Nlake 635(9)/PP-CS 860919 TELEPHONE REPORT
DATE: September 19, 1986
CLIENT: WSI Architects ' ! SHEET 1 of 1 SHEETS
PROJECT: 4.88 Acre Tract-Northlake 635 , ~. PROJECT ~l~~: 3072-86-9-7
Business Park ~--~
~- ~'l :-~~ ~'d James A. Koch, Jr.
hedule for review and approval of Prelim~n~y and Final Plat of the subject site.
The .... Pla~ing ~d Zoning Commis~on mee~ on the third Thu~day of each month; the City Council
meets on the second ~d fourth Tuesday of each month. The review package (application, fee,
Plat, S~te ~lan, L~dscape Plan, etc.) must be submitted 30 days prior to the meeting at which it ~s
to be ~nsidered for approval Mr. PnweH stated that. ~]~hn,,uh {~ ~ nn~ ~t~ndard ~ract~ce he
~0uld place the Prel~m~n~v ~ Final Pla~ on th~ s~m~ me~ting ~g~nda if a~ ~t~ms c~ be
~ He did, however, point out that there is a chance the Final could be tabled by the P&Z
Commission because the Preliminary has not yet received City Council approval.
JAK contacted Mr. Ray Garrison of WSI Architects to discuss the schedule. Mr. Garrison
instructed P&P to proceed with the submittal of both the Preliminary and the Final on the same
agenda. The schedule will be as follows:
October 20~ubmittal of Preliminary and Final packages to the City for review
[~No~ember ~0~- Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Preliminary and Final
December 9 - City Council meeting. Preliminary and Final.
BY: James A. Koch, jr..~,.g..-
REVIEWED BY: Michael D. McKenzie
DATE: September 22, 1986
Mr. Ed Powell - City of Coppell/
Mr. Ray Garrison - WSI Architects
Mr. Tom Cook -Vantage Companies
Ms. Ann Gunning- Powell & Powell
Tracking No. 3072A/0915