divided by the number of days in the year of such first annual assessment, (iii) multiplied by the number of days from the date this Declaration'shall be duly filed in the appropriate real property records until the end of such year. (h) Due Date of Assessments. The first annual assessment shall become due and payable on December 31, 1985, and shall be considered delinquent if not paid January 31, 1986. The assessments for any year after 1985 shall become due and payable on December 31 of such year and delinquent if not paid by January 31 of the succeeding year. The due date and delinquent date of any special assessment under subsection 4.03(d) hereof shall be fixed in the resolution authorizing such assessment. NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 14 of 23 (i) Owner's Personal Obliqation _ur Payment of Assessments. The annual and special assessments pro- vided for herein shall be the personal, corporate, or partnership debt of the Owner of the Property covered by such assessments. No Owner shall be exempt from liabi- lity for such assessmen-~s. In the event of default in the payment of any such assessment, the Owner of the property shall be obligated to pay interest at the highest rate permissible by law on the amount of the assessment from the due date thereof, together with all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in connection with the collection thereof. (j) Assessment Lien and Foreclosure. Ail sums assessed in the manner provided in this Section 4.03 but unpaid, shall, together with interest as provided in subsection 4.03(i) hereof and the cost of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees as hereinafter provided, thereupon become a continuing lien and charge on the property covered by such assessment, which shall bind such property in the hands of the Owner, and his heirs, devisees, personal representatives, and assigns. The aforesaid lien shall be superior to all other liens and charges against the said property, except only for tax liens and all sums unpaid on a first mortgage lien or first deed of trust lien of record, securing in either instance sums borrowed for the acquisition and/or impro- vement of the property in question. The Association shall have the power and authority to subordinate the aforesaid assessment lien to any other lien. Such power shall be entirely discretionary with the Association. To evidence the aforesaid assessment lien, the Association shall prepare a written notice of assessment lien setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebted- ness, the name of the Owner of the property covered by such lien and a description of such property. Such notice shall be signed by one of the officers of the Association and shall be recorded in the office of the County' Clerk of Dallas County, Texas. Such lien for payment of assessments shall attach with the priority above set forth from the date that such payment becomes delinquent as set forth in subsection 4.03(h) above and may be enforced by the foreclosure of the defaulting Owner's property by the Association in like manner as a deed of trust lien on real property subsequent to the recording of a notice of assessment lien as provided NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 15 of 23 above, or the Associatio~ may institute .uit against the Owner obligated to p.~y the assessment and/or for foreclosure of the aforesaid lien judicially. In any foreclosure proceeding, whether judicial or not judi- cial, the Owner shall be required to pay the costs, expenses, and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred. The Association shall have the power to bid on such property at foreclosure or other legal sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, convey or otherwise deal with the same. Upon the written request of any mortgagee holding a prior lien on any part of the property, the Association shall report to said mortgagee any unpaid assessments remaining uapaid for longer than thirty (30) days after the same are due. (k) Common Property Exempt. Ail Common Property as defined in Section 1.12 hereof, and any common property of any other association designated on any recorded plat filed by Declarant, and all portions of the Property owned by or otherwise dedicated to any state, city or county, or any political subdivision or unit of govern- ment of same, shall be exempted from the assessments and lien created herein. ARTICLE V ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL BOARD 5.01 The Board. There is hereby created an Architectural Control Board (the "Board") to provide for architectural control and design for the Property and to have and exercise the other powers granted to it hereunder, said Board to be composed of three (3) members, each of whom shall be individuals. 5.02 Appointment or Election of Board. The members of the Board shall be appointed, elected and/or removed as follows: (a) Until the Conversion Date Declarant shall have the exclusive power and right to appoint and remove the mem- bers of the Board and to fill vacancies thereon. (b) Thereafter, such authority shall vest in the Association. 5.03 Function and Powers of Board. No Improvement shall be erected, constructed, placed or altered on any portion of the Property until plans and specifications in such form and detail as the Board may reasonable deem necessary, shall have been sub- mitted to and approved in writing by the Board. The decision of any two (2) members of the Board, acting singly or in meeting NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 16 of 23 a'ssembled, shall be final, conclusive and binding upon the appli- cant and the Board. 