Nlake 635(9)/PP-CS 870217W. J. Powell P.E. -- 1925-1967 W. Llewellyn Powell P.E. Richard L. Powell P.E. J. Michael Millican P.E. Michael D. McKenzie POWELL&POWELL Engineers and Consultants February 17, 1987 RE: P&P No. 3072-86-9-7 Lot 2, Block D, Northlake 635 Business Park, Coppell, Texas Ms. Shohre Daneshmand City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Ms. Daneshmand: We have reviewed the comments made by Ginn, referenced project (comment letter dated Jan. following comm ents: Inc. (acting City Engineers) on the 30, 1987, enclosed) and offer the The Lot and Block number of the tract (Lot 2, Block D) are correct on the prints of the Final Plat which are being signed by the owner at this time and are to be forwarded to the City. Your office, during the review process of the Final Plat, indicated that the fire lane was not to be shown on the Plat. The fire lane has been indicated on the approved Site Plat for the site prepared by WSI Architects. 3. There are no open storage areas on this site. A screening wall is being proposed at the northeast corner of the building which would screen the dock area from Crestisde Drive. This wall is shown on the Site Plan. Mr. Steve Goram, Director of Public Works, instructed us that, other than those utilities that are located within the easement dedicated on-site for placement of the water meter, the utilities and storm drainage on this site will not be maintained by the City and will not be located in City easements. 6. Mr. Troy Glidewell, City Fire Marshall, advised WSI Architects that the fire lane turnaround shown on the Site Plan is adequate. ge Parking for the future building expansion will be provided by the construction of additional parking south of the building. The number of space~ will be required to conform to City of Coppell parking requirements. The major and street drainage systems for the Northlake 635 Business Park were designed using a 100-year storm frequency based on Technical Paper 25. At the time of the development of the business park, the City and Ginn were 3072/0 ~ North Central Expressway, Suite I 130 / Dallas, Texas 75204 / (214) 5224660 Ms. Shohre Daneshmand February 17, 1987 Page 2 developing the current Subdivision Ordinance. Since the ordinance was not complete, Ginn, Inc. instructed P&P to design the park drainage systems based on TP-25, which is used by the City of Dallas and several other municipalities in this area. Because the systems into which this site drains were designed using TP-25, P&P likewise designed the on-site storm sewer and based site runoff calculations from TP-25. 9. The Site Plan indicates 15' radii to be constructed at both drives. 10. The City Public Works Department and Fire Marshall both reviewed and approved the water and sanitary sewer plan for the site which shows 6" fire hydrant leads. All water lines on-site are to be 8" if they supply a fire hydrant and another water service. 11. 12. A type "B" headwall as shown in the City of Coppell Standard Details was indicated to be constructed at the outfall of the proposed 24" storm sewer. Because of the relatively slow design velocities in the channel (4.7 FPS) we feel no rip rap on the channel side slope or bottom is necessary at this location. The future parking south of the building has not been designed, and therefore, we do not know at this time whether pavement will be constructed in the 13' Texas Power & Light Co. easement. However, we find nothing in the Subdivision Ordinance, the Final Plat Owner's Certificate, or the document which dedicated this easement, that restricts the construction of parking within the easement as long as Texas Power & Light has access to the easement for maintenance purposes. This access will continue to be provided if parking is constructed in the area south of the building. 13. 14. The City Subdivision Ordinance, Appendix A, Section III-A-9 states that sanitary sewers shall be constructed of ductile iron or polyvinyl chloride pipe. The City Subdivision Ordinance does state that P.V.C. water mains of 8-inch diameter and smaller shall be Class 200, D.R. 14. Please inform us if your wish any action to be taken on this item. In responding to the issues raised in the Ginn letter, we respectfully wish to point out that the Final Plat, Site Plan, and Engineering Plans for this site have already been reviewed several times by City Staff; and have been approved by the City Staff, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. It therefore seems to us that, after these thorough City reviews which were conducted at a high level of professional cooperation between the various City departments and our firm, that it is rather belated to be submitting a list of design revisions to us after we had understood that the plans for the site were approved. 