5.04 Content of Plans and Specifications. Prior to the construction of any Improvements, two (2) sets of plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Board, c/o Connell Development Co., P. O. Box 201069, Dallas, Texas 75220, or to such other address as may be specified from time to time by the Board and, unless waived in advance and in writing by the Board, shall include the following: (a) A topographical plat showing contour grades (with one-foot contour intervals) and showing the location of all Improvements, Buildings, Structures, walks, patios, driveways, fences and walls. Existing and finished grades shall be shown at Lot corners and at corners of proposed Improvements. Lot drainage provisions shall be included as well as cut and fill details, if any change in the Lot contours is contemplated. (b) Exterior elevations. (c) Exterior materials, colors, textures and shapes, including color and reflective intensity of exterior glass surfaces. (d) Structural design. (e) Landscaping plan, including walkways, fences and Walls, elevation changes, watering systems, trees, shrubs and other vegetation and ground cover. (f) Parking area and driveway plan. (g) Screening, including size, location, materials and method. (h) Utility connections, including routing of electrical and telephone cables. (i) Exterior illumination, facturer's fixture number test data. including location, manu- and supporting photometric (j) Fire protection system. (~) Signs, including size, shape, color, materials and location. (1) Trash container storage locations and related screening. NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 17 of 23 ~. (m) Proposed use of such Lot and such other matters as may be required by the then applicable zoning code of the City of Coppell and/or the Board. (n) The location, screening and configuration of anten- nas, satellite dishes and any towers therefor. 5.05 ADDroval Criteria for the Board. Approval of plans and specifications shall be based, among other things, on conformity to the covenants and restrictions set forth herein and the specific and general intent thereof, as determined by the Board; general adequacy of site dimensions, structural design, harmony of exterior design and of location with the neighboring structures and sites; relation of finished grades and elevations to neighboring sites; and compliance with applicable governmental requirements. 5.06 Limitation of Liability. The Board shall not be liable in damages or otherwise to anyone submitting plans and specifications for approval or to any Owner by reason of mistake of judgment, negligence or nonfeasance arising out of or in connection with the approval or disapproval or failure to approve or disapprove any plans or specifications. ARTICLE VI EASEMENTS Easements for installation, maintenance, repair and removal of utilities, drainage facilities and floodway easements are reserved by Declarant as shown on the plat of the Property, recorded in Volume 85056, Page 3365 of the Map Records of Dallas County, Texas. So long as Declarant shall own any part of the Property, full rights of ingress and egress shall be had by Declarant over the Property for the installation, operation, maintenance, repair or removal of any such facility or utility together with the right to remove any building, structure or object that may be placed in such easement which shall interfere with the installa- tion, use, maintenance, repair, operation, or removal thereof. ARTICLE VII ADDITIONS TO THE PROPERTY Additional lands may become subject to this Declaration in the manner hereinafter set forth. If Declarant shall be the Owner of any Property which it desires to add to the scheme of, making same subject to this Declaration, it may do so by, first, obtaining the approval of same from a majority of the total eli- gible votes of the membership of the Association as defined in Section 4.02 hereof, voting in person or by proxy, with NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 18 of 23 ~eclarant, for purposes of this Article VII only, having the same number of votes for each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or major fraction thereof, of the Value of that portion of the Property, ~exclusive of such additional lands at issue, owned by it, as have other members of the Association, such approval to be obtained at a meeting duly called for such purpose, written notice of which shall have been given to all Members at least thirty (30) days in advance and shall have set forth the purpose of the meeting; and, second, filing in the records of the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas, a Supplementary Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, and Easements of this Declaration ("Supplementary Declaration") with respect to such property; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that such Supplementary Declaration may con- tain such complementary additions and modifications of the Covenants and Restrictions contained in this Declaration to be applicable only to the new land or Property being subjected hereto and thereto, as may be necessary to reflect the different character, if any, of the new land or Property and as are not inconsistent with the scheme of this Declaration. In no event, however, shall such Supplementary Declaration modify or add to the covenants established by this Declaration for the Property. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.01 Duration and Enforceability. The Covenants and Restric- tions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the Property, and shall inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by, Declarant~ and/or the Owner of any Lot subject to this Declaration, their respective .legal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns, for a term of forty (40) years from the date that this Declaration is recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years unless an instrument signed by a majority of the Owners shall be recorded, agreeing to abolish the Covenants and Restrictions or to change the Convenants and Restrictions in whole or in part; provided, however, that no such agreements to change shall be effective unless made and recorded thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of such change; and unless written notice of the proposed agreement shall have been sent to every Owner at least ninety (90) days in advance of any action taken, provided further, that no agreement to change shall be applicable to existing buildings on the Property unless such instrument shall be signed by all of the then Owners of the affected portion of the Property. 8.02 Enforcements. Enforcement of these Covenants and Restrictions shall be by any proceeding at law or in equity NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 19 of 23 against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate them; and failure by Declarant or any Owner to enforce any Covenant or Restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 8.03 Severabilit¥. Invalidation of any one or more of these Covenants or Restrictions by judgment of court or other court order or by legislative act shall in no wise affect any other provision herein contained, all and each of which shall remain in full force and effect. 8.04 Headinqs. The headings contained in this Declaration are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this Declaration. 8.05 Amendment. No one or more of the Covenants and Restrictions hereby imposed upon the Property shall be amended except by the action of the Owners of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the total Value of the Property regardless of whether such fifty-one percent (51%) value ownership consists of Declarant alone, Declarant and other Property Owners or other Property Owners alone; provided, however, that until the Conversion Date, no amendment shall be effective without Declarant's written consent. Any and all duly effected amend- ments shall become effective at the time when executed and acknowledged by the appropriate person or entities specified hereinabove and filed for recording in the County Clerk's office at Dallas County, Texas. 8.06 Notices. Any notice or other communication required hereunder or given in connection herewith shall be deemed received upon the earlier to occur of (a) actual receipt by the intended recipient thereof, or (b) the date three (3) business days after the date such notice shall be deposited in the United States mails, postage prepaid, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: (i) If the intended recipient shall be the Owner of an unimproved Lot, to the address for the owner of such Lot contained in the appropriate county tax records or, if such Owner shall have purchased such Lot from Declarant, to the address specified as such Owner's address in the Deed or other conveyancing document from Declarant to such Owner. (ii) If the intended recipient shall be in occupancy of a Lot, to the street address for such Lot. NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 20 of 23 (iii) 10939 75220. If Declarant shall be the intended recipient, to Shady Trail, P.O. Box 201069, Dallas, Texas (iv) If the intended recipient shall have Previously.' changed its address for notice by a notice given in accordance with the terms of this Section 8.06, to such new address. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant and T. Franklin SChneider, III have executed this Declaration this ~ day of ~-~] , 1985. BELTWOOD NORTH VENTURE By= CONNELL DEVELOPMENT CO. ~. ( ~ · ( -'~..-' . . .. Mar~ Connell~ Vice President I-' Ii ,. I [. '~,~. ~.& .... '"' ~: ~ .... ~ '~ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the 'State of Texas, on this day personally appeared ~RK CONNELL, Vice President of Connell Development Co., known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said corporation, on behalf of BELTWOOD NORTH VENTURE, and that he executed the same as the act of such cor- poration, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. __GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this ~'~day of i.]V~.~I , 1985. ~ary Public/~n and for the State of TeXas My qom~ission expires: =_./-;/?~ · Notary's Printed Name STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, 'a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared T. FRANKLIN SCHNEIDER, III, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to. me NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 21 of 23 that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND 'SEAL OF OFFICE, this ~7~]~day. -- of 1985. [SEAL] My~7~sion expires: Notary's Printed Name NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 22 of 23 EXHIBIT Delrr~tlo. o~ e Itl.lO41 mere keel c~ Imrd out et the Catdflll Bowl~ ourvwy. ~rl~ os foOo~e rmt rlht~r-qy)~ lB ~ted ~ htlas Po~f e~ Liht Comfy to ~he &omtty ~bl bel~ ~lh, I dl~e or Il. J0 r~t .~ walt I didde ~ 01.14 r~t from t~ ~te~eetlofl ~ Ihe ~terUfle of Belt Line Rind fin f,wt ~ht~f-woy et thb poi.ti ned ~ ~th rlht~f-wey-~, or c~ Rind (~ t~t ~ht~*wey st fids ~btt)l ~ten~ll~ p.but ~ ~o ~mt ~ff or MM ~lm Power ~ LIIh~ Co~y trot ~nvey~ ~ ~ed ~ Iff Vdume 4~1, PN. 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Pqe ~ r~ Iff Volume ~78, PMI I~l, D~ Re~, Dab C~ty, TEXt; Sdl~l DIS~Iel by bd r~ b Vdume lHII, PMo IffS, Oe~ RKO, TIIEHC~; H l~ Sg' 3S" ~, wllb the ~tb lille of IIId C~II ~alt ~l~Jl ~JqlrJei lr~t, o dl~e~e or 3S.N f~t ~ o I/J-ln~ ~on r~ f~ rff e~ mid ~lnt · e uuthml ~er ~ geld C~U ~dmt ~1 ~&~l M~ ~l[~.~; W I~ St' 35~ ~, wllh MM Muth ~M~t-w.y~.. Of C~y ~lve, I NORTHLAKE 635 DELCARATION Page 23 of E55 23