3072/0127 Ms. Shohre Daneshmand February 17, 1987 Page 3 If you have any questions regarding this letter, or need any further explanation on any of the items above, please contact Mr Jim Koch of this office. Very sincerely, POWELL & POWELL J. Michael Millican JMM:ck enclosure cc.' Mr Ray Garrison - WSI Mr Tom Cook - Vantage Mr. Subash Gaitonde -Vantage Mr. Ed McGuire - Bob Moore Construction Mr. Gabe Favre - Ginn, Inc. 3072/0127 GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS February 25, 1987 ~ichael Millican, P.E. Mr. J. Powell &~Powell 3988 N. C~ntral Expressway, #1130 Dallas, Te~s 75204 Re: Lot 2, Block D Northlake 635 Business Park Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. Millican: Reference your February 17, 1987, letter to Ms. Shohre Daneshmand, we offer the following comments for your information. Since we were not part of the City Staff at the time final plat, site plan, and engineering plans were submitted, we had no reason to review those plans. Recently, we were requested by the City Manager (City Council) to participate in review and approval of plans. It is not our intention to undermine the high level of professional cooperation between the City departments and your firm or to cause a list of design revisions after the plans were previously approved; but, we feel there are specific items in your letter and in reference to our letter which need to be mentioned. We first reviewed the preliminary plans on October 19, 1984, for Northlake 635 Business Park, some four months after the Subdivision Ordinance was adopted. At that time, we requested verification that storm sewer was designed using TP-40, 100-year storm frequency. From those plans, it appears that offsite drainage was designed using TP-40. The onsite drainage appears to have been designed using TP-25. We re-reviewed the final plat on November 19, 1984, and had some of the same questions as on the preliminary plat. The fire lane, if dedicated to the City, should be shown on plat, if it is mentioned in written description. It is our opinion that on the 'long" fire hydrant leads, an 8' main should be used, not 6" as shown. The ditch to the rear of the property was supposed to have a concrete pilot channel according to the Northlake 635 Business Park plans. Usually, TP&L desires to have an unencumbered easement, solely for their use. By having parking within this easement, this may not occur. Mr. J. Michael Millican, P.E. February 25, 1987 Page 2 The Subdivision Ordinance states that sanitary sewers may be constructed of ductile iron pipe, or PVC pipe. Since the majority of pipe in the City is presently PVC, the City would like to continue to use PVC. If ductile iron pipe is to be used, it shall be Class 50, cement mortar lined, (pipe and fittings), and outside coating. The plans we reviewed stated Cla~s 150, DR 14, not Class 200, DR 14. That is why we made the comment we did, just for clarification. None of the above comments should be construed as cause for rejection of the submittal, but taken only as our concerns. the staff has approved the plans, we have no objections to allowing the project to go forward. If Sincerely, Gabe Favre /ss cc: Frank Trando Wayne Ginn Shohre Daneshmand~ . GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS TO: City of Coppell Attn: Shohre Daneshmand, Civil Engineer ..... Attn: Taryon Bowman, Senior Planning FROM: ¢inn, Inc. DATE: January 30, 1987 SUBJECT: Lot 2, Block D Northlake 635 Business Park '.~ . . In the short txme frame available to us, we made a cursbr review of the above referenced subject for qeneral conformance to the City of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, and applicable standards. The following sets forth our comments. We last reviewed this project October 31, 1986, prior to preliminary plat submittal. If any of the following comments have already been addressed, please advise. Lot and block numbers in written description do not coincide with title block. --- ~ ~ ~ 2. Designate fire lanes on plat. 3. Open storage areas should be "screened" in accordance with Zoning Ordinance 32.1;5. e Dock area should be screened from view from Crestside Drive. Se Verify with Public Works whether water mains, sewer mains, or storm drainage system needs to be located within easement or not. Verify with fire marshall that fire lan~ turnaround can be used in lieu of cul-de-sac turnaround. e Will adequate parking be available when future expansion is completed? Use technical paper 40, not TP-25, in design of storm sewer. Also 100-year design frequency is required. 9. Indicate radii on driveway-' 10. Minimum 8' water lines, to dead end fire hydrants. 11. Provide concrete rip-rap or type "C" headwall at ditch and 24" storm sewer. 12uArea south of building; will area for future parking expansion overlap the TP&L easement? 13. Do not use ductile iron pipe~nitary sewer. 14 PVC water mains shall be C1 200, · ass J DR 14 Gabe Favre /ss